Where should you start creating heat supply schemes for a private house? The basis for this is the design of heating systems. It includes an analysis of the characteristics of the building, the climatic characteristics of the region, as well as the calculation of the optimal temperature regime for operation. In practice, it is impossible to make a detailed calculation without experience - for this it is necessary to involve specialists or independently understand all the intricacies of the process.
Basic rules for the design of heat supply
The simplest calculation of the heating system includes the selection of the optimal pipe diameter, as well as the calculation of the rated power of the equipment. To do this, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic rules. The design of water heating may differ significantly from a similar PLEN or underfloor heating.
First of all, an analysis should be made of all external and internal factors that will subsequently affect the operation of heat supply. Correct design of gas heating should also include ensuring safety measures for the operation of the system. To solve this complex task, it is necessary to complete the following steps:
- Creation of a private house system... It will subsequently indicate the location of pipelines, heating devices and a boiler.
- Calculation of the required characteristics of heat supply... The design of gas heating of a private house also provides for the creation of forced ventilation systems to ensure the safety of work.
- Determination of heat loss at home, calculation of seasonal load on heat supply.
Based on the data obtained, the design and installation of heating systems is carried out. In particular, pipes of the required diameter are selected, the heat output of radiators and batteries is calculated, the optimal boiler power is determined.
Correct design and calculation of heating systems is carried out using special programs. The accuracy of future heat supply parameters depends on their functionality.
Methods for organizing autonomous heating
First of all, you need to consider how to heat a private house. The choice of one of them directly depends on the specific conditions - the type of energy carrier, the total area of the building, the degree of its thermal insulation, etc. Only after analysis can you design heating in a country house.
One of the most important parameters when choosing a heat supply scheme is the type of energy carrier. Depending on this, the following options for designing cottage heating are possible:
- Water... This system consists of a heating boiler, piping and radiators. Boilers, in turn, may differ in the type of energy carrier used - gas, diesel or solid fuel;
- Air... This is the most difficult design of a private house system, since it must take into account not only the degree of heating inside the premises, but also the level of air temperature outside. Electric heaters are most often used for cottages;
- Alternative... This includes geothermal heating, as well as the installation of solar collectors.
The Otvec graphical heating design system is designed to calculate the basic parameters of all of the above. In addition to it, you can use other software packages. However, you need to carefully review their functionality.
The design of electric heating can be combined with the development of other systems - solid fuel or gas. Modern technologies allow their full adaptation to the general heat supply scheme.
Water heat supply design
For the correct implementation of the water heat supply scheme, it is first necessary to draw up a technical assignment for the design of heating. It includes the results of an initial analysis of the performance of the building, the main external factors, as well as the optimal operation of the system.
Drawing up a technical assignment is a prerequisite for the design of hot water heating. You can do this yourself, or by resorting to the services of specialists. The latter option is optimal if the heating system of the house is complex. It includes the following components:
- Several heating circuits. This scheme is typical for the design and installation of collector-type heating systems;
- Cost optimization with the help of additional elements - heat accumulator, control and regulation device. These include thermostats and programmers;
- Reduction of heat losses of the system through the use of innovative materials and technologies. For this, polymer pipes, bimetallic radiators, etc. are installed.
Also, an important condition in the design of liquefied gas heating is the organization of fuel storage. To do this, you can use cylinders or a gas holder. The latter option is preferable if the area of the house is high enough.
What parameters should be considered when designing gas heating for a private house? First, the pipe layout is determined. It can be with top and bottom piping, vertical or horizontal, as well as one-pipe or two-pipe. During the design and calculation of heating systems, the issue of optimization of the parameters is solved:
- Increased heat transfer of heating elements due to new materials of manufacture;
- Installation of boilers operating in low temperature mode. This will reduce energy costs;
- Application of new heating control systems.
Also, the design of heating a cottage should include the calculation of the diameter of the pipes, the hydraulic load and the thermal mode of operation.
During the design of heating in a country house, it is necessary to make a small power reserve. It can be useful when installing additional radiators and batteries.
Creation of air heating systems
The main problem of designing gas heat supply for a private house is the uneven distribution of heat energy throughout the volume of each room. This is especially true for large buildings. In this case, you can consider the option of designing heating systems for a private air-type house. Its advantage lies in low inertia - air heating in rooms is much faster than with water heating. However, one should take into account the complexity of the design and installation of heating systems of this type:
- Air ducts are laid before the end of the repair. Highways should be hidden behind walls, as they are large enough;
- Arrangement of channels for air intake from the street. This applies to the design of gas-type heating, but only if it is planned to install an atmospheric open burner;
- Combination with air conditioning system. For this, the same pipelines can be used.However, it is necessary to correctly draw up a scheme for overlapping channels so that there is no likelihood of simultaneous operation of heating and air conditioning;
- In the Otvec graphical heating design system, it is possible to make the optimal arrangement of pipes and heater. Thanks to this, it is possible to optimize the place for the installation of an air heating system.
For best performance, it is recommended to use forced warm air. Those. when drawing up a heating project and calculations in the system, it is envisaged to install fans or similar devices to increase the speed of air circulation.
Solid fuel boilers, similar gas models and even fireplaces can be used as a source of air heating. This approach will improve the efficiency of heat supply.
Film heating projects
All of the above systems are cumbersome and laborious to install. You also need to take into account that the design of water-type heating is accompanied by complex calculations. In contrast, the PLEN is less demanding on the quality of the scheme.
However, there are special installation conditions that must be specified when drawing up a technical assignment for the design of heating PLEN. They are due to the specific design of the heating elements.
The operation of film heat supply is based on the effect of generating IR waves, which, when they hit an object, begin to heat its surface. In this regard, for the design of heating in a country cottage, it is necessary to take into account the following conditions:
- Good thermal insulation of the room... This is especially true for surfaces where the film will be installed;
- Maximum IR Coverage... The best option is ceiling mounting;
- Correct power calculation based on W / m²... During the design of electric heating, it is taken into account that the rated power of the system should not exceed the maximum possible load on the local power grid.
In addition to these factors, the increased fire safety of IR film heat supply is taken into account. The maximum surface heating is + 45 ° C, which can harm neither people, nor decorative coating or furniture.
In the heating project of the PLEN of a private house, the coverage area of the film must be at least 75% of the total entire surface. Otherwise, it is impossible to achieve the optimal temperature regime of the system.
District heating design
It is much more difficult to design a heating system for an apartment building. Difficulties are associated with the adaptation of the system to the central highway, as well as the uniform distribution of the coolant among all consumers.
Until recently, the organization of heat supply for multi-storey buildings was carried out in only one way - by connecting to the central heating main. This entailed the impossibility of changing the temperature regime of the system by the residents of the apartments, as well as a direct dependence on the quality of the services of the management company.
Special engineering bureaus are engaged in the design of heating systems for an apartment building. This takes into account the following factors:
- Number of storeys of the house, its area... Parameters for residential and non-residential premises are calculated separately;
- The degree of thermal insulation of walls and window structures... In this case, the design temperature of the outside air for the design of heating must be compensated for by the air heated inside, taking into account the heat losses of the building;
- Thermal operating mode... To reduce losses during the passage of hot water through external highways, its temperature can range from + 90 ° С to + 110 ° С. To reduce this indicator, an elevator unit is equipped in each house, which is also taken into account when drawing up a technical task for the design of heat supply.
Considering all these features, most residents of apartment buildings refuse central heating services at the earliest opportunity. As an alternative to it, autonomous heating systems for an apartment building are being designed, which are almost completely similar to those described above.
Over time, home performance may deteriorate. Accordingly, it is necessary either to improve the thermal insulation of the outer walls, or to increase the level of air heating in the apartments.
The calculated part of the heating system - the main stages and parameters
Is it possible to independently make a heating project for a cottage house? In most cases, this task will be overwhelming for a simple layman who is unfamiliar with the calculation methodology and technology. However, even a cursory study and knowledge of design principles will help control the implementation of this work by hired specialists.
At the first stage, it is necessary to determine the heat loss of the building. They directly depend on the material of its manufacture, as well as the design temperature of the outside air required for the design of heating. Then, on the basis of the data obtained, the optimal power of the system is calculated, a graph of its load is drawn up, depending on external factors - the temperature outside, the number of storeys of the house.
Further stages of the heating system design are as follows:
- Selection of heating elements - pipes of the design diameter with the required performance indicators.
- Boiler... With good thermal insulation characteristics at home, it is best to choose low-temperature models. This will save on running costs.
- Heating safety and control systems.
All this can be done independently, but only after a detailed analysis of each component of the heat supply. Otherwise, even a slight discrepancy in the characteristics of any element can lead to a significant deterioration in the operation of the entire system. This will also cause emergencies.
The video shows an example of a professional approach to the design of a heating system.