The installation of new components in a heating system is always fraught with a number of difficulties. This is especially true for the replacement of batteries, radiators and heating pipes in the apartment. In addition to choosing the optimal models, it is necessary to properly issue a permit to perform this work.
Registration of a permit for the replacement of radiators and pipes
For a centralized system, replacing heating batteries in an apartment on your own is not allowed. This is due to the fact that all elements of the central heating supply are in common house ownership (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 491 p. 6). Installation or modernization of the system can only be carried out with the permission of the Management Company.
An exception is the replacement of heating batteries in an apartment in winter in autonomous systems that are not associated with common building systems. To complete all documentation, you must perform the following steps:
- Statement to the Criminal Code of the intention to install new radiators.
- Obtaining the Technical Condition. It describes the requirements for batteries - heat transfer, coolant capacity.
- Selection of batteries according to the obtained parameters. Replacing a heating radiator with your own hands is carried out only under strict compliance with the conditions from the Criminal Code.
- Choosing a radiator installation contractor or self-assembly.
Is it possible to replace the heating batteries during the heating season? A prerequisite is maintaining the required temperature level in other apartments of the house. At a pre-agreed time, representatives of the housing office or the management company will disconnect the heat supply riser to which the radiator will be connected. After installation, they will also inspect the equipment and turn on the heating in this circuit again.
Replacing heating batteries with gas welding or in another way can be done only after obtaining the consent of the residents of the house, whose apartments are connected to this riser.
Choosing heating radiators for replacement
After a detailed acquaintance with the Technical Specifications (TU), you can proceed to the selection of models of radiators and batteries. Currently, there are many types of components for heat supply on the market and it is difficult to immediately navigate this variety.
Can the heating pipes in the apartment be replaced with new ones from a different material? Yes, if its technical operational parameters correspond to TU. There is a list of the main characteristics that you need to pay attention to in the first place:
- Heat dissipation or rated power... They may be larger or smaller than older batteries. It is important that the capacity is approximately the same. This will affect the cooling of the coolant and, as a result, the temperature distribution throughout the house;
- Maximum temperature and pressure... The first parameter is not very important. However, replacing heating radiators in an apartment with gas welding should be carried out only for those models for which the maximum allowable pressure is equal to the same indicator for the central system. Usually it does not exceed 6 bar. But you need to take into account the possibility of water hammer;
- Connection method.
An important point is the battery material and design.They will largely determine the above characteristics and will affect the complexity of replacing heating batteries in an apartment.
Traditionally, cast iron radiators were installed in apartment buildings. They are characterized by durability and reliability. However, the high inertness of heating and the mass are their disadvantages. Therefore, to replace heating batteries in an apartment in winter, other types of heating devices are chosen:
- Bimetallic radiators... They differ from aluminum by the presence of steel or copper pipelines through which the coolant flows. Manufacturers in this way increased the maximum possible pressure. The overwhelming majority of bimetallic radiators are sectional, which allows you to choose the rated power.
- Panel metal... Refers to the budget option. They are non-separable. They are characterized by the simplicity of replacing heating batteries during the heating season, since the radiator has a relatively small mass.
Aluminum batteries do not have the proper technical qualities for installation in a centralized heating system. Therefore, their installation is not recommended. In addition, replacing heating radiators with gas welding will be difficult due to different materials for the manufacture of pipes and batteries.
You can assemble a bimetallic radiator yourself, but only with a special key. It can be rented.
Replacement technology for radiators and batteries
Timely replacement of heating pipes in an apartment building will avoid emergencies. The same applies to radiators. If there is no experience in performing this work, it is recommended to contact professionals. But in any case, it is necessary, at least in theory, to know the technology of replacing heating batteries with gas welding. You cannot change the location of the radiators or increase their number without the approval of the UK. This can lead to an imbalance in the home's heating system. The day and time of shutdown of the riser to replace the heating radiator with your own hands is preliminarily agreed. Then you need to do the following:
- Disconnect the radiator from the system using the shut-off valves (tap);
- Cut off the radiator inlet pipe or dismantle the assembly if it is threaded. In this case, a hot or warm coolant will certainly flow - you need to be prepared for this;
- If necessary, new cranes are installed;
- When replacing heating radiators in an apartment with gas welding, an inflow of fresh air into the room is sure to be ensured. To do this, you can open windows;
- After dismantling the old battery, fasteners are installed on the wall for the new one. Their location is checked by the building level;
- The installation of a new battery is carried out only after its final fixing to the wall. The level is pre-checked - when replacing heating radiators with gas welding, the slope of the radiator is not allowed. This can cause air pockets.
For a one-pipe system, a bypass must be made, which connects the inlet and outlet pipes of the radiators. The package should include shut-off valves, a thermostat and a Mayevsky valve.
After the final replacement of the heat supply battery, a pressure test is done in the apartment. To do this, you will need a special pump, which will build up pressure to exceed the maximum by 1.25 times. This is necessary to identify possible defects.
When replacing heating batteries in an apartment in winter, it is recommended to close the door to the room and put a temporary insulation layer to keep heat in other rooms.
Installation of new pipes and radiators using gas welding
It is best to use welding machines to replace steel pipes. Threaded connections are less reliable and may not withstand the pressure surges common in central heating.
Replacing heating batteries during the heating season is characterized by a high quality connection. The technology consists in heating the blanks to the melting temperature and diffusion bonding of the metal in the weld.
For self-propelled replacement of heat supply batteries by gas welding, you will need to perform the following steps:
- Preparatory stage. The place of the future weld is protected, the oxide layer, paint and fat layer are removed.
- The parts are connected and with the help of the gases of the burner, melting occurs in a certain area.
- A special wire is used as a solder. Without it, the replacement of heat supply batteries with gas welding is impossible. When melted, it fills the joints and forms a high-quality weld. The type of wire depends on the pipe material.
- After the formation of the seam, when replacing the heating pipes in the apartment, the scale is removed and the tightness is checked.
If necessary, an additional layer of the weld is applied. But experts do not recommend doing this. Excessive temperature effects on pipes when replacing a heating battery with your own hands can affect the characteristics of the metal - it will become more fragile.
The replacement of heat supply radiators by gas welding and the formation of a seam can be done in different positions - horizontal or vertical. It all depends on the brand of wire.
Installation of polypropylene heating lines
Is it possible to replace heating pipes in an apartment building with plastic ones? To do this, it is necessary to select the correct model of the lines according to the parameters of hot water temperature and pressure.
The technology of replacing heat supply pipes in an apartment with polymer ones is easier than installing radiators using gas welding. To perform this work, you will need metal-to-plastic adapters, a welding machine for polypropylene pipes and special scissors for cutting them.
An adapter is mounted on a pipe section, then a line is installed. Since under the influence of hot water deformation of plastic is possible - fastening is done every 10-15 cm.
As you can see, self-propelled replacement of pipes and central heating radiators will require special tools and skills to work with them. This will directly affect the quality of the connection and the further maintenance-free operation of the heating. Therefore, if you want to do it yourself, it is recommended to make several test connections using gas welding.
The step-by-step installation of radiators using gas welding is presented in the video.