Improving heat transfer is one of the top priorities when optimizing heating performance. The best way to improve system performance is to install new batteries. However, unlike a private house, certain conditions must be met to perform this work in an apartment. How to replace radiators and heating batteries in an apartment if their parameters do not meet modern requirements?
Problems when replacing radiators and heating batteries
There are 2 situations when it is necessary to replace the central heating batteries: breakdown or installation of new models of radiators. In the first case, representatives of the housing office or DEZ are called. Installation of a new element of the system is possible only if they confirm the impossibility of its restoration.
If the owner of the apartment has decided to install new radiators himself, it is necessary to carry out a number of coordination measures. In no case should you do this without obtaining supporting documents from the management company (MC). Only with her consent and in the presence of representatives of the Criminal Code can the heating in the apartment be replaced. Otherwise, the following problems may occur:
- Changing the parameters of the common building heating system. An increase or decrease in the volume of the coolant in the radiator can lead to a decrease in the efficiency of work not only in one apartment, but also in the whole house;
- To install a new battery, you need to shut off the hot water supply in the riser, which is allowed only to the employees of the management company. Unauthorized execution of this action may result in penalties;
- Before replacing a heating radiator in an apartment, you need to find out the temperature mode of the system. The calculated heat transfer of the battery depends on this, and as a result - its efficiency.
Measures for installing a new heating device in an apartment begin with the registration of permits. Then you need to purchase all the necessary components and, after agreeing on the installation date, install new heating radiators. Each of these stages has a certain specificity and order of actions. Therefore, you need to consider in detail their practical implementation.
For an up-to-date calculation of the cost of replacing a heating radiator, you can analyze the proposals of commercial organizations.
Registration of documents for the replacement of the radiator
How to replace a heating radiator in an apartment building yourself? First you need to get permission from the UP. It can be a housing office, DEZ or HOA. It all depends on who the heat supply contract was drawn up with. Specific data can be found in this document.
Having decided on the Criminal Code, you should write a free-form statement about your desire to replace the battery (or several) in the apartment. The following documents are attached to it:
- Documents confirming ownership - purchase / sale agreement, deed of gift, etc .;
- A copy of your passport or other identity document;
- A copy of the apartment plan indicating the radiators to be replaced.
Based on this documentation, the Criminal Code draws up a technical condition (TU) - the primary document giving permission to replace heating radiators. The time to receive the technical specifications can vary from a week to a month.It must contain the requirements for a new heating battery:
- Thermal operating mode of the system;
- Central heating pipe pressure;
- The rated power of the new battery and the volume of the coolant in it;
- Method of connecting to the pipeline.
Having received the technical conditions for the replacement of heating radiators, you can start choosing a model. Most often, the choice is stopped on bimetallic or aluminum multisection batteries. Also, do not forget about the connecting pipes. Often, the replacement of the central heating battery is carried out together with the installation of a new pipeline.
To do this, you must first agree with the neighbors, since the entire heating network is considered common property. That is why it is necessary to obtain consent to disconnect the riser from all users. The corresponding document with signatures is provided by the Criminal Code.
After that, the Criminal Code is provided with a radiator passport, technical characteristics of pipes (if they also need to be replaced), as well as a general diagram for connecting the battery. Having received approval, you can agree on the date of the work.
To reduce costs and labor intensity, it is best to replace the heating in the apartment outside the heating season. In this case, the overlap of the riser is not necessary. But all the above documentation is still drawn up.
Total cost of replacing batteries
An important point is a correctly compiled calculation for replacing a heating radiator. It will provide an opportunity to plan costs in advance. You can also use it to optimize the financial budget of this event. In fact, this is a list of all costs with a detailed description of each of them. To replace the heating radiator yourself, you must choose the optimal model. Its capacity must correspond to the technical specifications from the management company. The best choice is the installation of aluminum or bimetallic radiators. The estimated cost of one section and characteristics can be taken from the table.
Name | Radiator type | Power of the 1st section, W. | The cost of the 1st section, rub. |
Bilit | Aluminum | 187 | 320 |
Ferroli | Aluminum | 181 | 340 |
Global | Aluminum | 140 | 430 |
Raditall | Bimetallic | 148 | 340 |
Bilit | Bimetallic | 196 | 430 |
In addition, you need to consider the cost of consumables. How can you replace a heating radiator in an apartment without pipes, valves and a Mayevsky tap? It is best to entrust the selection of these components to specialists. As a result, based on the data obtained, it is possible to draw up a general calculation for replacing a heating radiator.
Article | Qty | price, rub. | Amount, rub. |
Radiator, bimetal. 6 sections | 6 | 340 | 2040 |
Organization of supply lines, installation of a bypass | 1 | 980 | 980 |
Check valve | 1 | 480 | 480 |
Ball valve | 2 | 415 | 830 |
Mount kit | 1 | 340 | 340 |
Mayevsky crane | 1 | 140 | 140 |
Riser shut-off service (only during the heating season) | 1 | 1200 | 1200 |
Service - installation of a radiator | 1 | 1400 | 1400 |
Total | 7410 |
This is the maximum cost for replacing heating radiators in an apartment. If you carry out work in the summer and do the installation yourself, you can deduct the service for disconnecting the heating riser and installation. In this case, the total cost will be 4810 rubles. This is significantly lower than the full one, but at the same time the owner of the apartment assumes all the risks of compliance with the technology.
The received permission to replace the heating batteries does not mean that the work should be carried out only by representatives of the management company. You can do this yourself, or use the services of specialized companies.
Installation of batteries and radiators
If you follow the technical conditions for replacing heating radiators, you can install them yourself. The technology is determined by the battery model, parameters of its connection to the system.
There is a general scheme for replacing the central heating battery. To implement it, you will need the following tools and consumables:
- Universal gas wrench;
- Perforator drill;
- Building level and tape measure;
- Winding kit for threaded connections.Unilok thread is best suited for this.
First you need to dismantle the old radiator. It may contain a certain amount of coolant (depending on the method of connection to the heating system). At this stage, you must not damage the pipes. If the threaded connection is rusted (stuck), it must be treated with WD-40. After removing the battery, the integrity of the pipeline is checked. If necessary, the line or supply pipes are replaced. For steel pipes, it is best to make a welded joint, since the mechanical one is more susceptible to bursts due to water hammer.
Before replacing the heating in the apartment, you need to install the wall mounts. In some cases, the old ones will not work, so a new kit must be installed. For this, a drill is used. After the final installation, check the correct position of the fasteners and their level.
When replacing a heating radiator in an apartment, it is first installed on the fasteners, and then connected to the nozzles. At the end of the work, the tightness is checked and a pressure test is performed. It is necessary to control the quality of joints.
Can a radiator in a central heating system be replaced by oneself? This task is solvable, but it must be remembered that when the system is first started, the pressure in the pipes can reach 4 atm. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the quality of materials and connections.
Recommendations for self-replacement of radiators and batteries in an apartment can be found by watching the video: