Advantages and Disadvantages of Steel Panel Radiators

Modern panel batteries are popular due to the combination of convector and radiator functions, simplicity and efficiency of the design. These are devices with increased heat dissipation, which are quite economical at the same time. The primitive construction of such batteries eliminates problems during installation and other difficulties that may arise during the installation process. Before choosing a suitable type of panel radiator, you need to choose the right connection option, study their pros and cons, as well as all the features.

Distinctive features of panel radiators

The internal structure of the radiator is covered with a decorative panel and grille

Steel panel radiators can be found in most modern apartment buildings or private houses. They are versatile and practical, have an attractive appearance and are sold at affordable prices. The standard panel radiators are complemented by a faceplate on the façade, which is made of durable high quality steel. Most often, such devices are equipped with heating circuits in private and low-rise buildings, since they are capable of operating at a low operating pressure of up to 10 atm and temperatures up to +110 degrees.

For the manufacture of radiators of this type, Russian and European manufacturers use sheets of steel, which is welded using innovative technology. Inside the units there are special niches and channels designed to move the coolant. Additionally, the devices are equipped with u-shaped plates in the amount of no more than 3 pieces, which are needed for air convection. Due to their compact size and low weight, such products can be installed in any room and external panels can be designed in various ways.

The height of the batteries does not exceed 300-900 mm, the width is 300-400 mm, which makes them an ideal choice even for small rooms.

Pros and cons of steel panel batteries

To prevent water hammer, a gearbox is installed on the radiators

The main advantage of metal panel heating radiators is the budget cost and attractive appearance. Their advantages are especially noticeable when compared with cast iron or copper models. They are able to efficiently heat rooms and at the same time require much less energy for heating. The robust construction allows them to be mounted on walls made of any material. The list of the main advantages of radiators include:

  • reliability and absence of problems during installation;
  • high heat transfer due to the large area of ​​the batteries and good convection;
  • efficiency up to 30-40% compared to analogs made of cast iron and copper;
  • spectacular appearance, which makes it possible not to spend money on the purchase and installation of screens;
  • large assortment, the ability to choose from a wide range of models.

Panel radiators also have their drawbacks, which must be taken into account. The list of weaknesses includes the increased sensitivity of the seams to water hammer, which is why it is necessary to additionally install a gearbox that can mitigate the impact. Rusty tendency, especially if the circulating fluid does not meet the required quality level. Scheduled water cut-off significantly accelerates the appearance of corrosion and reduces the life of the radiators.

Defects and scratches may appear on the dashboard during operation or during transportation, provoking the development of rust.


Steel batteries for home heating are two plates welded together. Due to such a connection, a space is formed inside, which is necessary for the free circulation of the heat carrier, while the welded seams securely hold the plates. The steel from which panel-type radiators are made is exposed to rust due to contact with the heat carrier, which provokes its gradual wear, reaching 0.1 mm per year. To reduce this indicator, the batteries are coated with paint using cathodic or anodic electrophoresis or the immersion method.

In accordance with technical calculations and characteristics, panel batteries are divided into several types, taking into account the number of heat exchangers and the number of panels. Their service life is long enough if the temperature during operation of the heat carrier is kept at around 70 degrees. It must be remembered that the limiting temperature of the liquid inside the system should not be higher than 100 degrees. The operating pressure during installation must not exceed 10 bar in order to avoid accidents.

Connection options

Radiator connection options

There are several connection options, including bottom, diagonal, and side. Each of them has its own characteristics, therefore, when choosing, you need to focus on the type of heating system, the area of ​​the room, as well as other factors. It is best to contact a specialist who will install the battery in accordance with the rules and standard standards.


This type of connection is suitable for one-pipe systems. This method allows you to distribute hot water as efficiently as possible. When there are more than twelve sections in one radiator, special nozzles must be used so that the flow passes deep into the heating device. To clarify the exact number of sections, you need to calculate the power using a calculator in order to eliminate possible errors. This scheme allows the heat carrier to pass diagonally through the entire volume and evenly heat all sections.


Devices with this connection method are called universal. Their main advantage is complete invisibility and the ability to harmoniously fit the unit into the interior and space of any type. This is possible through the use of angle and straight fittings, also called radiator binoculars in plumbing parlance. The complete set of the units includes a thermostatic valve, a thermal head and much more. Although they are not more expensive compared to other types of radiators, they are not a bad option for most modern homes and apartments.


With lateral connection, the potential of the radiator is fully exploited

Devices with a side connection method are the most popular among buyers, and not only because of the low price. Such radiators are switched in several ways, most often a one-sided side circuit is used, thanks to which the potential of the device is used to the fullest. Side diagonal connection is used only for units with a large number of sections, this option negatively affects the aesthetics, but provides an ideal level of heat transfer and heating.

How to choose the best steel panel radiators

When choosing a device of this type, first of all, attention is paid to its power and dimensions, which must correspond to the area of ​​the heated room. To warm up 1 m2, at least 0.1 kW of heat energy is needed. Since the heat output depends on the area of ​​the units, the length of the radiator can be no more than 60-70% of the window width. Batteries from various manufacturers are presented on the market; among Russian brands, devices of the Lidea, Prado and Konrad brands have proven themselves best.In the rating of the best foreign brands, consumers included Kermi, Buderus, Purmo, Axis, Rom and Lemax.

Tips and Operations

Even the highest quality device can fail if not properly maintained and safety instructions are not followed. During the operation of panel radiators of any type, the following rules are observed:

  • radiators with a manual or mechanical thermostat are considered the most practical;
  • to prevent accidents and flooding, it is necessary to install ball valves that shut off the flow of the heat carrier;
  • in order for the system to work efficiently, air is periodically pumped out from the inside.

It is not so difficult to choose steel panels for home heating; before that, you should familiarize yourself with all the available options in order to make the right choice, and seek advice from specialists.
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