When choosing a heating system, it is imperative to take into account what material the building is made of and whether insulation was used in its construction. The insulated construction retains warm air better. The closest attention is paid to the fire hazard of the premises. Installations should not be located where malfunctions can easily provoke fires.
- Heating system options
- Depending on the heating medium
- Determination of the piping layout
- Single pipe
- Two-pipe
- Criterias of choice
- The most economical ways
- Heating methods
- Wood-fired oven
- Gas heating
- Electric heating
- Combined boilers
- Other heating methods
- Installation of heating devices
- Radiators
- Pipes
- System pressure
Heating system options
It is possible to classify systems according to the criteria used for their functioning of the resources. The installations can use different heat carriers and energy sources.
Depending on the heating medium
Heating in the country can be realized by means of various types of heat carriers. The most widely used:
- water vapor;
- air masses;
- liquids.
Based on the energy source, the following options for heating a country house are distinguished:
- gas;
- solid fuel (firewood, coal);
- liquid (for example, diesel);
- electric.
Speaking about liquids, it should be noted: it is not recommended to use automobile antifreeze for the heating system, since its composition is not suitable for these purposes. Antifreeze is a popular option.
If we compare the cost of fuel, it will be the lowest for gas, and the highest for diesel fuel. Traditionally, firewood is also considered an economical option, but in practice this is not always the case: in some areas, few resources are spent on mining and storage, in others you have to regularly order the delivery of fresh fuel.
Determination of the piping layout
The choice of a circuit determines the subsequent steps for calculating the parameters of its components and purchasing them. There are options with one and two pipes.
Single pipe
The system is characterized by the greatest ease of installation. By choosing it, the user saves resources, since he does not have to purchase additional pipes and other components. But it is effective only when working with small living areas (less than 100 m2). When used in a large house, some of the premises will experience a lack of heating.
This installation provides high-quality heating of large residential areas, including two-story houses. Air masses can be allowed to circulate freely or controlled by means of a special pump. The use of vertical risers is recommended. If the roof has steep slopes, it will not work to use horizontal routing in order to heat the attic. In this case, it is better to use a free circulation circuit with the installation of a lower or upper wiring. If it is decided to place the boiler in a basement, the smoke chimney must be high (10 m or more).
Criterias of choice
When choosing the method by which the country house will be heated, a number of factors have to be taken into account:
- cash costs for the required equipment: cylinders, batteries, heaters, etc.
- spending on coolant stocks;
- the cost of installation work and regular maintenance of the installation.
It is taken into account how often the owners come to the dacha. There is no need to heat it all year round if the collisions occur several times a year.
The most economical ways
The simplest option for heating a summer cottage, which does not require significant resources, is the use of a wood-burning or coal-fired stove. The main requirement in this case is the presence of a high-quality chimney. The method attracts people with the availability of fuel, the absence of the need to conduct electricity and the low cost of the coolant. In the summer, the need to use the stove rarely arises, and in other seasons it is heated as needed, depending on the frequency of visits.
For maximum efficiency with a small amount of fuel, it is advisable to stock up on firewood from hornbeam, oak or beech. A multifunctional potbelly stove is suitable for a country house. The use of a slow-burning boiler will also help save money: in such a device, firewood smolders for a long time at a low temperature, while simultaneously emitting gases.
Heating methods
To choose the type of installation, you need to have an idea of \ u200b \ u200bthe methods of heating a summer cottage, their advantages and weaknesses. This data is correlated with characteristics such as the fire hazard at home and the availability of fuels.
Wood-fired oven
You can buy a steel or cast iron construction for a summer residence. The second option retains heat better and serves for a long time. A traditional brick oven will do the job well as well. It can be used to cook food or warm up water, which is a plus for those who often come to the country during the cold season. Before purchasing the unit, it is recommended to think over the organization of the smoke exhaust.
Some cast-iron stoves provide for the possibility of using not only firewood, but also coal. From time to time, the fuel needs to be thrown up: when the combustion stops, the body soon cools down. In some designs, it is possible to increase the heat capacity by installing ribbed parts or laying out ceramic cladding. You can choose a model equipped with a hob.
The main disadvantage of furnace heating is the need to constantly monitor the state of the unit: control the flow of fuel, regularly remove decay products. Also, the design takes up a lot of space.
Gas heating
This method is suitable if there is a connection to the gas main. Advantages - high efficiency and speed - even a large room heats up in 15 minutes. Unlike a stove, it is not easy to install a gas heater with your own hands without the appropriate skills, and the work of an incorrectly assembled installation can provoke an explosion. Therefore, the best thing to do when choosing this method is to invite specialists for installation.
Electric heating
Suitable if the cottage is connected to the mains. You will need to purchase a special device - an electrical converter. For large houses, they buy several devices and place them in the rooms. As air passes through the device, it heats up and expands. The converter can be used as the main heating method or as an additional one.
Combined boilers
The advantage of this choice is the ability to use different types of fuel, and the choice is not limited to wood and coal: the unit also runs on electricity. The control is carried out by means of the remote control. This is convenient when the owners live in the country for a long time, while often leaving the house. The temperature is set, sufficient to prevent the rooms from freezing, and in the absence of residents, the unit will operate from the mains. Some models of electric boilers are equipped with a hob - such a device can be placed in the kitchen and used for culinary purposes.
Other heating methods
An economical and easy-to-use option is the use of infrared film elements that operate from the mains and transmit the radiation energy of the heated surface, from which heat is transferred to the air. The film is easy to install by yourself, placing it on decorative coverings on the floor, ceiling or walls. However, there are limitations: you cannot install elements on fabric and metal-containing coatings (for example, on foil), on PVC panels and stretch ceilings.
Installation of heating devices
It is advisable to start with the installation of the boiler and from it to lead the lines to other components. Depending on the features of the selected model and the internal structure of the house, the unit can be installed in the kitchen, in the hallway or in a specially designated room. The latter option is preferable when burning with coal - this will prevent soot and soot from penetrating into other rooms.
You can purchase suitable radiators in a specialized store or via the Internet with delivery to your destination. You can choose products from a Russian manufacturer or give preference to foreign models. Before purchasing, it is important to calculate the required power of the devices. For installation, you will need fittings and a perforator.
Return flow from the boiler is carried out, observing the desired angle of inclination. The supply wiring extends above the return pipes. The connection method is determined by the material from which the pipeline is made.
System pressure
When the installation is operating under pressure, the readings of the manometer are monitored - the parameter should not decrease by more than 0.2 kgf / cm2 in a quarter of an hour. It is also important to watch out for leaks and sudden noises during operation.
When considering options for heating a country house, readily available heat carriers are taken into account: it is possible that diesel, coal or other fuel is purchased in nearby areas. Even in remote areas, electricity is connected, which will make it possible to organize an economical heating installation.