Alternative sources of heating and home heating

The usual heating methods for summer cottages and cottages are gradually giving way to more economical alternative sources of heating at home.

Alternative energy sources

There are 2 categories of alternative home heating sources:

  • Solar energy - the energy of the sun heats the water directly in containers or through collectors;
  • Heat pumps - heat is taken from the soil. For example, if the soil temperature in winter is from -2 to +4 degrees, then the heat pump can produce temperatures above 63 degrees.

Solar energy for heating

 Alternative heating systems for a private house: types, methods, sources
Schematic diagram of solar heating

A good alternative to heating your home is using solar energy.

The main unit of the system is the vacuum collectors. Exist alternative heating systems of a private house closed and open circuits. Closed loop systems are installed in areas with severe winters. Here the heat exchangers are mounted directly in a container with heated water. In warm climates, open circuits can be used.

Solar collectors are suitable for any of these systems and are equipped with anti-icing, temperature or pressure limiting mechanisms.

Heat pumps heating

Alternative heating of a private house is carried out using the energy of the earth, converted into heat. Heat pumps are specially designed for heating villas and summer cottages. Of all the sources of alternative home heating, this is the cheapest. So, to heat 400 sq. m. area of ​​the cottage needs only 2.7 kilowatts per hour. This low use of electricity is explained by the replacement of it with thermal energy converted by a heat pump. These are very viable home heating alternatives already used by hundreds of thousands of people.

Solar panels for heating

Solar panels are used as an auxiliary element in alternative home heating systems. The energy received from them helps to maintain a constant voltage in the network, to heat the house in the event of a power outage.

Solar panels are installed on roofs, they can be mounted on any type of roof. The set of the alternative heating system at home includes:

  • Solar battery;
  • Battery;
  • A device for regulating the charge.

DIY alternative heating

You can collect an alternative heating of a private house do it yourself. This requires some technical skills. Those who have chosen a heat pump as their heating system will have to carry out a lot of earthworks. Such a system of alternative heating at home with your own hands is unlikely to be assembled. But installing solar water heaters and running pipes with coolant around the house is within the power of any masterful owner.
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