Cold walls and chilling drafts are constant companions of residents in apartments located on the top floor. The situation concerns both new buildings and houses commissioned decades ago. In such conditions, it is difficult to create a comfortable environment. To carry out repairs on your own with minimal costs, you need to purchase affordable, but high-quality material, and do the work efficiently.
Warming methods
Currently, property owners have to maintain the proper temperature in their apartments on their own. In this case, it is important to insulate the facade of the building, attic and basement. It is advisable for the owners to first of all contact the HOA to carry out work on the insulation of the floor on the first floor and the roof. But this approach is not always possible to implement. In many cases, the necessary work has to be done on our own.
Efficient use of central heating
Experts advise timely replacing ineffective radiators with modern models with high efficiency, capable of better heat transfer. Residents of apartments in cold houses must take this point into account. Over time, the internal surfaces of the radiators are covered with a dense layer of deposits of all kinds of impurities and salts, which is why heat is transferred much worse.
On the wall behind the heating radiator, you need to fix a special foil material with thermal insulation and heat-reflecting properties. Foiled isolon is used by many craftsmen. It will help direct the heat into the room, which previously heated a fragment of the wall. It is not worth hiding batteries and pipes using decorative boxes - this will interfere with their normal operation.
Complex insulation of windows, loggias and balconies
If the apartment has wooden windows, it is recommended to replace them with modern versions with energy-efficient double-glazed windows that correspond to specific climatic conditions. This also applies to balconies. Almost a quarter of heat losses are accounted for by window structures. Slopes without high-quality insulation also let in a lot of cold. If it was not possible to replace the windows on time, they need to be reliably insulated.
The edges of the glasses are carefully coated with a special sealant, and a rubber-based insulation is placed between the window frame and the sash. The window sill also needs upholstery. In critical situations, the glass itself can be insulated, preferably from the outside, in order to avoid abundant condensation and large heat losses. The same procedure will need to be done over the slopes.
By eliminating the formation of drafts, and reducing heat loss, you can significantly improve the internal situation.
Entrance door
If it is wooden, you can upholster it with dermantine with your own hands. Sintepon, felt or ubiquitous foam rubber are used as insulation. If the air temperature is low at the entrance, the wall between it and the apartment must also be treated with heat-insulating material.
Metal entrance doors from many manufacturers already initially have good protection against heat loss. If it comes to cheap and old models, then they will need to be additionally insulated. If there are gaps between the jamb and the installed door frame, then they will need to be filled with polyurethane foam.When it hardens, you need to cut off excess fragments and carefully putty the treated surface.
How to increase wall insulation
For these purposes, they use penoplex, many prefer mineral wool, fixing the material in a frame made of a special aluminum profile, and then upholstering the structure with panels made of fiberboard, OSB, polyvinyl chloride or ordinary drywall. To fix the profile to the wall, use suitable dowels.
If mineral wool is used, it should be insulated with plastic wrap to prevent it from getting wet. Raw mineral wool will be a poor thermal insulation material, so it must be protected from condensation by vapor barrier.
It is equally important to leave a gap between the wall and the plastic wrap to ensure adequate ventilation.
Ceiling and floor insulation
The ceiling is treated in the same way as the walls, using an aluminum frame, filler, vapor barrier, gypsum board, fiberboard or other material. In order to save money, many apartment owners paste over the ceiling with foam tiles.
On the floor, you can build a frame from a bar, and then fill it with a filler with thermal insulation properties. The minimum option is considered to be laying insulated linoleum. If there is a laminate on the floor, foil insulon is often laid under it to help prevent the room from cooling.
Having insulated the apartment on the top floor once, the owners will save a lot of money on heating the room, because the temperature will be kept there.