Coldness in the room will affect performance, provoke illness and other discomfort. To solve this problem, they install a stove for the house. Before putting a heating device in a dwelling, it is necessary to take into account the basic parameters, depending on which the choice is made. Initially, you should find out how many rooms are heated, as this determines the type of product to be installed.
Benefits of wood heating
Installation of wood-fired home stoves is considered a forced exercise. Due to a number of features, this type of heating is not very suitable for heating private houses for regular living.
The wood-burning stove has the following advantages:
- Affordable price. In a number of regions, firewood competes with gas.
- Good battery life. There is an option to install heating, which will not depend on communications.
- Microclimate. Most home owners install a wood-burning heating stove for their home or bathhouse, taking into account aesthetic considerations.
Wood heating is widely used in private homes, baths and country houses, which are located in areas where there are no centralized communications.
Stoves for the home, regardless of material, have similar parameters:
- Open fire in metal and brick products in the firebox.
- When the furnace body is heated, the room will be filled with warm air.
- Combustion products will be discharged through the chimney.
- The correct draft is realized in the chimney for the correct operation of the stove.
- Combustion is possible only when oxygen is supplied.
Each home owner decides for himself what funds he has for the equipment of the heating system. If you have certain skills, you can build a stove for heating a house yourself.
Materials for making wood-burning stoves
Heating stoves for summer cottages are made using brick, cast iron or steel. Regardless of the materials used, they are located in different places.
Cast iron stoves
Heating of summer cottages with cast iron stoves is often used. They are made by casting. Due to the high brittleness of cast iron with low parameters, the products themselves have a large mass. Among the advantages are:
- fast heating;
- the ability to do it yourself;
- large range of sizes;
- adequate price;
- bright style;
- robust construction.
In case of sudden temperature changes, cast iron cracks. When cold water gets on a hot coating, noticeable flaws can occur.
Steel heating structures
They are lighter than cast iron products. Therefore, their transportation and installation will not require much effort. They can be easily moved around the perimeter of the cottage if they are small in size.
The advantages of stoves for a home made of steel and cast iron are similar, since the materials are classified as metals. But steel is more durable, so the price is higher. The finished heating stove is welded from separate sheets.
Wood-fired brick ovens
There are often reviews about the low efficiency of brick ovens. This is usually due to the fact that the stove is made in violation of the basic rules.Modern techniques make it possible to build products with high efficiency. Main pluses:
- increased strength;
- long-term use;
- slow cooling;
- bright style;
- great functionality.
Brick stoves need a solid foundation that can support a lot of weight.
Metal stoves for a home will give off heat at the time of fire. Stone products will maintain comfortable temperature indicators even after fuel combustion. This is possible due to the ability to keep warm.
Stove insert
The firebox is the main and most complex structural element. For fireplaces, fireboxes are produced with a door made of durable glass, for products in the kitchen - with deaf ones. When creating a stove house, a ready-made firebox is selected independently. It must fit the dimensions of the chosen project.
The cheapest fireboxes made of sheet metal and composites are suitable for the premises in which they live temporarily - a country house, a seasonal rented dwelling. With a constant fire, they will quickly fail; a cast iron product is required for a home stove.
Convective systems
The parameters of the product are determined by the scheme of convection of gases inside the structure.
The structures are highly efficient. In domestic conditions, they have difficult to eliminate technical disadvantages. For example, an English fireplace, in order to obtain an acceptable efficiency, must have a smoke-catcher tent with a chimney 5 m high. The Russian stove is complex in execution, heats only 1 room. Long burning stoves are unaesthetic, sometimes fire hazardous.
Popular types of ovens are Dutch and Swedish. They can run on wood and other solid fuels. 4 rooms are heated at the same time. The efficiency is rather weak: on good fuel, the indicators are about 50%. It is possible to reach the maximum efficiency indicators only with the number of 3 smoke turns. However, the product will then be difficult to clean.
Duct stoves are potentially fire hazardous: if you close the view before the fuel has burned out, the room will be filled with carbon monoxide.
The main disadvantage is the upper heating: the heat is concentrated in the upper part of the stove, cold air will stagnate above the floor. Products with a bottom outlet into the chimney or multi-bell structures do not have such a disadvantage.
In such products, an efficiency of over 80% is achieved due to the use of expensive special materials in the design. These are mobile furnaces made of metal, in which the compact size and low weight justify the high cost. In a wooden house, the product is useful as a summer cooking stove (installed in the corner of the room).
Varieties of ovens
The heating stove is an excellent solution for a private house. The main components of the models are similar, however, different stoves have their pros and cons, installation and application features.
English fireplace
Such a product is rarely used, however, it has certain aesthetic advantages. The castle fireplace is fired only with natural fuel. The firebox is open, assembled by hand. Adding a water circuit to the device will allow rooms to be heated using a coolant that passes through the heating system.
Russian stove
In terms of its parameters, the product is quite functional, but its ergonomics leaves much to be desired. Due to the peculiarities of the device, the stove has disadvantages:
- uneven heating of the room;
- insufficient efficiency;
- big sizes;
- insufficient heat transfer (the largest heating area is not more than 45 sq. m.);
- long warm-up.
The pluses include versatility - the Russian stove is used to heat rooms and cook food. In addition, it can work on straw and brushwood.
Dutch woman
The product does not meet current requirements due to poor efficiency. Such devices have the following advantages:
- easy installation;
- the possibility of modification;
- resizing;
- low cost of construction work;
- extensibility;
- fast warm-up;
- sufficient heat dissipation.
Such a product is used for heating remote rooms with coal - a stoker, for example. Heats only 1 room.
The features of the oven include an oven that works as a heat radiator. Before installing the product, you need to familiarize yourself with the drawings with the order. The storage tank can be located in the drying niche and above the stove. It is pointless to install the product in the living room, the head of the Swedish stove goes into the kitchen. However, in any situation, the device will show itself well only in a private house of 1-3 living quarters.
Finnish stoves
Such products come in several designs: a smart sauna stove, heating and kitchen stove. The first will differ from the potbelly stove only by the long rut of the firebox, which is brought out to the dressing room. It is a high-tech collapsible metal structure. The production is carried out by various companies: Harvia, Kastor, Narvi, etc.
Stone oven
The heat capacity of most types of stone exceeds that of brick and cast iron. Because of this, the product cools and warms up longer. Due to the hysteresis, the efficiency will begin to drop. Brick and cast iron are preferable in this matter. Stove stones are only suitable for certain types. In addition, it must be selective, without chips or other defects.
Which oven to choose
To choose a stove for your home, you need to take into account the following parameters:
- If appearance is important, you should pay attention to an English fireplace or a Russian stove.
- For heating a small house with adjacent rooms, a Finnish cast iron stove is suitable.
- For 2 or more floors, a gas boiler is suitable.
- When the stove is not using bottled gas, the stove is built around the stove.
There are many types of heating stoves. The choice will depend on the purpose of using the product and the parameters of the room.