The fireplace stove is a new type of heating and heating equipment. It fundamentally differs from its counterparts in increased efficiency and complete safety. Such devices allow you to heat the room and delight the eye with a real flame. In fact, these are mini-fireplaces that do not require laborious installation. To heat them, firewood is most often used. Such heating equipment is used in private country houses and cottages, where people do not live on a permanent basis.
Fireplace stoves, depending on the location
Depending on the location, the following models are distinguished:
- Corner. This is the most popular and original type of stove for summer cottages. It is located in the corner and looks very attractive when properly installed. A corner fireplace takes up little space in the room and complements the interior if the opening of the stove is oriented along the axis of the angle formed by the walls. Previously, inclined walls of the smoke chamber were used in these types, but over time, the two-chamber version became popular. More outdoor space is needed for decorations and other solutions. The chimney is mounted in one of the walls of the room. The outer part of the chimney is made of metal, concrete and other blocks. Finishing is done with brick, plaster or special stone.
- Island. Fireplace, which stands apart. It is made in the form of a flat platform slightly above the floor level. Island fireplaces are divided into open and closed ones. A smoke and steam collector is always located above this area and is connected to the chimney. This option is quite original with the correct design, but it has low heat transfer and takes up a lot of space.
- Wall mounted. Fireplaces that are located against the wall. One of the most demanded types. The chimneys of these stoves are wall mounted, which is protected from fire and heat. This type has a huge number of options for finishes and decorations. Everything tastes like the owner.
- Built-in. They save space in the room as much as possible, but for installation you will have to prepare a niche or disassemble the wall. Installation is carried out directly during the construction of the house. To create such an option in an already built house is a difficult and expensive task.
You need to decide what type of oven to install immediately before creating its scheme or when purchasing equipment. It all depends on the footage of the premises and the purpose of the fireplace itself.
Heaters depending on the heating method
Not all heating structures run on the same fuel. A conventional original fireplace stokes wood, while newer types use natural gas or other highly heat-dissipating combustibles. Depending on the heating method, fireplace stoves are divided into several types.
- Gas. They are gaining more and more popularity in the CIS. In Europe, they have long been part of almost any autonomous heating system of a private house. They differ from other types in the following advantages: meeting modern requirements for heating systems, clean combustion of gas, the ability to conveniently regulate combustion. In terms of efficiency, this type of equipment is in no way inferior to wood-burning equipment with an efficiency of 75%. In the end, it will come out a little more expensive, but you will have to tinker with firewood additionally: prepare, transport them.
- Wood burning. Classic fireplaces, in which pre-prepared firewood is used for the firebox.This is one of the most common and beloved by all types in the CIS. The efficiency is quite high, but they are gradually being replaced by other types that produce less emissions or operate more economically.
- Electrical. They do not require fuel and firewood on a permanent basis. The principle of operation is powered by an electrical network. The owner does not need to worry about where to put the fumes and install the chimney, because there is no smoke in such fireplaces at all. As in the case of gas, it is easy to regulate the modes of operation and space heating.
- Bio fireplaces. They do not require solid fuel and do not leave behind combustion products. As a fuel, special gasoline or alcohol is used, which do not form any vapors as a result of combustion. The fireplace is quite economical - it consumes 300 ml of fuel per hour of operation. Consumption largely depends on the size of the device.
- On wood burning for a long time. A similar wood-burning fireplace that uses a slightly different technology. After the ignition has occurred and the heater has warmed up, the supply of air and oxygen to the furnace is artificially limited. This causes the wood to smolder and emit pyrolysis gas, which burns out in another compartment from contact with hot air. The efficiency of this option will be around 60%. The principle of pyrolysis combustion is used in many modern stoves and fireplaces.
Some of the types of fireplace stoves can be combined. Wood-burning type and wood-burning long burning are practically the same thing. The only difference is in the way the heating function is organized.
The principle of operation of the fireplace and stove
Long-wave radiation emanates from the stove, which is perceived by a person as pleasant and warming. The fire in the furnace only serves to keep the fuel burning. The carrier of heat is burnt or burning out gases. They heat the chimney and the stone stove luggage - the heat of the gas is transferred to the stone, and it turns into a source of heat. This is possible due to the high heat capacity of the stone, which is able to maintain a high temperature for a long time.
In a fireplace, the source of heat and air heating is the fire itself and the flame. The radiation is much higher, therefore the fireplace gives a stronger heat, "hard". It is difficult to find a comfortable zone near it: it is limited to a small area on the side of an open fire. The distance from the fireplace to the person plays an important role: it can be too hot close, and cold a meter further.
Another important difference is that the fireplace is more fire hazardous than the stove. Burning in it is open, when burning wood, hot coals will fly in different directions, which can cause a fire. This can be solved by installing a special protective mesh. This applies only to wood-burning fireplaces. For gas or electric, this minute is not typical.
DIY tips
Before proceeding to construction, you need to think over everything and make a diagram or find it on the Internet with photos and instructions. There you can also find ratings of popular models, detailed project drawings.
The entire room should be cleaned of furniture and other things. You should also decide on the material. The manufacture of a stone oven involves the use of half or even a third of the oven brick, which is separated by a grinder or a pickaxe.
The solution with which the luggage will be combined, in terms of density and consistency, should be like sour cream without any thick or liquid impurities. If there are pebbles or pebbles in it, they must be completely removed, otherwise the product may turn out to be uneven or become so over time. The thickness of the mortar that is placed on the luggage should be approximately 7 millimeters. A new layer is laid on it and tapped with a rubber mallet.The solution protruding on the sides is immediately picked up with a trowel and smeared again.
Building materials
For a brick building you will need:
- Sturdy and fire-resistant red brick with smooth edges for facing the fireplace and laying out the chimney from the inside.
- Red brick with refractory properties for the furnace chamber and masonry from the inside. It does not have to be smooth-walled.
- Based on the design - a ready-made metal or cast-iron fireplace built into the stone.
- Cast iron products: doors, blower, hob and grate, if all this is provided for by the design of the fireplace.
- Chimney valves and round circuits.
- Corners, steel wire, iron strips for attaching doors and fittings to bricks.
- Special mixture for brickwork or good clay and sand.
- A tank or coil for heating a water liquid, which comes from the design.
- Insulation to prevent strong heating of the wall: thermo wool, metal sheets or asbestos.
- Roofing material for waterproofing the foundation.
- Cement based mortars, iron rods or fittings, sand and gravel or board for formwork for the foundation of the fireplace stove.
In accordance with the original idea, additional materials and tools can be used for all work.
Choosing a fireplace stove for a summer residence is not difficult, you just need to be guided by general rules based on types and categories, fuel, etc. You can make and design a fireplace for your country house yourself: it is enough to build a diagram of a fireplace stove and lay it out correctly, taking into account all the nuances. You can view the available models by the type of Vesuvius, Meta and others at special exhibitions.