Connecting a room thermostat to a gas boiler

When operating home gas boilers, there are often problems with temperature control. Manual adjustments using a tap are time-consuming and not always possible to set the desired value. The installed room thermostat for a gas boiler helps to solve this issue. Due to this modern device, you can easily set and maintain the desired temperature inside the room.

Room thermostat classification

Connecting the thermostat to the boiler allows you to regulate the temperature and save gas

The room temperature regulator for gas boilers is divided into several types, all of them differ from each other in the principle of operation, device and method of connection.

Depending on installation

By the type of connection, the devices can be wired and wireless. Wired thermostats must be connected using wired circuits made up of cables. They are connected to heating boilers through a cable bundle. This installation is considered difficult and time-consuming.

Wireless devices are considered more modern, they emit signals in the form of waves, due to which the device operates. Wireless-type regulators consist of two blocks, one of which is the thermostat itself and is placed in the room, the second is located near the boiler and connected to it using wires.

By types of sensors

Types of room sensors

In appearance, a room temperature sensor for a heating boiler can be simple or adjustable. The first type of device is a standard thermostat in which you need to set the temperature mode manually. The device of the second type is considered more complex in terms of design and control circuit. It has advanced functionality and makes it possible to set air parameters for every day. It can be programmed in an hourly or otherwise, which saves fuel costs.

Selection rules

In order not to be mistaken when choosing a device and to purchase the desired model, it is better to adhere to the advice of specialists. If the boiler and thermostat are from the same manufacturer, the risk of possible inconsistencies and breakdowns will be minimized. For a powerful boiler, a thermostat of any type is suitable; it is better to choose an option with a simple functionality for the standard version.

Before buying a device, it is worth calculating the technical parameters in advance in order to avoid equipment downtime. When installing a powerful device, it may be necessary to replace the wiring, this issue must be discussed with a specialist in advance.

Purpose and characteristics

Diagram of connecting the sensor to the boiler

Any room thermostat for a modern gas boiler helps to heat the room to the desired temperature, regardless of its level inside the room. Thanks to such a device, the owner of the house does not feel the daily weather changes on himself, since the temperature regime adapts automatically. Externally, the device looks like a closed-type siphon with a gas mixture or liquid inside.

The filler of the device reacts to temperature changes and affects the movement of the rod that closes the contacts during the increase and decrease of the mode. The design of a standard thermostat includes a highly sensitive element and a contact block with a regulator.The device can turn on and off the heating system in autonomous mode and perform other functions in accordance with the specified parameters.

The connection and installation of the regulator must be carried out according to the rules so that its operation and signal supply to the boiler are carried out correctly. It is better to entrust this task to specialists.

Advantages and disadvantages

It is recommended to lay the cable in the wall during the repair phase.

The thermostat for a gas boiler is not an obligatory part of the heating system, but it is difficult to do without it in large houses and apartments consisting of several rooms. The owners of such devices note their undoubted advantages:

  • compliance with the established temperature regime, which allows you to create a comfortable environment in a house or apartment;
  • full automation of the heating system;
  • reduction of gas consumption by the boiler due to the use of the device.

The list of disadvantages includes the need to lay a cable for wired regulators. The easiest way to do this is even at the stage of building a house. The cost of the device is also considered a disadvantage, modern devices are quite expensive.

Operating principle

The principle of operation of a sensor connected to a gas boiler

The main purpose of the thermostat after connection is to regulate the temperature in automatic mode. Such a device allows you to save time, connect a gas boiler and adjust its operation taking into account personal needs. During the operation of the boiler, the microclimate in the room is regulated by changing the temperature of the heat carrier. When it approaches the desired indicator, the boiler turns off, then it turns on again. If the outside temperature changes, the parameters of the heating system must be set manually.

Manual adjustment of the boiler operation requires additional time and attention; in this mode, the start-up and shutdown of the unit occurs more often than necessary. Also in the process, the circulation pump continues to operate, increasing energy costs and overall heating costs. The thermostat can solve both problems. It has sensors that monitor the temperature of the air in the room, and not the temperature of the water in the boiler, so the unit is turned on and off immediately when it deviates from the set mode.

Programming the regulator makes it possible to set the desired threshold for the sensor to trigger. Also, the device can set the delay time for turning on or off the boiler, which helps to reduce the likelihood of starting the device when the temperature drops for a short time.

Operating tips

It is advisable to choose a boiler and a sensor from the same manufacturer.

When choosing a wired regulator, it is worth checking in advance all the wiring associated with its installation. Ideally, it should be hidden. This will help reduce additional costs. Before buying a device, it is better to study the prices for affordable options, since there are both expensive and cheaper thermostats on the market. Those who want to save money and connect an inexpensive device should stop at a mechanical device. It is enough to set it up once a day; in terms of reliability, it is not inferior to automatic counterparts.

To reduce heat loss, it is recommended to carry out thermal insulation work before purchasing the necessary heating equipment. The choice of the device should be influenced by the area of ​​the room in which it will be installed and the planned temperature regime. It is recommended to buy a gas boiler and a regulator from the same brand, which will allow installation and adjustment of the device using a simpler scheme. If this is not possible, it is worth considering that the work will take longer, and the services of the installation wizard will cost more.
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