We do the correct installation of heating in the house with our own hands: the choice of circuits and an overview of components

Self-installation of heating is a responsible task that requires a methodical approach to all stages. Each of them must be accompanied by the necessary calculations and analysis of the installation technology, as well as the selection of the appropriate elements. How to properly mount heating with your own hands, so that you end up with a reliable and easy-to-maintain system for maintaining a comfortable temperature level in the house?

Overview of diagrams and components of the heating system

At the first stage, it is necessary to choose the principle of operation of the heating system. Even 20-25 years ago, there was practically no alternative - they made a gravitational open system. Therefore, the question of how to properly mount the heating was reduced to the choice of the diameter of the steel pipes and their correct slope. But the appearance on the market of the main elements of a closed system has significantly expanded the choice of a circuit.

Gravity heating system

Gravity heating circuit
Gravity heating circuit

The main source of heating water for it is a solid fuel boiler (operation on a diesel engine or waste oil is possible). Installation of gas models is not possible, since their normal operation implies increased pressure in the pipes. Self-assembly of a heating system with a gas boiler is possible. But in this case, a solid fuel body is used, in which a special gas burner is mounted.

Before properly installing heating in a private house, you need to select its main components. In addition to the boiler, the following elements are mandatory:

  • Pipes... For this type of heating, you can use plastic models (polypropylene, metal-plastic) or steel. It is best to choose a large diameter - from 40 mm. In this way, the total hydraulic resistance can be reduced;
  • Expansion tank... It is necessary to stabilize the system in case of overheating of the coolant;
  • Shut-off valves... Its installation is mandatory, since during repair or maintenance work, it will be necessary to shut off the coolant flow in a certain section of the system;
  • Make-up unit... Required to add coolant. In order to optimize it, it is often included in the design of the expansion tank.
Radiator complete set for one-pipe heating system
Radiator complete set for one-pipe heating system

The gravitational system in most cases is made one-pipe (Leningrad). In order to properly mount the heating radiator, it is necessary to install a bypass on each of them. This also needs to be taken into account when purchasing components and drawing up a general installation scheme.

In addition to these components, installation of pressure gauges is required. If this device is not provided in the boiler design, it should be installed on the outlet pipe.

To mount a heating radiator, it is necessary to provide for the presence of a Mayevsky crane in it. It is necessary to eliminate air congestion in the system.

Forced circulation heating system diagram

Closed heating circuit with a solid fuel boiler
Closed heating circuit with a solid fuel boiler

It is much more difficult to install a forced circulation heating system. The difference lies in the creation of increased pressure in the line. This contributes to an increase in the length of pipelines and an optimal temperature regime for the operation of the entire system.

The complete set of this scheme is best considered using the example of a solid fuel boiler piping. Since in most gas models, the overwhelming majority of the components are part of the structure (circulation pump, expansion tank, etc.). Therefore, in order to mount the heating system yourself, in addition to the boiler, the system must necessarily contain:

  • Circulation pump... It will create the required level of coolant pressure;
  • Closed expansion tank... Serves as a compensator when the pressure in the system rises above the critical one;
  • Security group... Partially duplicates the functions of the expansion tank. If the pressure readings are too high, the air vent and drain valve will reduce it, removing excess air and coolant from the system;
  • Shut-off valves;
  • Make-up unit.

How to mount a closed-type heating system yourself, and most importantly - which pipe layout to choose? Experts recommend installing a two-pipe one, since in this case the radiators will be connected in parallel, which will ensure an even distribution of temperature throughout the system.

It is much easier to install a forced-type heating system than with natural circulation. In addition, the first is the only option for houses with a medium to large area.

Heating system installation

Heating scheme for a two-story house
Heating scheme for a two-story house

Regardless of the chosen scheme, before installing heating in a two-story house, you need to draw up a preliminary plan for the installation of pipes and system components. To do this, you will need a building plan, which will indicate all the components.

According to the plan drawn up, you need to purchase all the components and elements. How to mount a polypropylene heating system and correctly calculate the flow rate of pipes? It is best to do this for each room separately. Based on the data obtained, the optimal pipe footage is selected - 3 or 6 rm. Then you can proceed directly to the installation.

Installation of gravity heating

Calculation of the head of the coolant
Calculation of the head of the coolant

For the correct routing of the line, the boiler is first installed. If its mass with a full load of fuel exceeds 450-500 kg, a separate foundation should be first equipped. It is possible to correctly mount gravity-type heating, observing the optimal height between the boiler and radiators.

In addition, the length of the boost manifold must be taken into account. It depends on the height of the building, since the expansion tank is usually located in the attic.

Having installed the boiler, you can proceed to the following installation steps:

  • Piping... First, a vertical booster pipe from the boiler is installed and then horizontal lines are connected to it. The angle of inclination of the supply and return pipes should be 5 mm per 1 lm;
  • Installing radiators... For the correct installation of heating in a private house, first make connection pipes for each battery. Their location depends on the method of connection to the radiator (top, bottom, side). The distance (height) of the battery is taken into account;
  • Connecting all nodes into a single network;
  • Filling the system.

It is impossible to finally install any heating system without first checking it. To do this, it is filled with water, while the boiler does not start. The reliability of all joints is checked, the absence of leaks. Then the boiler is switched on at the minimum thermal mode of operation. The increase in power occurs gradually with a one-sided check for the absence of air locks, i.e. uniform heating of pipes and radiators. Is it difficult to install this type of heating system yourself? If you choose the right accessories and tools, it is doable. The choice of pipe-laying tool depends on the pipe material. For steel products, you will need a welding machine, for plastic products, a special soldering iron.

It is impossible to install a heating system with pipes of different diameters in the line. This will lead to an increase in hydraulic resistance and, as a consequence, a deterioration in circulation.

Installation of forced circulation heating

Scheme for connecting heating to a double-circuit gas boiler
Scheme for connecting heating to a double-circuit gas boiler

If you need to mount heating in a two-story house with forced circulation, the procedure will be different. The gas heating boiler is installed last. This is due to the absence of a booster manifold and the optional observance of the angle of inclination of the pipelines. On the contrary, the lines should be located strictly horizontally.

For such a scheme, polypropylene heating is most often installed. This is due to the simple installation of plastic pipes, their affordable cost. First, following the drawn up scheme, the installation of individual sections of the highway is done. Then they are connected into a single network. In this case, the following points must be provided:

  • Heating radiators are mounted with bottom or side connection;
  • The volume of the expansion tank and the power of the circulation pump are selected according to the parameters of the system;
  • The installation of the protection group is carried out immediately after the boiler. It is important that there are no shut-off valves between them.

After connecting the boiler to a properly installed heating system, a pressure test is carried out. During this process, the pressure should exceed the standard by 1.25 times.

The performance check is carried out in the same way as for the gravitational system. The only difference is that when filling with a coolant, its level is determined by the pressure value, which is monitored on the installed pressure gauges.

For the correct installation of heating in a private house, it is recommended that all work be performed in the summer. This will affect the level of comfort during the execution of work and there will always be enough time to alter one or another section of the system, in the event of a malfunction or incorrect calculations.

An alternative to the systems described above can be heating for a house without pipes, an example of which can be found in the video. However, it is necessary to take into account the increase in current costs of the energy carrier - electricity.

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