We equip wooden houses: windows, insulation, heating, wiring

It is not enough to build walls, equip a rafter system and cover a roof - in any building you need to make a lot of additional efforts: installing windows in a wooden house, laying utilities, insulation, finishing and many secondary tasks to be solved.

We install windows in a wooden house

First of all, you should decide what the windows will be in a wooden house:

  • Wooden.
  • Plastic.

Plastic PVC windows are relatively young, but managed to prove themselves from the best side. They perfectly retain heat indoors and have an affordable acceptable cost. But wooden windows can breathe in addition.

In order not to have problems during the operation of the windows, it is necessary to carry out the installation work correctly. Wooden houses made of timber differ from brick houses in that their openings cannot be laid in case of an error and cannot be plastered, hiding the inaccuracies made.

When installing plastic windows in a wooden house, you need to follow the instructions:

  • At the ends of the openings, a thorn (special comb) with a size of 3x3 cm is cut out.
  • With the help of jute (rolled tow), it is insulated.
  • A casing bar measuring 10x15 cm is mounted on an insulated ridge, in the middle of it a groove of 5x5 cm is sawn.

The ridge is made only in the vertical plane, and the casing is made from three sides. This will allow the window to slide vertically and will prevent horizontal movement. A gap of 6-7 cm must be provided between the wall and the upper casing, which will have to be foamed.

Next, a window is installed, and all gaps are filled with polyurethane foam. To keep beautiful wooden houses, the excess is cut off and glued after hardening.

In addition, the timber may shrink. For 4-5 years, it will be 0.5-1 cm on a 3-meter wall. It is worth remembering this and do not install windows close to the frame from all sides.

Installation of windows in a wooden house is not difficult. If you have little experience of such work, you can not worry about the success achieved on your own. But it is preferable to entrust the work to a professional.

We insulate a wooden house

It is recommended to insulate a wooden house from the outside and from the inside. After examining everything carefully, the work is carried out in the following order:

  1. Ceiling insulation.
  2. Wall insulation.
  3. Floor insulation.

The ceiling absorbs warm air the most, so you should start with it. Previously, to protect against heat leaks through the attic, sawdust was poured upstairs, later they were replaced with expanded clay. Today the construction market offers a huge variety of materials, the choice of which depends on the financial capabilities of the buyer. One of the main conditions is that the minimum thickness of the insulating layer is 15 cm.

We must not forget about the vapor barrier, which will protect the insulation from moisture absorption. The simplest options are plastic wrap or roofing felt, but it's not worth saving.

Modern wooden houses have excellent thermal insulation properties of walls, however, they must be reliably insulated. First, you need to dig in using tow or moss, jute. They are easily pushed into the cracks, and their properties are not lost over the years.

The greatest heat loss occurs in the corners. Having laid a layer of tow, they need to be upholstered with boards. Caulking should start from the bottom. Having finished processing surfaces from the street, they start from the inside.

In order not to spoil the microclimate possessed by various, including Finnish wooden houses, it is recommended to use environmentally friendly materials that will not interfere with the breathing of the walls.

Warming is often done from the inside so as not to disturb the external grace. Wooden slats are stuffed along the perimeter (the interval is equal to the width of the insulation) and heat-insulating material is laid in the resulting grooves.

After the surface is upholstered with plasterboard. Don't forget about waterproofing.

It is also recommended to make a warm floor in a wooden house. For its arrangement you will need:

  • Thermal sensors and thermostat.
  • Thermal insulating substrate.
  • Scotch.
  • Warm floor film.

We spread a reflective underlay on the floor, which is sold separately. The strips are fastened together with tape. Having delivered the film for the warm floor, you must familiarize yourself with the attached instructions - everything is described in detail in it.

Having sent out the warm floor and connected with a thermal sensor, linoleum is applied on top, and then a laminate. Everything is ready, you can test.


Heating in a wooden house can be done by anyone. It is recommended to install boiler equipment (gas or electric) in a separate utility room. If high-quality insulation has been organized, it is enough to place one small radiator in each room.

It is recommended to organize the piping in such a way that all the batteries are connected by one pipe through which the coolant will circulate. A thermostat can be installed on the wall in the central room, which will control a constant temperature and control the boiler.

You can order the design of a heating system, the cost of which will be about 50-60 rubles per square meter.


As a rule, electrical wiring in a wooden house is done overhead. It involves routing wires over the ceiling and walls. It is customary to lay the cable in a protective PVC box.

The connection of wires is carried out in boxes, switches and sockets, access to which must be open. If the cable is passed through a ceiling or wall, it is placed in a metal tube or corrugation.

The walls are covered with special refractory mortars for additional fire protection. Install a distribution box out of the reach of children. If the house is large and consists of several zones, they should be divided.

In custody

Of course, you can independently build a wooden house, carry out all communications in it and make interior decoration. But this will take a lot of time and nerve cells.

If you order turnkey wooden houses, the prices are more than affordable: from 280 thousand rubles for a building measuring 5x5 meters. This will allow you to avoid many problems and get a building erected according to an individual project and completely ready for living.

For those who are satisfied with any options, we offer the sale of wooden houses ready to move in.

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