An overview of the latest technologies for heating a private house and its installation: types, advantages and features of the organization

Heating must be not only efficient but also economical. The growth of this indicator should be facilitated by the latest technologies for heating a private house and its installation. Their main characteristic is the efficiency indicator. But don't forget about minimizing operating costs.

Principles of New Heating Techniques

Combined heating system of a private house
Combined heating system of a private house

Any innovative technologies in heating should improve the system, its performance and comfort of use. There are several areas of development that determine future trends in the organization of autonomous home heating.

The most popular is the modernization of the current classic circuits, and in particular the individual components. First of all, this applies to heating boilers. Improving the efficiency of work (efficiency), maximum autonomy and economy - these are the main indicators when choosing a modern boiler.

But besides this, new technologies for heating a country house include the following areas:

  • Use of alternative heat sources - geothermal heating, solar collectors, etc .;
  • Improvement of traditional heating schemes. This is especially true for systems that use electricity as the main source of thermal energy;
  • New materials for the manufacture of radiators and pipelines, modernization of the design of heating devices.

Not always the proposed new technologies for heating a private house are truly effective. But there are already proven methods for improving the characteristics of the system for maintaining the optimum temperature during the operation of autonomous heating.

Solar collectors or geothermal heating can only be installed as auxiliary systems. Given the harsh winters, they are unable to raise the indoor temperature to the required level.

Infrared home heating

Film heating of a private house
Film heating of a private house

What is the most efficient way to convert electrical energy into heat? The ideal option is to generate infrared rays in the wavelength range of 10-15 microns. For this, special resistive elements made of carbon are used. Modern Finnish heating technology uses this type of heater.

They are a polymer foamed base with a foil layer applied. On its surface resistive elements are located, which, when connected to an electric current, emit IR waves. These modern heating technologies are not possible without an electronic control unit - they are designed to adjust the power depending on the temperature parameters in the room and the user's settings.

PLEN design
PLEN design

According to the Finnish heating technology scheme, installation is carried out on the ceiling in the room. Thus, the maximum heating of the entire volume of the room is achieved. Side mounting is less efficient. But unlike the technology of installing heating from polypropylene pipes, installing PLEN requires mandatory insulation of the ceiling and walls. In addition, you need to take into account the following features of IR heating:

  • The maximum heating level of the film is about 40-50 ° C;
  • Heat losses in the building should not exceed the standard. Otherwise, the heating of the air will not be higher than 16-17 ° С;
  • The technology for installing heating radiators provides for a relatively small area of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe batteries.For the PLEN to work effectively, the ceiling coverage area must reach 60-70% of the total;
  • Unlike the technology of installing water heating for IK, it is not necessary to install boilers, pipelines and other elements of the system.

But why didn't PlEn receive such widespread development? Despite the fact that it belongs to innovative technologies in heating, the degree of air heating in a residential building in many cases remains unsatisfactory. This is due to high heat losses.

Plain dimensions, mmPower, WCost, rub.

In addition, it is necessary to take into account the inertia of this system, which in many cases is unacceptable for new heating technologies for a country house. The return to normal regimen can last from 2 to 4 weeks.

The actual thermal power of the film heater differs from the nominal by 10-15%. This must be taken into account when calculating the coverage area.

Component systems and their installation

Any new technology for installing water heating always involves the use of innovative materials for the manufacture of its components. Thanks to the development of the polymer industry, more economical models of pipes have appeared - polypropylene, cross-linked polyethylene and metal-plastic. They are easy to install and feature a long service life.

Installation of polypropylene heating pipes

Heating using polypropylene pipes
Heating using polypropylene pipes

Before the advent of modern technologies in heating, the installation of highways took the "lion's" share of funds and efforts. Steel pipelines were connected by a welded method, and in case of impossibility of using a welding machine, on threaded couplings. This did not always lead to the desired result.

The principle of the technology for installing heating from polypropylene pipes is to create joints using diffusion welding. The surface of the elements heats up to a fluid state, as a result of which their adhesion occurs. This technique has a number of positive aspects:

  • The ability to independently lay pipelines. To do this, you need to purchase a special soldering machine. The cost of the most affordable model is 400-700 rubles;
  • Connection reliability. To do this, you just need to observe the heating time of the pipes;
  • Simplified technology for installing heating radiators.

However, polypropylene pipes have one important drawback - the maximum possible water temperature should not exceed + 90 ° C. Otherwise, their deformation and detachment of the reinforcing shell will occur.

To increase the thermal efficiency in new technologies for installing heating batteries, the installation of a reflective surface is provided. Foil-clad penofol is most often used.

Warm floor for heating

Layout of pipes for underfloor heating in the house
Layout of pipes for underfloor heating in the house

Often, when choosing a water heating installation technology, they adhere to the classic scheme - installation of pipelines for transporting coolant and radiators designed to transfer thermal energy to the room. However, such an organization does not always justify itself. Therefore, in some cases, they prefer to make a water-heated floor over the entire area of ​​the house.

What is the innovation of this technology in the quality of heating? The main indicator is work efficiency. The task for the owner of a country cottage is to choose the right materials and structural components:

  • Pipes... The best option is cross-linked polyethylene with an air-tight sheath. These pipes have sufficient flexibility, are mounted using fittings and have a high heat transfer;
  • Control system... Without this, new technologies in heating a country cottage are impossible. For a water-heated floor, it is a manifold with an automatic mixing unit. You will also need a programmer connected to external temperature sensors;
  • Flooring... It plays an important role, since it is the heat losses for the passage of energy through the cement screed or laminate that will determine the final efficiency of the entire system.

How much will such new heating technologies cost in a private house? It all depends on the selected components and the layout of the highways. Considering that most of the heat losses in private buildings are due to insufficient insulation of the foundation - a water-heated floor is currently considered one of the best options for maintaining a comfortable temperature level. An important advantage is the ability to choose a heating installation technology - from polypropylene pipes, from cross-linked polyethylene or metal-plastic. The only difference will be in the cost of the components and the laboriousness of the installation.

NameFeatures of theCost, rub.
Cross-linked polyethylene pipe, m.p.16 * 2mm34,4
Metal-plastic pipe16 * 2mm52
Valtec manifold8 circuits8660
Distribution board615*580*1101360
Thermostatic valve1335
Temperature regulator1530

Unlike Finnish heating technology, a water-heated floor can heat the air in a room up to 25-28 ° C. But at the same time, the costs for the purchase of equipment and its examination of the warm floor are much higher. The choice of a particular system is determined by the required heating characteristics.

When choosing a technology for installing a warm floor, you need to find out about the possibility of installing furniture in places where pipes pass. In some cases, this is prohibited by the rules of operation.

What should you pay attention to when choosing the latest heating technologies for a private house and its installation? The main indicator is the component manufacturer. If serious global companies are not engaged in this, this technology has many negative sides. And no matter how much sellers claim about exceptional reliability and incredible economy, it is worth giving preference to proven schemes.

The video describes the advantages of PLEN as the main heating system for a house:
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