Pros and cons of autonomous heating in a house or apartment

Given the low quality of utilities and the constantly growing bills for their provision, the owners of city apartments are increasingly inclined to think about switching to autonomous heating. If during the construction of a suburban private house such a system is provided for by the project, then in multi-storey buildings this requires a special permit. Obtaining the official paper is only the initial, albeit not the easiest, stage of home remodeling. In order for individual heating in an apartment to perform its functions efficiently, you need to understand the features of the available equipment, its pros and cons, possible difficulties, ways of preventing and solving them.

Types of autonomous heating

Autonomous heating scheme in a private house - the heating circuit is connected to the stove

Autonomous heating is a system independent of the utility network that provides heat to the property. This structure consists of a heating device, pipes and radiators. The difference lies in the energy source and the heat carrier.

Traditional system

Traditional gas heating in an apartment building is a closed water circuit connected to a central water supply. The liquid is heated in the boiler, and circulation is provided due to the temperature difference in different parts of the piping. Completely autonomous, such a structure can be called conditionally, since its performance depends on the supply of water, electricity and gas to the building. In the absence of one component, the device turns off.

Gas system advantages:

  • ecological cleanliness, absence of harmful emissions;
  • silent work;
  • safety achieved by the installation of quality control devices;
  • no need for expensive maintenance;
  • long service life;
  • tangible savings in money.

Disadvantages of the design:

  • expensive and complex installation;
  • apartment renovation is required after installation;
  • regular inspections by inspectors.

Gas systems have proven themselves to be the most popular and common design in municipal buildings.

Air system

Indoor air is always fresh, as there is a constant intake from the street

The structure consists of a heating boiler, a blower and a duct system that runs through all rooms. After cooling, warm air passes through the filters, enters the heater and is supplied to the rooms again. An electric coil, gas or water circuit is used as a heater. To keep the air fresh, it is constantly taken from the street.

Advantages of the system:

  • effective distribution of heated masses throughout the room;
  • profitability due to controlled ventilation;
  • simplicity and reliability of the design;
  • no risk of defrosting;
  • the ability to clean and sterilize air;
  • ease of maintenance.

Cons of the design:

  • dependence on electricity;
  • bulkiness of air ducts;
  • difficulty with combining highways in the interior of the apartment.

When choosing stand-alone equipment, one should take into account the noise factor created by the fan and the air moving through the channels.

Direct electric heating

Electric heating is cheaper than gas heating

Heating housing with electricity is convenient because there is no need to create complex and bulky circuits, to be tied to water and gas. It is enough to purchase reliable cables and quality equipment. To heat the premises, convectors, fans, oil and infrared heaters, underfloor heating and heated towel rails are used.

Advantages of using electrical appliances:

  • ecological cleanliness;
  • noiselessness;
  • reliability;
  • no need to obtain permission;
  • the ability to do it yourself;
  • equipment mobility;
  • no need for maintenance;
  • use for heating water for domestic needs.

Disadvantages of electrical equipment:

  • shutdown when the current is cut off;
  • the need to lay a separate line, additional protective and distribution devices;
  • high energy consumption, high electricity bills.

If you switch to this type of heating, you should leave the old water piping, installing plugs on it. If necessary, you can return to it by submitting an appropriate application to the management company.

Characteristics of an autonomous heating system

AO allows you to regulate the temperature and select the fuel, which significantly reduces heating costs

The massive transition to stove gas heating in an apartment building was observed at the end of the last century and the beginning of this century. Then this event was banned, as problems began to arise with the central supply. To install the boiler and refuse the services of the management company, it is necessary to obtain a decision of the city council, which always stands on the side of large service providers.

From the point of view of the consumer, individual heating in an apartment building has the following advantages:

  • The ability to make an independent decision about when to start the heating season. At the same time, adjustment of temperature, on and off times is available. And this can only mean an increase in the level of living comfort.
  • You need to pay only for the actually consumed energy. When using the services of utilities, you have to pay for heat loss, organization's profit and other related costs.
  • Possibility of independent choice of heating technology and layout of heating elements. Selection of installation options not only for technical, but also for aesthetic criteria.
  • Minimal and controlled energy consumption with high heat dissipation. Setting the optimal temperature depending on the weather and physiological state.
The main disadvantage of JSC is the high cost of the initial investment in equipment

The disadvantages are as follows:

  • Dependence on centralized energy supplies. If the gas pressure drops or there is a power failure, the boiler stops working.
  • High cost of initial investment. It is necessary to pay for the technical conditions, materials and equipment, the work of the craftsmen and subsequent repairs, since the installation is accompanied by damage to the finish.
  • Regular inspections, checks and adjustments are required. All this requires a waste of time and money.
  • The need to purchase and keep ready for backup heating devices. This is not only additional financial costs, but also the allocation of space for their storage.

If you transfer the apartment to individual heating, the payback will come in 3-4 years. Then there will be savings in the range of 40-50% monthly. And this is without taking into account the level of comfort and capabilities that the system provides.

Boiler selection

The most economical option is a solid fuel stove with a heat accumulator

To heat a room with high quality, it is necessary to choose the right energy source. It is desirable that the supply of fuel to the boiler is constant.

The simplest solution is to install a solid fuel stove that runs on coal or wood.There is no need to obtain a permit to equip such a structure. In addition, there is no need for a water connection. The closed loop is filled once, and then water is added in small portions as it evaporates from the expansion tank. The disadvantage of this option is the regular cleaning of the chimney and the rapid burnout of the fuel. The way out of the situation is to buy a long burning stove. At one gas station, a good hearth works up to 12 hours. You should constantly monitor the availability of coal and firewood, regularly replenishing their stock.

Electric boilers are distinguished by their compactness and cleanliness of the heating process. The incoming energy is limitless, you just need to pay the bills on time. In case of a shutdown, you can buy a small generator, which will find a place on the balcony or in the closet. The downside is that electricity is expensive, the heating season will cost a lot. Therefore, such systems in most cases are installed in non-gasified high-rise buildings.

Gas boilers are the most suitable choice for creating an individual heating system. The products are distinguished by their reliability, small size and high performance. The devices are completely safe thanks to the automation, which turns off the gas supply when its pressure drops to a certain level. The downside is that you need to drill a hole in the wall to bring the chimney out into the street. This negatively affects the strength of the supporting structures and the aesthetics of the facade.

Project development and installation work

Installation of a new system begins with dismantling the old heating equipment

It is necessary to plan a private heating system for an apartment taking into account its area and planning features.

You need to make a project taking into account the following restrictions:

  • transfer of the riser;
  • removal of heaters to the balcony;
  • demolition of the partition between the kitchen and living room;
  • moving the bathroom.

When planning a strapping scheme, the choice is made from the following options:

  • radiators - cast iron, steel, bimetallic;
  • pipes - plastic, brass, steel;
  • method - one-pipe or two-pipe;
  • circulation - natural or forced;
  • wiring - top or bottom;
  • connection - vertical or horizontal;
  • interchange scheme - with dead-end highways or checkpoints.

The pipe arrangement system is selected based on the length of the communications. Technical specifications are issued simultaneously with obtaining a work permit.

It is recommended to fill the system with distilled water to avoid limescale build-up.

The construction of an individual heating system is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Dismantling of old communications. It is impractical to use them further, it is better to install new and more effective ones. The batteries are disconnected first, then the piping, lastly the pipes at the riser. The holes are welded tightly or a threaded branch pipe for the plug is attached to them. In some cases, a part of the riser with branches is cut off and a new fragment is welded on instead.
  2. The boiler is being installed. If necessary, a stable base is made for it next to the outer wall. Then the product is aligned vertically.
  3. Radiators are installed. For their fastening, strong and reliable hooks with dowels or anchoring products are used if the work is carried out in a brick building.
  4. The harness is being laid. Branches are extended throughout all rooms. It is advisable to use reinforced polypropylene pipes, which have better characteristics than analogs. The assembly is carried out with a special soldering iron.
  5. Ball valves are installed in front of the batteries, after which they are connected to the supply and return.
  6. The tightness of the assembled circuit is checked. For this, a compressor with a pressure gauge or soap foam is used.
  7. The boiler is connected via a meter to the gas main. A shut-off valve is installed on the branch pipe.
  8. The circuit is filled with water. Air is vented through Mayevsky's taps.

The final stage is equipment setup and test run. If it passes without complications, an act of putting the system into operation is drawn up.
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