Overview of heating projects for a private house: stove and gas

Recently, the organization of stove heating of a country house has become increasingly important. This is facilitated by several factors - the rise in the cost of gas and electricity, the relative cheapness of such projects and their versatility. Before choosing projects for a heating system for a private house (one-story, two-story), all the features of stove heating should be analyzed.

Advantages and disadvantages of stove heating at home

The stove as the main source of heat in the house
The stove as the main source of heat in the house

The owner of the house does not always have the opportunity to lay the gas main. This may be due to its remoteness or high financial costs. In this case, you can consider a project for a heating system for a two-story house using a stove.

A feature of this type of heat supply is the ability to use almost any type of solid fuel. Modern house designs with individual heating from a stove are designed for firewood, coal, peat, etc. However, not only this fact is fundamental when choosing this type of heat supply. The owner must take into account such nuances that the project of a rural house with stove heating will entail:

  • Heat distribution throughout the building. If it does not provide for water heating, the air will be heated only from the stove;
  • Low efficiency factor - up to 80%. Some of the heat energy will be spent on heating the furnace surface. This applies to both brick and steel (cast iron) structures;
  • Ensuring the safety of the heat supply operation lies only with the owner of the cottage. A typical project for gas heating of a two-story house is preliminarily agreed with state services. This does not need to be done for stove heating. Therefore, only the owner of the building is responsible for safety and quality;
  • You should think in advance about the location of the stove in the house. The heat from it should be evenly distributed throughout all rooms.

The last point is very important, since projects of houses with stove heating must take into account not only the characteristics of the building (thermal insulation, relative humidity, etc.), but also the distribution of circulating air flows. Most often, the stove is located in the center of the house, but this is not the only possible heating option.

Professional projects for stove heating are developed even at the stage of its construction. This is due to the need to make a separate foundation for the furnace.

Stove heating at home: projects and schemes

One-story house project with stove heating
One-story house project with stove heating

Planning heat supply in a private house should begin with drawing up a work plan. It includes a project for heating a two-story house, a list of necessary materials and an installation schedule. The most critical stage is the choice of a heat supply scheme.

Operational safety is the first thing to pay attention to when drawing up a diagram. All projects of houses from a bar with stove heating provide for the use of special non-combustible finishing materials and providing a place for storing fuel. When choosing, you should pay attention to the following factors:

  • Availability of hot water heating network... To connect to it, a heat exchanger located in the firebox must be provided in the project of a rural house with stove heating;
  • Furnace location... In the absence of hot water heating, it should be located in the center of the house. To increase heat transfer, the adjacent wall consists of a network of chimney ducts. Thus, the air heating area increases;
  • A professional heating project for a two-story house includes even distribution of heat throughout all rooms... To do this, you can equip a large rough in the wall, or install water heating;
  • Chimney requirements... It is possible not to make a pipe of a traditional square cross-section, since in such projects of houses with stove heating, the efficiency indicator decreases due to insufficient traction. The best option is to install a sandwich chimney.
Options for placing the stove in the house
Options for placing the stove in the house

To implement projects of houses with individual heating of a small area, you can only install a stove. But at the same time it is necessary to calculate the heat flows in the house.

Heat exchanger in the oven
Heat exchanger in the oven

In this case, it will be problematic to make a high-quality heating project for a two-story house. Therefore, one of the most common options is the installation of water or air heating. Additionally, a heat exchanger is installed in the combustion chamber, with the help of which heat from burning wood (coal) is transferred to air in pipelines or water. This not only optimizes the heat distribution in the premises, but also increases the efficiency of the system.

Any project for heating a private house with a double-circuit boiler or stove heating must be pre-calculated. The optimal thermal power of the system and the technological parameters of its components are determined. To do this, it is best to use special programs.

In the design of the heating system of a two-story house, special attention is paid to the chimney. Its minimum height must be at least 3.5 m, and its diameter directly depends on the characteristics of the boiler or furnace.

Installation of stove heating in the house

As the main source of heat, you can use ready-made furnaces or build a brick structure yourself. At the same time, for the project of houses from a bar with stove heating, both the first and the second option can be used. The most time consuming option is to build a furnace with your own hands. But at the same time, already at the stage of a furnace heating project, it is necessary to adapt the design for a specific house. The optimal layout scheme, its location in the room and the material of manufacture are selected.

Hob oven
Hob oven

The main features of heat supply with a brick stove are:

  • Possibility to install a heat exchanger for organizing hot water heating;
  • Installation of a system of air ducts through which the combustion products will pass before leaving through the chimney;
  • Installation of a hob, oven, storage tank for hot water supply. These components will make it possible to efficiently use all the heat energy from the oven.

However, unlike gas heating projects for a private house, it is necessary to think in advance about the place of fuel storage. It should not be in the same room as the oven.

The width of the firebox should not exceed 40 cm, and its length is usually 70 cm. The recommended height is from 50 to 70 mm.

Preparatory work for the organization of heating

Furnace foundation
Furnace foundation

For the practical implementation of the project of a heat supply system for a two-story house, a number of preliminary measures should be taken. If you plan to make an independent stove, a separate foundation is set up for it.

This is due to the large mass of the structure. Concrete, and even more so a plank floor, will not withstand the weight of the furnace and it will skew and settle. Even a small project of a rural house with stove heating must take this fact into account. It is best to carry out the arrangement of the foundation even at the stage of building the building.

The base layout for a stove is similar in many ways to a standard slab foundation.But experts note a number of features that should be taken into account when drawing up a project for houses from a bar with stove heat supply:

  • The upper plane of the finished foundation should be 70 cm below the floor;
  • The dimensions of the base are 30-40 cm larger than the dimensions of the oven;
  • The foundation of the stove should not be associated with the common house.

After this stage, you can start building the furnace. Previously, a detailed order is indicated in the project of a house with stove heat supply.

If the groundwater level is high, a drainage system can be installed. She contacts the general household.

Heating stove masonry in the house

Ordering the oven with a hob
Ordering the oven with a hob

After the final drying of the foundation, a heat-reflecting material is installed on its surface - aluminum foil. Additionally, you can mount a layer of insulation. The only limitation when choosing a material is that it should not be flammable.

In a typical heat supply project for a two-story house, special attention is paid to the materials used for the construction of the furnace. In places of the greatest thermal effect, only refractory fireclay bricks are used. All other structural components can be laid out from ordinary bricks.

If there is no experience in the implementation of a project for stove heat supply, it is best to entrust the construction of a structure to professionals. But if you want, you can do it yourself. It is recommended to make several trial laying beforehand. For construction, you will need a minimum set of a bricklayer - a trowel, a trowel, a level, a plumb line. Additional materials should be included in the project of houses with individual heating:

  • Scaffolding. May be needed at the final stage of construction, when the height of the structure is more than 2 meters;
  • Nichrome wire is used to install the door and grate.

On completion of work, check the draft level. To do this, you can take A4 paper and attach it to the hood. It should "stick" to the hole.

After the first firebox, the stove should dry out within 4-8 days. Only then can you re-check the work.

Home Gas Heating Projects

House gas heating project
House gas heating project

Compared to stove heating, gas heating has a number of indisputable advantages. First of all - high efficiency, autonomy and lower operating costs. Therefore, most often the choice is made on a gas heating project for a private house.

Currently, there are several options for organizing this type of heat supply. The most optimal is the connection to the gas main. To do this, it is necessary to issue permits, draw up a gasification project and select a responsible contractor. This process can take 4 to 8 months.

An alternative project for heating a private house with a double-circuit gas-type boiler is the use of cylinders for storing fuel. In this case, the owner must himself ensure the safe operation of the system. To organize heat supply for several houses, you can install a gas holder - a special container for storing gas.

For the practical implementation of a gas heating project for a private house, the following steps must be completed:

  • Choosing a gas source - cylinder or main;
  • Determination of the optimal power of the boiler and its design - single-circuit or double-circuit;
  • Drawing up a heating scheme and calculating its parameters - temperature regime, hydraulic resistance;
  • Installation and commissioning.

In gas heating projects for a two-story cottage, the installation site of the boiler does not really matter. It is important that this is a non-residential premises. Most often, the choice is in the kitchen. It is only important to ensure the proper rate of air exchange in the room (for models with an open combustion chamber) and the installation of safety groups, if there are none in the boiler.

In the video, you can familiarize yourself with the features of repairing a brick oven:

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