Rules for performing pressure testing of heating: methods, selection of pumps and pressure values

For the correct completion of any type of work with heating, it is necessary to carry out a pressure test. This applies to almost all heat supply systems. However, due to an incomplete understanding of the importance of the procedure, this rule is not always respected. In order to avoid accidents, it is necessary to figure out what constitutes a pressure test of the heating system: presses, pumps, pressure and other important parameters and components.

Appointment of heating pressure testing

Heating crimping device
Heating crimping device

During the operation of the heat supply, a natural change in the size of the components occurs: the diameter of pipes, radiator pipes, boilers and safety groups. What is heating pressure testing and how can it identify these problems?

After completing the installation work of a new heating or reconstruction of an old one, there is a possibility of the appearance of micro-slots at the joints. An apparatus for crimping the heating system will allow you to identify these problems even before starting the heating supply. The essence of its work is to create increased pressure in a certain section of the system or the entire network. A visual check or control of the pressure condition will help identify problem areas in the heating.

Pressure testing of heating with air or with the help of liquid is necessary in the following cases:

  • Upon completion of installation or repair work;
  • Before the start of the heating season;
  • After flushing the heating system;
  • When replacing individual heating elements.

To perform this procedure, heating pressure pumps are used. They can be of hydraulic or pneumatic type. It is recommended to draw up a planned schedule according to which pressure testing of the heating system in an apartment or house will be done. But first, you should choose the equipment and understand the process technology in more detail.

Often, the planned pressure testing of heating pipes is combined with their flushing. This can be done using the same pumps.

Types of heat supply pressure testing

Central heating pressure testing
Central heating pressure testing

There are several ways to do it yourself crimping the heating system. They differ not only in the equipment used, but also in the test procedure. The choice is largely determined by the complexity of the heat supply scheme.

First of all, you should find out the norms for crimping the heating system. They directly depend on the nominal pressure in the system, its length and the technical operating conditions of specific heat supply devices. The radiator manufacturers indicate the nominal values ​​for crimping. For the connection of pipes and valves, these data can be taken from a preliminary calculation of heat supply parameters.

In operation, you can use a manual pump for pressure testing of heating or its analogue with an electric drive. The choice will not affect the quality of the work, but will only affect the complexity of its implementation.

A professional press for crimping heating systems can be rented. This will save money on the purchase of an expensive installation.

Hydraulic pressure testing of heat supply

Hydraulic pressure testing of heating
Hydraulic pressure testing of heating

The most popular and effective way to pressurize the heating system in an apartment or house is the hydraulic method.To perform it, it is necessary to fill the system (or its section) with liquid and use a pump to increase the pressure to the required level.

Do-it-yourself pressure testing of the heating system using the hydraulic method is carried out only after analyzing the pressure indicators in the system. To do this, you need to know the normal value of this indicator in the system. In autonomous circuits, it is 2.5-3 atm. For centralized ones, the pressure indicator can reach 4-5 atm.

Before connecting the device to pressurize the heating system, it is recommended to check the condition of the assemblies and installed components. If this is not a new system, you need to flush it. For this, you can use heating pressure pumps.

The essence of the hydraulic heating test is as follows:

  • After filling the system with water, the pressure indicator is measured and the primary control is performed - there are no leaks;
  • Then, using an automatic or manual pump to pressurize the heating, the pressure is increased. Its value should be 20-30% higher than the maximum. The exposure time should not be more than 20-30 minutes;
  • Visual inspection of the condition of pipelines and radiators;
  • Decrease in pressure to normal and stabilize within 5-6 hours.

During this procedure, the coolant does not heat up. High water temperatures can have a negative effect on the heating press.

The most important task is to determine the pressure testing of the heating system. It should not be critical for heating elements. Therefore, before performing this procedure, you should familiarize yourself with the technical characteristics of pipes, radiators, batteries and boiler.

Even a slight drop in system pressure indicates a leak. You can determine its location using a sheet of thin paper, attaching it to the mounting nodes.

Pneumatic pressure testing of heat supply

Hydraulic pressure testing of heat supply
Hydraulic pressure testing of heat supply

In rare cases, air is used to create the required excess pressure for crimping the heating system. The difference lies in the greater labor intensity of the work and the difficulties in determining the location of future leaks.

In this case, the same standards for crimping heating systems apply. However, in order to more effectively check the heat supply, it will be necessary to apply a method for monitoring its condition, which is different from the hydraulic method.

The difference lies in the following nuances:

  • Pre-purge the system to remove debris, scale and third-party elements;
  • Connecting the device for pressure testing the heat supply system. After that, all valves are ruptured - Mayevsky taps, drain and air vents;
  • The system is pressurized, exceeding normal by 20-25%;
  • The pressure gauge readings are monitored for a certain period of time. If there is a decrease in pressure, the system is not completely sealed;
  • To determine the location of a future leak, a pneumatic pump for pressure testing the heat supply is alternately connected to various parts of the system. This way the defect can be found.

After the leak is eliminated, the equipment is switched on again, and the manometer readings are again checked. This method is not recommended for autonomous heating of a private house or apartments, since it is difficult to identify potentially emergency areas in the network with its help. Most often, air pressure testing of heating is performed in long-distance networks so as not to waste the coolant.

Before pressure testing heating pipes, it is necessary to visually check their integrity, check the condition of welded and screwed joints.

Heating pressure pumps

Electric pump for heating pressure testing
Electric pump for heating pressure testing

Knowing what a heating system pressure test is and how to carry it out, you should understand the types of equipment used.To carry out this work, special installations are used, which differ in configuration, design and technical parameters.

Manual models of pumps for heating pressure testing have a piston system for creating pressure. Electric - power plants for fluid injection. Almost all of them are self-priming. For a small amount of work, it is recommended to use a mechanical press for crimping heating systems. If the volume of the heating medium in heating is large enough, then it is more expedient to choose an electric type of pump. They differ structurally from each other in the following ways:

  • Membrane;
  • Reciprocating;
  • Rotary vane.
Mechanical pump for heating pressure testing
Mechanical pump for heating pressure testing

Most often, piston pumps are used for hydraulic pressure testing of the heat supply system in an apartment because of their affordable cost and reliability. If air injection into the system is planned, it is recommended to opt for another type of equipment. In this case, diaphragm pumps are the best option. With their help, you can quickly and professionally make a do-it-yourself pressure test of the heat supply system.

In addition to the design features, the operational limitations of the equipment should be taken into account:

  • Heat carrier type... In some models, it is not recommended to use antifreeze for crimping heating pipes;
  • Flushing capability... For this, the pump must include a water filtration system;
  • Specifications - the maximum allowable pressure, productivity, head.

Currently, there are several models designed to create the desired indicator pressure for crimping the heat supply system.

ModelCost, rub.
Valve, 10 HP mechanical4880
POE-60, electric23700
NOR-63, mechanical8250

The purchase of a pump for pressure testing is impractical. It is best to rent it. On average, its daily cost ranges from 5% to 10% of the cost of the product.

If the pump does not have a filtration system, it must be installed on the supply pipe. Otherwise, there is a high probability that expensive equipment will fail at the time of operation.

How is heat supply pressure tested?

Connection of the pump for pressure testing
Connection of the pump for pressure testing

Before self-pressure testing of the heating system, a number of preparatory work should be carried out. First of all, check the condition of all elements and try to identify possible breakdowns and malfunctions even before starting the procedure.

The required norms for pressure testing of the heat supply system are preliminarily determined, which directly depend on its actual parameters. If necessary, pipes and radiators are cleaned. For this it is necessary to remove the old coolant. It is recommended to use universal pump types, which are designed for both pressure testing and flushing.

Then the following stages of work are performed:

  1. Filling the system with a coolant. For crimping, it is best to use ordinary water, since it has an optimal density indicator.
  2. Connecting the press and increasing the pressure in the line to the required level.
  3. Reconciliation of indications on the indicator of the manometer.

If the pressure in the system has not changed within 30-40 minutes, it means that all elements are in good order and you can do a test run of the heat supply. A constant drop in pressure indicates a leak in pipes or radiators. If it is impossible to determine it visually, a pressure test should be made on each of the heating sections.

In district heating, this procedure must be carried out by representatives of the Management Company. When submitting an application, the reason for which it is necessary to perform pressure testing of the heat supply in the apartment is indicated. Most often this is the replacement of radiators and pipes. In addition, these activities are recommended to be done at least once every 2-3 years.

The heating crimping act is drawn up only when the house is put into operation or after the completion of preventive and repair work in the central heating supply. It is not needed when crimping autonomous heating or pipes and radiators in an apartment.

You can learn about the features of performing crimping heating from the video:
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