Do-it-yourself ceiling insulation rules in a wooden house

A dwelling made of wood is the warmest and most comfortable for human habitation. To ensure comfort, the ceiling is insulated in a wooden house. This allows you to keep heat from heating devices and serves as a barrier to the penetration of cold air from the outside. The operation can be performed independently. It is important to study the technology of the process, strictly follow it when performing work, and choose the right insulation.

The choice of insulation

Sawdust as external insulation from the attic side

When choosing a material for insulating a wooden ceiling, you should decide how the material will be laid - outside or inside. External insulation involves the placement of insulation in the attic. In this case, you can use bulk materials - sawdust or expanded clay, as well as mineral wool, glass wool. For filing the ceiling from the inside, roll canvases or foam sheets are suitable.


The cheapest and most affordable insulation is sawdust. They are pre-mixed with cement and diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10. The resulting mixture is coated on the surface to be insulated. To obtain high-quality insulation, sawdust must meet the following requirements:

  • good drying;
  • lack of mold and foreign smell;
  • age not less than a year;
  • pieces of medium size.

Sawdust is used to insulate the ceiling from above. Before applying the mixture to the surface, you need to lay a layer of waterproofing from roofing material or plastic film.

Mineral wool

Glass fiber mineral wool should be masked

For thermal insulation of the ceiling, mineral (stone) wool is used. This is a loose soft material, consists of thin fibers, between them there are air cavities that ensure heat retention. Mineral wool should not be compacted during installation, so as not to disturb the air gap.

For insulation of the attic ceiling, it is convenient to use insulation in mats. It is laid between the roof rafters and fastened to the crate with wide-headed nails. The thickness of the insulation layer is preliminarily determined using a heat engineering calculation. In addition to heat protection, the insulation provides sound insulation.

Mineral wool is characterized by a long service life, but requires a thick layer to protect it from the cold. The disadvantages include its high hygroscopicity, which requires a reliable waterproofing layer.

Rolled insulation

Stone wool in a roll is absolutely safe to use

Mineral or glass wool is used as roll insulation. They have a low density, which provides them with softness and the ability to roll into rolls. Stone wool is a non-combustible material - it does not support combustion, does not cause smoke.

Glass wool - insulation, which consists of glass threads, tangled in a chaotic manner. Requires protection of the body and respiratory organs when working with it. It is a lightweight, resilient fiber that is flame retardant. Materials of German manufacturers are of high quality.

Ecowool is made of cellulose, has a beautiful light gray color, and is used for finishing the ceiling.


To properly insulate the ceiling in a wooden house, you should pay attention to the foam. This porous synthetic material is light in weight, retains heat well, and is waterproof.Available in the form of rectangular plates of various sizes and thicknesses. They are easy to install, they can have a decorative coating, which excludes additional finishing of the ceiling. Used for indoor and outdoor thermal insulation.

Clay insulation

The weight of the clay is large enough, you need to calculate the amount per square meter

The advantages of natural natural material include its environmental friendliness, plasticity, low thermal conductivity, ease of use. The clay is mixed with sawdust, the resulting mass is applied to the ceiling surface covered with a water-repellent film. In the process of drying the clay, cracks appear, which are immediately covered up. A 15 cm layer is enough to keep warm.


How the ceiling insulation in the house will be carried out depends on its design features, the insulation material and the wishes of the owner.

Insulation of the ceiling outside

Slabs are laid end-to-end on a layer of vapor barrier

The process is similar to floor insulation. Insulation is placed on the attic floor between the logs. For example, consider the installation of mineral wool. Work order:

  • Lay a vapor barrier film between the logs and on them, fasten with a construction stapler.
  • Mineral wool mats are tightly placed between the lags, having previously cut them into plates of the desired size.
  • Lay out a layer of waterproofing from sheets of roofing material. A gap of 2-3 cm is left between the roofing material and the surface of the insulation. The waterproofing is nailed to the logs.
  • If the attic will be exploited, the flooring is made of boards, chipboard sheets or plywood.

Expanded clay is used for thermal insulation. It has positive qualities: it does not burn, it is environmentally friendly, it is not damaged by rodents and insects, it does not become moldy. It is poured with a layer of 20-25 cm. A thicker layer exerts a greater load on the floor, a smaller one will not provide sufficient thermal protection.

Insulation of the ceiling with foam is performed according to the same technique as with mineral wool. Of the advantages - ease of installation, does not absorb moisture, no dust and dirt during installation. The light weight does not increase the floor load. You cannot step on the foam; boards or plywood are laid on the logs.

Insulation of the ceiling from the inside

On the inside, when insulating with mineral wool, a vapor-proof film is also placed

If it is necessary to insulate the ceiling from the inside of the room, it must be borne in mind that its height will decrease by the thickness of the heat-insulating layer. Warm air, in contact with a cold ceiling, forms condensation. The first step is to apply a layer of vapor barrier to prevent moisture from entering the wooden surfaces. After laying the insulation, it is also isolated from steam.

Materials for vapor barrier must be non-flammable, do not emit harmful substances, protect the ceiling from humid vapors. Steam insulation ensures a comfortable room climate and protects building structures.

For vapor barrier, polyethylene film, foil-clad polyethylene, polypropylene are used. The coating is made continuous, individual sheets of film are laid with an overlap of 150 mm.

The procedure for performing work on the installation of thermal insulation of the ceiling:

  1. Vapor barrier made of roofing material or polyethylene film. Can be fixed with glue.
  2. Fasten the mounting rail with self-tapping screws.
  3. Foam plastic is installed between the slats. When using roll material, it is rolled out over the surface and glued.
  4. Lay a second layer of vapor barrier.
  5. Mask the heat-insulating cake with PVC finishing panels, plasterboard or clapboard.
  6. Drywall is painted with acrylic paints.

It is not recommended to use mineral wool for internal insulation. To obtain the desired effect, it is required to lay a thick layer of it, which significantly reduces the height of the room.

Preparatory work

The bark beetle starts in wood if not processed

To obtain a high-quality thermal insulation coating, the base is carefully prepared. The first step is to remove the remnants of construction debris, dirt, rinse from dust and dry the ceiling. The gaps between the boards are covered with a sealant. If they are small, use wood putty.

Wood is susceptible to harmful insects, mold and mildew. To protect the tree, impregnations, fire retardant primers are used. Smear thoroughly, leaving no gaps.

Possible mistakes

When insulating a wooden house on their own, people who have no experience in construction make a number of mistakes that can significantly affect the initial result. One of the most important is the insufficient protection of the structure from moisture, the absence of vapor barrier and waterproofing.

The second mistake is the high load on the floor structure caused by the use of materials that are heavy. This causes deformation and sagging of the ceiling, the threat of its collapse. Strengthening the ceiling is costly and inconvenient when living in such a room.

A serious mistake is a violation of the density of the joints between the insulation elements, which contributes to the formation of cold bridges. To eliminate this, the seams are coated with a sealant. You can leave a gap between the plates of 5 mm, then seal it with polyurethane foam, which ensures a guaranteed connection of the individual sheets.

The ideal option for ensuring a comfortable room temperature is to insulate the ceiling and walls when building a house. If it becomes necessary to do this during the operation of the premises, the work is performed in summer in good weather.
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