Wooden houses always remain in demand, as they are environmentally friendly, natural, beautiful, they create a special atmosphere. They heat up quickly, the material itself has good insulating properties, but insulating a log house from the inside is a mandatory stage of construction. This process will save money on heating the building and keep the facade intact.
Modern materials for wall insulation from the inside
To insulate a wooden house, you need to choose the right material. It should not emit harmful components or cause allergies. For work, mineral or ecowool, penoplex, expanded polystyrene, foamed polyethylene are often used.
Ecowool consists of wood waste and antiseptic additives. Material has a dirty gray tint. There are no chemical components in it, so it does not cause allergies. The insulation is made of wood, therefore it is in good contact with the timber, is of high quality, and meets sanitary requirements. Ecowool allows the walls to breathe, but no drafts appear.
The material allows you to create an optimal indoor climate. During installation, it practically does not form dust, provides a high level of insulation. Due to the presence of antiseptics in the composition, the product prevents the appearance of mold or mildew. An additional advantage of ecowool is fire safety: it does not burn, but smolders.
Glass wool
Glass wool is used to insulate a house from a bar from the inside. In order for the material to perform its functions, an additional vapor barrier is needed. This will help prevent condensation from forming. The material contains a large amount of microscopic glass particles, so you need to work with it carefully, use protective clothing and a respirator. It is easy to lay the product, as it is made in the form of slabs or rolls.
Expanded polystyrene
To insulate a log house from the inside with your own hands, you can use polystyrene or penoplex. The material is lightweight, keeps heat well, insulates sounds, has high elasticity, good density. The lack of insulation is considered to be a fire hazard. It burns and releases toxic substances into the environment.
Required inventory
To insulate a wooden house, you need to prepare the following tools: a jigsaw for cutting material, a knife or a hacksaw, a plane for surface preparation. Measuring devices are also required: tape measure, plumb lines, building level. You will also need:
- screwdriver and drill;
- hammer or construction stapler with staples;
- chisel;
- mallet;
- nails.
Since on the walls and ceiling you will have to make a frame for laying the insulator, you need wooden blocks, drywall and putty.
Stages of work with walls
Thermal insulation of walls or other surfaces using mineral wool is carried out according to a certain technology. First, you need to prepare the base - eliminate the cracks, fix the vapor barrier layer. In order for the miniplate to stay on the surface, the creation of a crate is required.A well thought-out ventilation system will prevent condensation from forming under the insulator.
The walls should first be impregnated with an antiseptic and a compound that increases the fire resistance of wood. If there are gaps on the base, they must be smeared with a protective liquid and caulked with jute fiber. This requires a thin and wide chisel. If the gaps are large, they can be filled with tape tow, which is rolled into a roller.
Vapor barrier layer
To prevent condensation from forming between the wall being treated and the insulation, it is necessary to ensure reliable vapor barrier of the base. The film is attached to the entire surface of the wall. It is important to take into account that the polyethylene must go into the corners of adjacent walls, ceiling and floor.
Structural wall lathing
For the construction of the lathing, you should choose wooden beams with a cross section of 5 * 10 cm. These fragments must be installed in the corners.
To fasten the racks, a rail with a cross section of 5 * 5 cm is used. Self-tapping screws are needed to fix the bars.
During the installation of the battens, the verticality and horizontalness of the elements must be checked using the building level. The uprights should be fixed every 60 cm.
Insulation laying and sealing
If rock wool is used, the width of the piece should be 1-2 cm greater than the distance between the posts. To fix them on the wall, you need anchors with large caps. To seal the insulation, you can use another layer of polyethylene, which is attached to the top of the insulator.
For finishing, use wooden lining. At the same time, the interior will not change, the house will become even warmer. Another finishing option is plasterboard cladding, followed by tiling, wallpaper or paint.
Creation of a ventilation system
After installing the insulation, the humidity inside the rooms will become higher, which can negatively affect the wood material. To avoid this problem, forced ventilation equipment is required. For installation it is necessary to use a low-power fan.
The entire system can be equipped in the attic. To balance the humidity level in winter, you need to turn on the ventilation for 30 minutes every day.
Insulation of floors
Simultaneously with the walls, you need to insulate the floor. If the base is concrete, you must first inspect it, eliminate defects. Warming is carried out using the following technology:
- Laying waterproofing. A plastic wrap is used, which will not allow moisture to penetrate to the insulation.
- Installation of lag. A certain distance must be observed between the wooden elements: no more than 0.5 m. It is required to choose beams 5 cm thick, 1 m long. The distance from the last log to the wall should not be less than 30 cm.
- Laying insulation on the floor. Expanded clay or mineral wool is used. If the latter option is used, the boards should be laid tightly to each other, leaving no gaps.
Last but not least, put a PVC membrane. It forms a solid foundation for the subsequent laying of the finishing material. Underfloor heating will reduce heating costs.
Ceiling insulation
The insulated ceiling reduces heat loss by 40%. For the installation of the insulator, the arrangement of the lathing is required. An edged board is needed to form the frame. The distance between the fragments of the lathing should not exceed 1 m. Glassine and mineral wool are used for insulation. The first material is fixed between the boards by means of tile glue. After that, you can fix the mineral wool.
There should be no gaps between the slabs of material. Additionally, you can fix it with tile glue. Drywall is used to close the insulator. Sheets are screwed to the crate with self-tapping screws. It is necessary to carry out work on the insulation of the ceiling in the summer.