Features of thermal insulation plaster for interior work

Changing the traditional composition of the cement-sand mortar resulted in a warm plaster. A mineral or organic filler is added to the mixture, which increases its thermal insulation properties. Components with a porous structure are used. The presence of air in the pores reduces the coefficient of thermal conductivity. Warm plaster is used for facades and interior work.

Types of warm plaster

Expanded vermiculite - a natural rock material for facade insulation

Insulating plaster is classified according to the type of filler. Among the most popular types:

  1. Expanded vermiculite - a mineral filler is obtained by heat treatment of rocks. A feature of the composition is its excellent antiseptic characteristics. The mortar is optimally suited for facade plastering. The protective layer reliably protects the wall from the cold. Changes in temperature, wind.
  2. Polystyrene foam granules - lightweight foam balls are filled with air, therefore they become a barrier to heat loss. The mixture absorbs little water and is affordable. Insufficient strength of the layer becomes a significant disadvantage. Finishing required. Also, the disadvantages include the flammability of the filler.
  3. Sawdust - sawdust, clay or paper are added to the mixture. The plaster is intended for interior use. It is applied to brick, wood or concrete surfaces. The composition has increased heat and sound insulation characteristics. It is environmentally friendly and contributes to maintaining a favorable indoor climate. During the drying of the layer, it is necessary to provide ventilation, otherwise mold will appear.
  4. Granular foam glass - the filler creates an insulating layer that allows steam to pass through, but does not absorb moisture. The high strength of the foam glass ensures the resistance of the coating to stress. The mixture is recommended for exterior insulation of buildings and for interior work.

Before buying materials, you need to study their characteristics, scope, advantages and disadvantages.

Composition characteristics

Mixes in cement mortar are used for external and internal work

Thermal insulating plaster reduces heat loss due to its special composition. It includes a porous filler, binder and special additives. Fine-grained components make up from 45 to 70% of the volume of the mixture. Most often used:

  • expanded perlite;
  • granulated expanded clay;
  • pumice crumbs;
  • expanded polystyrene granules;
  • foam glass spheres.

The binder is cement, gypsum or lime. Gypsum-based mixtures are used for interior work, cement compositions are universal. To improve the characteristics of the solution, add to it:

  • antiseptic;
  • water repellents;
  • plasticizers;
  • air-releasing additives.

The insulation is sold in the form of a dry mixture, packaged in bags of 12-25 kg.

Advantages and disadvantages

The popularity of the material is due to its many positive qualities:

  • energy efficiency;
  • vapor permeability;
  • light weight;
  • mold and mildew resistance;
  • soundproofing;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • fire safety.
Warm plaster is used to level the walls before finishing.

The advantage of the construction mixture is its versatility. Plaster for wall insulation outside is used to level the surface and finish.


  • When creating a layer of 3 cm or more, reinforcement must be applied.
  • The thermal conductivity coefficient is higher than that of mineral wool, foam and other insulation materials.
  • The overall weight of the structure increases.

The mortar is applied in a thick layer, so a high consumption is obtained. Special plaster for wall insulation is not the most economical option.

Application area

According to the scope of application, the material can be divided into two main groups:

  • warm plaster for interior work;
  • thermal insulation composition for facade work.
Clay with sawdust is used for interior work

Most mixes are versatile. They are designed for use with internal and external thermal insulation. The exception is sawdust plaster. She is chosen exclusively for interior work. Among the manufacturers of dry mixes, they are well-deservedly trusted:

  • Umka is a universal plaster mixture that can be applied in a thick layer up to 10 cm without reinforcement. The composition is vapor-permeable, frost-resistant, hydrophobic.
  • Knauf is the name of the Grünband heat-insulating composition, it is made on the basis of expanded polystyrene. A universal mixture for wet rooms and building facades.
  • Varmmix - as part of a mixture of Russian production, the filler is foam glass. It can be applied to indoor and outdoor walls.

The thickness of the applied layer depends on the climatic region and the thermal conductivity of the walls.

Scope of the material:

  • insulation and sound insulation of internal and external walls of buildings;
  • plastering of facades with leveling and finishing;
  • thermal insulation of the junction of door blocks and window slopes;
  • works on insulation of water supply and sewerage systems;
  • insulation of ceilings, floors.

The plaster mix has excellent adhesion to any surface. With proper application, the layer does not crack, it can withstand high loads.

Making heat-insulating plaster with your own hands

Plaster based on gypsum and expanded polystyrene granules for interior use

To save money, you can prepare thermal insulation plaster for outdoor use yourself. The mixture will require:

  • 1 part cement;
  • 4 parts perlite, foam glass or expanded vermiculite;
  • plasticizer - PVA glue 50 g per 10 liters of water.

Cooking begins with mixing the dry ingredients. The glue is diluted in water, then the composition is poured into the dry mixture. The solution is mixed until smooth. If desired, for the insulation of the internal walls, the mineral filler is replaced with sawdust and paper. The purchased mixture is diluted according to the manufacturer's instructions. The required amount of water is indicated on the package.

Application technology

The solution is made as it is used, so that it does not freeze in air, it is applied with a spatula

You can plaster the house yourself. Insulation technology consists of several stages:

  1. Preparation of the base. The surface of the walls is cleaned and primed.
  2. A solution is prepared from the plaster mixture. The composition must be used within two hours, then it will thicken.
  3. To create an even layer, it is recommended to install beacons using a building level.
  4. The mixture is applied by hand (trowel, spatula) or applied by machine.
  5. The surface is leveled by the rule, guided by the lighthouses.
  6. After partial setting of the solution, the beacons are removed. The slots are sealed with the same compound.
  7. To thoroughly level the surface, apply a mixture of a liquid consistency. After drying, it is treated with a grater.

Warm plaster is left as a topcoat or faced with artificial stone, ceramic tiles. Insulation helps to make the house energy efficient and reduce heating costs.

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