We save on heating a private house

The cheapest heating of a house is considered to be at the expense of gas, it is calculated and economically profitable. However, there are several more ways to heat your home that have emerged thanks to the latest technology.

New ways to heat your home profitably

One of them is convector heating, due to heaters and oil-type radiators, the second of the innovations is infrared heating, or PLEN.

Not often used, but also cheap home heating is considered: heat pumps and solar heating. Solar energy has long been used in Western countries, but in Russia this method is taking root with difficulty. The fact is that solar panels are quite expensive, but if you buy a battery and a heating tank connected two in one, you can get an excellent alternative source of heat.

Any cheap heating of a private house is very much appreciated lately, since it becomes very expensive to maintain any housing. However, in a private house there is an opportunity to save money, because there you do not need housing and communal services, and you yourself will decide when to turn on the heat, when to turn it off, and in what ways to heat it in the heating pipes.

Heating with heat pumps, vacuum collectors and infrared floor

The most economical heating of a private house
Heating scheme of a private house

Heat pumps are also becoming popular, which make it possible to obtain heating using the heat of the earth even in winter. Vacuum collectors, or solar heating batteries, are a great way in the absence of electricity, however, the weather in your area should be mostly sunny, so in the north, such cheap heating of a private house simply will not work. Film infrared floors are also considered inexpensive heating for harsh climates. However, what it is, the most economical heating of the house, everyone decides for himself. If there is a main gas pipeline next to the house, you don't have to be smart with various innovations. Someone makes heating on liquefied gas, which is also relatively cheap, but expensive to install. You should not save on the quality of the heating system, because all this pays off over time.

Convectors and warm skirting boards

The convector is also not the cheapest model, since everything depends on electricity, and energy prices are quite high.

Recently, the warm plinth system has proven itself well, which replaced stationary radiators and works on the principle of heating a liquid coolant, which creates a heat shield around the perimeter of all rooms. This is practically the most economical heating of the house, which, moreover, has a beneficial effect on health, prevents dampness and condensation, and also creates heating savings.

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  1. Oleg Viktorovich

    I must say right away that I am writing a comment on 08/14/2014, and the place is the Moscow region. I believe that at any moment everything can change in relation to the cost of systems, so I wrote the date and time.
    1. Not everything is so simple with main gas. Despite the adoption of the Government Decree No. 1314 of December 30, 2013. my hopes for connecting a house in the village for 50,000 rubles. collapsed. "Break off" they answered me on the phone, pay an advance payment of 500,000 rubles! then wait for communism, but they officially answered (reply from Mosoblgaz dated 10.07.2014): “Until now, the Committee on Prices and Tariffs of the Moscow Region has not approved the amount of payment for technological connection and (or) standardized tariff rates that determine its value.In this regard, today it is not possible to prepare a draft connection agreement. " Immediately, I note that firewood for 500,000 rubles. it's enough for me to heat the house with them for the rest of my life. At the same time, I will not need to lay out the entire amount at once (and, as I was told, this is only an advance). (-) Very expensive connection, a lot of paperwork, hassle, etc. (+) Main gas is cheap.
    2. Autonomous gasification system. Installation costs from 170 to 300 thousand rubles. BUT! After its installation, you need to conclude a contract for the supply of gas. It would seem that a wholesale purchase, gas should be cheaper, but no! Gas is cheaper at the nearest gas station. You can weld a collector from steel pipes (solder their copper ones) yourself and simply connect several cylinders to it so that you do not often run to switch them. At the same time, a battery of 6 gas cylinders can be permanently installed on a trailer and filled up all at once at a gas station. ATTENTION! Work with LPG equipment should only be carried out by specialists. The author disclaims responsibility for all possible consequences of homemade products. (-) Self-made or overpayment for gas delivery. (+) According to the price it is after firewood, fuel briquettes, fuel oil and waste oil.
    3. Electricity. Very comfortable and clean! BUT very expensive. There is an option for cheap heating - a heat pump, but its installation is sometimes simply impossible, because organization of a heat exchanger is required, requiring large areas or drilling wells with a certain heat transfer.
    4. Diesel fuel. More expensive than gas and solid fuel. Cheaper than electricity. It is more convenient to use than solid fuel, safer than gas.
    5. Fuel oil and mining. Cheap but very dirty. I have not yet seen a single boiler room that was clean and there was no corresponding smell.
    6. Firewood, coal and fuel briquettes. At the time of this writing, this is the cheapest way of heating, but you will have to run to the boiler.
    It's up to you to choose. I do not specifically quote prices. They change from factors I do not understand.
    Now in my boiler room I am installing a solid fuel boiler with the possibility of installing a gas burner or a diesel oil burner in it. The boiler will also be equipped with an automatic air supply control. At the same time, I put an electric boiler with automation. Because a three-tariff meter is used for electricity metering, then at night (the cheapest tariff) it will be possible to heat with electricity. Installed electric underfloor heating (heating cable in a screed). They are not enough as the main heating.
    If my experience is useful to someone, then I did not write in vain.

    1. Valery Shumanov author

      Hello Oleg!
      Thank you for such an extensive comment and comparison! We sincerely hope that this information will help people in the future!
      Best regards, Valery.

  2. Igor

    Thanks for the info. Useful, informative. I will definitely refuse fuel oil.

    1. Valery Shumanov author

      Hello Igor!
      Thank you for your feedback. We are very glad that we were able to help you with something!
      Best regards, Valery!

  3. Vladislav

    Good afternoon, Oleg. You rarely see such constructive feedback. It is immediately clear that you actually studied this issue for a long time and painfully. After reading everything to the end, I want to share my experience with you. Just like you came to exactly the same heating scheme. BUT. Sitting down and calculating the benefit of the night electricity tariff, and the fact that we mostly work during the day and turn off the heating, I decided that I would order a heat accumulator for 3m3. Yes, it will take some place, but the coolant, if not water, will not be cheap. But considering the effect of such an undertaking, I came to the conclusion that this is the very thing. I will not describe the principle of operation, you will figure it out yourself.

    1. Valery Shumanov author

      Vladislav, hello!
      We, in turn, are very glad that more and more people are beginning to understand heating and it is much more difficult to deceive such people.
      Best regards, Valery.



