One of the important measures to improve the energy efficiency of a house is to insulate the facade of the building. Until recently, this procedure was very laborious and required many technical measures. Now the task has been simplified due to the appearance of innovative heaters on the market. Thermal insulation Bronya is several times superior in terms of parameters to mineral wool and polystyrene, but at the same time, its application to the surface can be performed with a minimum expenditure of effort, time and improvised means.
What is Bronya thermal insulation?
The coating "superfine thermal insulation" is a substance similar to paint in appearance, method of application and structure. This mastic contains the following components:
- base acrylic bond, in a fractional ratio - 5 part of the total mass;
- polymer fixatives;
- catalytic substances;
- a filler made of microspheres, in a fractional ratio - 4 parts of the total mass, has a ceramic origin with micro-thin walls and rarefied air inside (up to 80% rarefaction).
Antiseptic and anticorrosive additives are present in the structure as auxiliary components.
Heat-insulating paint Bronya is more often produced in the form of a white suspension, which, after hardening on the surface, creates a dense film with a matte shade. The material is elastic to the touch; in terms of the quality of interaction with the environment, it is resistant to all types of impact. The thermal insulation effect is due to the inability of the rarefied air limited in the sphere to conduct thermal energy (the principle of vacuum space).
Initially, ceramic-type thermal insulation was planned to be used for the space industry.
Varieties of liquid insulation
The manufacturer offers several product modifications. Each type of composite has a base base and certain additives, depending on the purpose of the paint. Options for insulating facades differ from each other in climatic performance, where composites have been developed for more severe regions, designed for a greater number of cycles of exposure to negative temperatures. Specialized mixtures are more focused on protection against moisture, fungal elements and fire.
Basic coatings
The following brands of mastics are produced under the basic ones:
- Classic NG, Classic;
- Facade NG, Facade;
- Anticorrosive;
- Winter NG, Winter.
These are standard modifications of the heat insulator for operation at positive and negative temperatures.
Budgetary coverage
Budget composites brands are represented by the following options:
- Universal NG, Universal;
- Wall NG, Wall;
- Metal;
- Nord NG, Nord.
A series of analogs of basic brands has lower performance indicators and a lower price niche.
Specialized thermal insulators
Modifications of specialized mixtures:
- NG Standard, Standard;
- Light NG, Light;
- Fire protection Nord, Fire protection;
- Volcano.
Thermal insulation coatings have additional properties.
Characteristics of paint for thermal insulation Bronya
The developer has endowed the product with the following properties:
- the mass has a homogeneous structure of a white shade;
- the composite has a density of 0.558 g / cm3;
- the structure contains non-volatile substances in a mass ratio of 44%;
- vapor permeability for brands of facade mastics - 0.013 Mg / m h Pa;
- heat transfer coefficient - 1,380 W / m, degrees Celsius;
- thermal conductivity coefficient - 0.0012 W / m, degrees Celsius;
- resistance of the film to water and alkali during the day - the film retains its appearance;
- exposure to negative temperatures over 50 cycles - the film retains its properties;
- adhesion to concrete - 1.33 MPa, to steel - 2.20 MPa, to brick - 2.04 MPa;
- resistance to high temperatures up to 200 degrees Celsius - the film retains its integrity and properties.
The substance in question is not a combustible material and a flame propagation medium.
Positive and negative qualities of mastic
Positive properties possessed by Bronya insulation:
- A thin layer of mastic of one millimeter can replace mineral wool 5 cm thick.
- The product is universal - it is a heat insulator, anti-corrosion agent and a kind of antiseptic.
- The paint can be easily applied with a regular roller, brush or using a fine dispersion spraying unit.
- A wide range of operating temperatures allows the material to be used in all climatic zones.
- The mass of the thermal insulator is negligible and does not exert a load on the supporting structure.
- The mastic has excellent adhesion to any type of surface (with the exception of oily and greasy surfaces).
- The paint does not absorb moisture, it is stable against ultraviolet radiation.
- The coating is elastic, withstands light loads and has good maintainability.
In an example of the negative qualities of a heater, one can indicate its high cost, reaching up to 1000 rubles per liter of paint, a drying period of at least a day and the inability to work as a thermal insulator at an ambient temperature below +7.
Scope of application of the suspension
Brands of liquid insulation Bronya effectively insulate the following structural elements of the house:
- external walls of any configuration before finishing work;
- simple and complex roofs, both on the outside and from the attic;
- walls of loggias and balconies from the inside;
- concrete floor surface.
The coating has shown itself well when creating thermal insulation on boiler equipment, cold and hot water supply lines, centralized steam pipelines and heating mains, in air conditioning systems on air ducts, when insulating public and private vehicles, refrigerators, trailers, various tanks and containers, as well as sea transport. Often, the method of applying paint to cold water pipelines gets rid of condensation that falls on them.
Product range
More about the brands of the product presented by the Bronya company:
- Composite Classic is a composition of universal properties for insulation. Packing can be 20, 10 and 5 liters.
- The mixture Standard is an analogue of the classic version of the insulation at a lower price. Effectively works as a heat barrier for tanks and communications.
- Anticorrosive - protective mastic to prevent the appearance and development of rust with a thermal insulation effect.
- Thermal mixture Zima is a composite for work at low negative temperatures. It can be operated at -35 degrees Celsius.
- Modification Facade - for insulation of external walls with the possibility of steam penetration.
- Light is a finishing material with heat insulator parameters.
- Fire retardant - increases the resistance of structures to direct fire.
- A station wagon is an analogue of a classic and standard brand, designed for a budget consumer.
- Metal - in terms of its properties, it is similar to anticorrosive, but in a more affordable price category.
- Modification Wall is a vapor-permeable mixture released as a cheap alternative to the Facade.
- Brand Nord is an analogue of Winter mastic.
- Anti-condensation is a specialized paint to prevent moisture build-up on materials.
All brands that have the NG prefix are non-combustible compounds.