Distinctive characteristics of heating boilers AOGV

A properly installed heating system will provide high-quality heating of the room and save fuel consumption. Gas units are the most common as the gasification network is extensive. In most houses you can see the AOGV boiler: Gas Water Heating Unit.

AOGV design

Zhukovsky boilers AOGV are single-circuit and double-circuit - for heating and hot water supply

The device has a simple design and is single-circuit. It has low power, but its efficiency is 89%. There is no particular difference between such a model and other heating devices, but all devices are classified according to GOST. The number after the abbreviation indicates the capacity of the equipment.

AGV - boilers for a private house, which are made in the form of a welded structure, which forms a water jacket for the combustion chamber located inside. The gas burner with all controls is located at the bottom of the device. There is a gas outlet at the top, through which combustion products are removed from the furnace.

On the rear panel of the boiler there are threaded branch pipes to which the heating system is connected. To control and maintain the set temperature, a thermostat is used, equipped with a knob with graduations. It is this element that simulates the strength of the main burner flame.

How to turn it on

Structural elements of the AOGV boiler

To turn on the gas boilers AOGV, you need to carry out the following actions:

  1. Turn the control knob and set it to the ignition position.
  2. Press the handle down until it stops and hold it in this state for at least 30 seconds.
  3. Press the piezo igniter button. Do not immediately release the handle as soon as a flame appears. This should be done smoothly at least a minute after ignition.
  4. When the flame goes out, the procedure must be repeated after 60 seconds. If it is lit when the handle is released, the handle is turned counterclockwise to any position from 1 to 7.

To turn off the burner, turn the knob back to the ignition position.

When installing gas boilers AGV, heating can function in autonomous mode. Thanks to the automation, the control and operation of the apparatus is carried out without human intervention. In addition, the equipment is universal, since it can operate not only on natural, but also on liquefied gas, for which you just need to replace the burner. In the absence of electricity, instead of an electronic control system, you can use a mechanical one. Not every model has such features.

Advantages and disadvantages

For convenience, you can choose a wall or floor model

The device has the following advantages:

  • simplicity of control - the parameters are adjusted in automatic or mechanical mode;
  • the ability to adjust the temperature of the liquid in the system within certain parameters;
  • high-quality production of equipment, as well as its components by a domestic company - in the event of a breakdown there will be no problems with finding spare parts;
  • energy independence and versatility;
  • the ability to use any pipes for the installation of the heating system;
  • durability;
  • the choice of models: floor-standing, wall-mounted, one- or two-circuit (modifications of AOGV);
  • stability of the apparatus even with strong fluctuations in gas pressure in the system;
  • good level of thermal protection: when any malfunction occurs, the device will automatically shut down.

AGV boilers have a relatively low cost, therefore they are popular. However, they have disadvantages:

  • outdated design;
  • Efficiency at the level of 85-56%;
  • until the device reaches 30 degrees, there is a risk of condensation in the lower part of the structure, which can extinguish the burner.

When installing heating AOGV, you need to understand that these devices are designed for domestic heat supply systems.

Heater parameters

Characteristics of the operation of Zhukovsky boilers

When choosing heating equipment, you need to pay attention to its technical characteristics:

  • rated power: 11.6-29.0 kW;
  • fuel consumption: mainline - 1.9-3.56 cubic meters / hour, cylinder - 0.86-1.21 kg / hour;
  • heating area: 120-400 sq.m .;
  • Efficiency: 85-90%.

The body can be rectangular (for high power models) or cylindrical.

AOGV insert into heating

Since it is not difficult to include AGV in home heating, you can do it yourself, but you first need permission from utilities. The inset assumes the connection of the unit to the heating pipes, as well as to the gas main. To prevent scale particles and dirt from getting inside the boiler, coarse filters must be installed on the inlet pipes. All threaded connections are sealed with tow, O-rings.

Cut-off taps are mounted on the water pipes. The boiler can only be connected to the main gas line by the person who has permission to do this kind of work. The gas pipe is also connected with additional sealing. When connecting, use copper products or corrugated hoses.

Rubber parts are not used, because over time they crack and can let gas pass, which, accumulating in the room, will lead to disastrous consequences. A union nut is used to secure the corrugated hose.

Installation features

A sheet of metal is nailed to walls and floors to protect combustible surfaces

In order for the OGV units to work properly after installation, the following recommendations of specialists are followed:

  • if possible, it is better to install the heating element in a separate room;
  • for floor options, you will have to build an additional reinforced foundation;
  • the diameter of the chimney should not be less than 14-15 cm, and its height - 5 m;
  • the smoke exhaust pipe must be additionally insulated so that condensation does not appear inside;
  • if there is an open combustion chamber in the structure, the room is equipped with forced ventilation;
  • a sheet of metal 1 * 1 m in size is nailed on the floor in front of the boiler;
  • the minimum distance from the walls during installation is 20 cm, and all surfaces must be treated with non-combustible material.

AOGV is a floor or wall heating unit that works equally well both in a private house and in an apartment. However, the choice of equipment must be done correctly. It is better not to select high-power devices for small structures, as this will lead to unnecessary fuel consumption.

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