We make effective stove heating with a water circuit, comparing it with steam and air

Stove heating is the oldest way to maintain a comfortable temperature in your home. But even for this, at first glance, an ineffective method of heat supply, there are a number of modern technologies for arrangement. These include heating a private house from a stove: water, wood, steam.

Furnace heating requirements

Traditional oven design
Traditional oven design

A traditional stove is a brick structure that has a firebox, ash pan and flue system. The latter played an important role, since the heating of the house occurred due to the heat of carbon monoxide gases, which passed through a complex system of channels.

However, for houses with a large area, such a scheme is not effective. Therefore, they prefer to do water heating from the stove with their own hands. To do this, a heat exchanger is installed in the furnace to heat the coolant - water, air, or to generate steam. Such a scheme will increase the heating efficiency and significantly increase the heating area in the house.

But before you make air heating with a stove, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules for its organization. The main ones are to ensure the safety of the system:

  • It is recommended to locate the stove not with a load-bearing wall so that you can equip the chimney system;
  • The material for the manufacture of the floor and walls in the area of ​​the stove must be non-combustible;
  • Mandatory installation of a protective door in the blower and firebox;
  • Drawing up a schedule for cleaning the chimney from soot and soot. This procedure should be carried out at least once every 2 months and before each heating season.

How to build a do-it-yourself stove with water heating? First, you need to choose the optimal design that will meet the requirements of a particular house. There are many construction schemes - from the simplest designs to complex ones with sun loungers and ovens.

The height of the stove chimney should not be less than 4 m. Otherwise, due to the high temperature of carbon monoxide gases, condensate will accumulate on its surface, which will inevitably fall into the combustion chamber.

Schemes for the construction of a heating furnace

Diagram of a stove with a hob
Diagram of a stove with a hob

First of all, you need to decide on the functionality of the future oven. Will it serve only to heat the coolant or have other capabilities. Most often, a brick stove with water heating is done together with a hob, which is very important for country houses.

It is also additionally recommended to make a complex system of chimney ducts. When hot carbon monoxide gases pass through them, the walls will heat up, and the heat will be transferred into the room. However, they can occupy up to 70% of the total volume of the stove, which is not always possible for houses with a small area.

Ordering a simple oven
Ordering a simple oven

How to make heating from a stove "from scratch" on your own? First of all, you need to decide on its location. The side walls of the structure will accumulate heat and transfer air in the room. Only then will the heating of a private house from the stove be truly effective.

The heat exchanger should be located in the back of the combustion chamber. It must be made by yourself or ordered according to drawings. Alas, the heating of a private house from the stove does not have factory heat exchangers. Their configuration depends entirely on the design of the furnace, its dimensions.

Sauna stove example
Sauna stove example

After choosing a certain scheme, you can start building the furnace. The best option would be to purchase a ready-made steel model and cover it with a protective layer of refractory bricks. But if you need really large and powerful stoves for a summer residence with water heating, it is recommended to make it yourself.

The construction of a wood-burning stove for heating a house begins with the construction of the foundation. He should not be tied to the common house. To do this, you need to pour a concrete screed in the ground, and its height should be 5-7 cm above the floor level.Then you can proceed directly to the construction of the structure:

  1. According to the chosen scheme, the first rows are laid up to the ash pan.
  2. The blower door is installed and covered with bricks. Its standard size is 19.5 * 24 cm, made of cast iron.
  3. The combustion chamber is made according to the same principle.
  4. It is best to install a chimney with a round section. So steam heating from the stove will be more effective - the absence of vortex gas flows will not affect the draft.

It is best to use fireclay refractory bricks for the combustion chamber and ash pan. The lining of the furnace can be made with ordinary silicate, since it has a good heat capacity.

Without experience, it is difficult to make water heating from the stove with your own hands. It is best to use the services of professional stove-makers at least in the first stages of construction.

Stove heat supply methods

Construction of a furnace with a heating circuit
Construction of a furnace with a heating circuit

Having understood how you can make heating from the stove, you should choose the right way to heat the room. To do this, you can apply standard heat supply schemes, which will have a brick structure instead of a boiler.

The main selection criterion is the total area of ​​the house. The required maximum cooling rate of the coolant depends on it as it passes through the transport routes. Depending on this parameter, you can choose the following types of heating a private house from a stove:

  • Water... The most popular and simple, but also time consuming;
  • Steam... Most often used for houses with a large area and high-temperature ovens;
  • Air - the best option for a country house.

Each of the systems has a number of characteristic features of arrangement and operation.

Water stove heating

Optimal water heat exchanger for the oven
Optimal water heat exchanger for the oven

The most important component of self-made water heating from a stove is a heat exchanger. It is designed to transfer thermal energy from the combustion of fuel (wood, coal) to water in the system. It is best to make it yourself, since each furnace often has individual dimensions of the combustion chamber. For this, it is recommended to use heat-resistant steel with a thickness of at least 2 mm. The design of a stove for a summer residence with water heating can be different. The main condition is to ensure maximum contact of the heat exchanger with the fuel combustion zone. To do this, it can be made U-shaped so that it frames the combustion chamber.

The fabrication of the steel structure is carried out using a welding machine. Before building a water-heated stove, it is necessary to draw up a drawing of the heat exchanger in advance, fulfilling the following conditions:

  • Internal dimensions must match the dimensions of the combustion chamber;
  • The diameter of the nozzles for connecting to the direct and return lines depends on the type of brick stove with water heating. If the system is closed, it is best to use steel pipes with a diameter of up to 30 mm. For open lines, the best option is 40 mm. Thus, the loss of speed of movement of the coolant due to friction against the inner surface of the pipes is reduced;
  • The heat exchanger is installed directly during the construction of the furnace. For installation in the old structure, you will need to disassemble it until the combustion chamber is fully opened.

To improve the heating parameters, it is recommended to install a circulation pump.It will contribute to the even distribution of heat energy over radiators and batteries, and will also significantly reduce the risk of overheating of the coolant.

For factory steel furnaces with a water heat exchanger, no foundation is required.

Air stove heating

Complex chimney ducts in the oven
Complex chimney ducts in the oven

There is the simplest option for arranging air heating with a stove - to make a system of chimney ducts with a large area for heating the room. However, this method has a disadvantage - volume limitations, i.e. you cannot heat a large house in this way.

An alternative option for air stove heating is the installation of a heat exchanger, as is done in a fireplace heat supply. To do this, it is necessary to make a sealed structure, similar to a stove with water heating. In it, hot air will be heated, and due to natural circulation, it will flow into special transport channels.

Fireplace air heating
Fireplace air heating

However, in practice, it is very problematic to make such heating. At the stove, most of the top is occupied by a chimney, carbon monoxide from which in no case should contact the air in the heat exchanger. And for effective air heating with a stove, the maximum volume of the chamber is required. Also, during the design process, you can face the following difficulties:

  • The impossibility of modernizing the old stove for the installation of air heating;
  • Supply of ducts for conveying hot air. Their diameter should be at least 100 mm, which makes it difficult to install in the design of the furnace;
  • Truly efficient air heating is possible only with a fan or similar devices.

It is because of these factors that air heating with a stove is not practiced. It is not easier and faster to make steam. It is similar to a brick stove with a water heating circuit, but has a number of individual characteristics.

For efficient air heating, it is best to install a fireplace. It is more suitable for mounting a heat exchanger.

Steam stove heating

Factory steam boiler
Factory steam boiler

How to make steam heating from a stove at home? This will require special equipment, since the problem lies not only in heating water above + 100 ° C. It is necessary to organize its supply in the required quantity for a certain period of time.

As an example, we can consider the principle of operation of a factory steam heating boiler. In it, the temperature of the combustion chamber is controlled by a group of devices. Therefore, gas models are most often used. In the volumetric heat exchanger, hot steam is formed, which is supplied to the pipelines with the help of air pumps. Water supply is carried out automatically as the pressure in the heat exchanger decreases.

Is it possible to make a similar steam heating from a stove? In practice, it is practically impossible to implement it. One of the problems is the impossibility of controlling the power of the combustion chamber. You should also consider the following factors:

  • Equipment location problem. Control devices and the water supply system should be located in the immediate vicinity of the heat exchanger;
  • Steam heating from a stove cannot have mechanisms for adjusting the supply of coolant to the pipes;
  • Difficulties with the manufacture of a heat exchanger.

It is almost impossible to make a full-fledged steam heating from a stove at home. Therefore, the best option remains water, as the simplest and most effective.

You can use steam heating units as the main source of heat energy, and stove as an alternative.

If it is not possible to make heating from a brick stove, you can purchase a ready-made factory design. On the market, several manufacturers offer similar options for arranging heating.

Namepower, kWtprice, rub.
Thermofor Professor Butakov1628300
Stove-fireplace Bavaria with tiles1435000

You can also make a metal stove for a summer cottage with water heating yourself. But after installing it, it is still recommended to lay out protective brickwork around the structure. This will increase heat dissipation and protect against harsh IR radiation.

The video material shows the stages of construction of a furnace with water heating:

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