Since gas is the most profitable heating option for boilers, equipment of this class remains in demand on the market. When choosing a suitable product, you should be aware that during its installation a number of difficulties are possible, manifested in certain restrictions. They are based on the requirements for the placement of a gas boiler house in a private house. This applies primarily to fire safety standards.
Regulation for private houses
The current regulatory documents (SNiP), defining the requirements for the installation of a gas boiler with a closed chamber, allow its installation only in a well-ventilated room. It itself can be located in the following places:
- on the 1st floor of a heated building, in its basement;
- on a pre-prepared base in the attic;
- in a basement specially equipped for this purpose.
Units with a declared power of up to 35 kW (according to other provisions - up to 60 kW) are allowed to be placed in the kitchen. This indicator does not include other gas-fired equipment.
Existing standards for the kitchen
If the power of the unit is not more than 30 kW, the volume of the kitchen must be at least 7.5 cubic meters. meters. When placing a 60-watt boiler, according to the requirements, it must meet the following requirements:
- volume - not less than 15 cubic meters meters;
- with a greater power of the unit, it is added by one unit per kilowatt;
- the height of the rooms is at least 2.5 meters.
Ventilation must be installed in the room, which is equipped in various ways. The most common approach is to use a hood, the performance of which is selected based on the volume of living space - it should exceed it three times. It is also important that there is a window with a transom and an opening arranged in the lower part of the door leaf.
Premises in the house
The requirements for the premises for installing a gas boiler in an apartment or house and in the kitchen as a whole are very similar. The differences include:
- with the same ceiling height (about 2.5 meters), the volume is selected taking into account ease of maintenance, but in any case - not less than 15 m3;
- the walls dividing the premises have a fire resistance index of 0.75 hours and do not spread fire;
- the hood to be installed must meet the same requirements as in the kitchen.
If the installed equipment is designed for an operating power of more than 150 kW, a separate exit to the street is considered a prerequisite. It is desirable that the boiler room has another exit leading to the utility room - a storage room or a corridor. It is also important to consider the distance from the boiler to the wall in the boiler room.
The distance from the boiler to the wall must not be less than 200 mm, and to the ceiling - 450 mm. The distance from the bottom of the wall-mounted equipment to the floor is standardized at a level of at least 300 mm.
Boiler house extension
When it is not possible to allocate a separate room for the boiler in the house, an annex for the boiler room is arranged. The existing norms stipulating the height of the ceilings and other characteristics of the room are the same as for individual rooms. Additionally, the following requirements are taken into account:
- the boiler room is allowed to be attached only to the main wall, the windows and the door in it are located at a distance of up to one meter;
- the materials from which the annex walls are made (brick, cinder blocks, etc.), according to technical conditions, are non-combustible, withstand intense heating for 45 minutes;
- the walls of the extension are not connected to the main building, the foundation is made separate.
The extension is subject to mandatory registration with documentary evidence of the right to connect the gas pipeline. Without official documents and permission, no one has the right to arrange the boiler.
Combined spaces and the advantages of a kitchen location
Studio apartments and kitchens combined with the living room are becoming fashionable, visually expanding the space in the apartment. At the same time, gas services classify them as a single living space, where it is prohibited to install gas units. A way out - when preparing documents, the combined area is defined as a kitchen-dining room, which will allow it to be classified as non-residential premises.
In this case, the licensing authorities will not have any claims. If the documents have already been completed, you can try to redo them. The decision to place boilers in kitchen areas is optimal, since in this case, as a rule, everything you need is available:
- ready-made water supply;
- gas supply;
- full-size window and operating hood.
It remains to decide on the place that is chosen based on the possibility of hanging equipment on brackets fixed to the wall. Even for large kitchens in apartment buildings, this is the best option, since there is room for other household appliances.
If there is a staircase leading to the second floor, the owners of the house often expect to install a boiler under it or in the upper room. In the latter case, the most important thing is to think over the issue of the ventilation device, which should be an order of magnitude more powerful than usual, and the design of the chimney. Their arrangement will require a well-developed pipeline network capable of serving two spatial levels. The diameter of pipes for such a network is at least 200 mm.
Features of installation according to SNiP
When there are no instructions for installing the boiler in the equipment data sheet, it will have to be carried out in accordance with the recommendations of SNiP 42-101-2003 p. 6. 23. They define the following:
- gas boilers with a closed chamber may be hung on fireproof walls with a control gap of at least 2 cm;
- if the wall is made of a combustible material (wood, etc.), it should be protected with a non-combustible coating;
- as a protection, a 3-mm piece of asbestos is used with a sheet metal blank fixed on top of it.
A layer of plaster with a working thickness of at least 3 cm can perform the function of protection. When hanging the boiler, the gap from the supporting structure is left at least 3 cm. The dimensions of the sheet protection must exceed the dimensions of the boiler by 10 cm on the sides of the body and below; their stock at the top is about 70 cm.
Since, according to the latest data, asbestos is considered a material hazardous to humans, a layer of mineral wool cardboard is mounted on top. In addition, it is allowed to use a composition of glue and ceramics that provides the required fire resistance of the protection. Individual regulations at the place of arrangement of mounted-type equipment also apply to the removal of its body from the side walls. If they are made of non-combustible material, this gap should not be less than 10 cm. For coatings that are combustible in their properties, it increases to 25 cm without taking into account the layer of auxiliary protection.
For a floor-standing model of heating equipment, the floor base in the room is necessarily made fire-resistant. Before installation on the floor, a non-combustible stand of a special design is made of wood materials, which makes it possible to obtain a fire resistance limit of up to 45 minutes.It is made from bricks laid on spoons or on the basis of thick ceramic tiles. The latter is laid on top of an asbestos blank, well fixed to a steel sheet.