Advantages and features of Stropuva boilers

If it is not possible to install gas or electricity heating in the house, you should pay attention to equipment that uses solid raw materials as fuel. The Stropuva boiler can perfectly perform the functions of heating, and at the same time it is convenient, since it only requires periodic filling of combustible materials into the furnace. The interval between fillings is once every 12 hours or less often, depending on the type of materials to be burned and the design of the circuit.

How the device works

Stropuva boiler with fuel storage tank

The principle of operation of Stropuva heating equipment is based on the combustion of fuel in its upper part. This effect is achieved by supplying oxygen to the top layer of wood waste, coal or briquettes. As it burns out, the hearth moves to the lower part of the firebox until all the material runs out.

The efficiency and high efficiency of the equipment is due to slow combustion and smoldering, in which almost all the thermal energy is used to heat the water in the circuit. Due to the fact that the flame in the firebox is not intense, in most cases, overheating and boiling of the coolant is impossible, therefore, an expansion tank can not be used in a heating system of this type.

If firewood is used as fuel, on average their supply in the combustion bin needs to be replenished every 30 hours. With a more powerful energy carrier - coal - it is enough to lay the firebox once every five days.

How the boiler Stropuva works

Unit design features

The Stropuva boiler has an original design, which is built on the following elements:

  • Water jacketed housing. This is the supporting part of the apparatus, equipped with a double wall with an internal space filled with a coolant. Below and above such a tank there are supply and return pipes.
  • The firebox. A cylindrical container where firewood or other combustible material is placed. Two shafts with doors lead into it: one for supplying wood, the second for removing ash, as well as a smoke removal channel.
  • Air heating chamber. It is necessary so that oxygen coming from the street to the area of ​​fire burning does not lower the set temperature and does not cool the heat exchanger.
  • Oxygen distributor. The element is made in the form of a nozzle with stops, in the middle of which there is an opening connected to the air heating chamber by means of a telescopic pipe. The distributor is controlled by means of a ring and a cable.
  • Manual air damper. It serves to reduce, increase the flow of oxygen into the combustion chamber.
  • Thermometer and pressure relief sensor.

The long-burning solid fuel boiler Stropuva is installed on a concrete base, which has a strictly horizontal position.

Types of boilers

Stropuva's equipment, like other types of devices operating on solid fuel, the manufacturer produces in different capacities. In addition, there are simpler models that work on wood and waste of this material, and there are more universal ones. The combustion chamber of the latter allows you to burn coal of various brands (except for that used in blast furnaces), as well as various fuel briquettes and pellets.

Long burning solid propellants ordinary

Types of fuel for the universal solid fuel boiler Stropuva

The devices work only on firewood and wood waste.Technical characteristics of the medium power device:

  • Heat energy output - 10 kilowatts.
  • The recommended area for heating is no more than 100 squares.
  • The efficiency is about 87%.
  • The volume of the water jacket is 34 liters.
  • The capacity of the firewood hopper is about 25 kg.
  • The size of the log in length is no more than 0.35 meters.
  • Firebox parameters - 0.350X0.210X0.250 meters.
  • Weight and dimensions - 1.92 meters height, 0.45 meters diameter, 185 kilograms.

Original device models are produced in the Republic of Lithuania.

Long burning boilers Stropuva universal

For the unit, you need to select a separate furnace

These units are floor-mounted and can operate on a variety of natural fuels: wood materials, coal, peat and briquettes. The models are equipped with a forced air blower and a spacious combustion chamber that allows fuel to be loaded for a long time. High power equipment specifications:

  • Heat output power - 20 kilowatts.
  • Heated space - 200 squares.
  • The efficiency is within 85%.
  • The heat exchanger has a capacity of 45 liters.
  • The volume of the coal bunker is 130 kilograms.
  • Weight and size parameters - 2.1 meters height, 0.56 meters diameter, 246 kilograms.

Due to its compactness, the device can be placed in a small furnace.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of such models of heat generators include:

  • High efficiency of about 87%.
  • Long-term action on one tab and the absence of excessive heat, leading to boiling of water in the system.
  • The frequency of cleaning the ash pan is 3-1 times a month.
  • The wood-fired version of the equipment is completely non-volatile, its control is carried out by means of a bimetallic plate. Universal models require only 20 watts of electrical power.
  • The height of the chimney pipe for such devices can be from 4.5 meters.
  • The equipment is safe, at critical temperatures the structure is compressed, not exploded.
Boiler power depending on design

In practice, Stropuv's devices are confidently serving for over 10 years.

Disadvantages of the Stropuva boiler:

  • The duration of burning of the unit specified by the manufacturer on different types of fuel is possible only under certain conditions. This includes good insulation of the house and a properly assembled heating system, which is rarely seen in practice.
  • Firewood should not be thrown into the firebox during the combustion process - you need to wait until everything burns out, as a result, the effect of cold batteries is always observed.
  • The bimetallic regulator does not provide an opportunity to accurately adjust the temperature in the system.

The unit is considered non-volatile, but the system to which it is connected requires forced circulation by the pump.

Experts recommend not to adhere to the rule of 1 kilowatt of thermal energy per 10 squares of the room, but to take the upper combustion boilers twice as powerful as the design option. This approach is guaranteed to provide greater efficiency of the device and the passport duration of work on one tab.

System piping

The boiler piping is no different from the rest of the solid fuel units

When connecting the device, in addition to conventional heating radiators, a safety battery must be included in the system, on which a thermostat does not need to be installed. This convector must be cut first on the supply pipe of the jacket through the balancing valve and mounted in such a way that the coolant can move in it by gravity in the event of a power outage.

All other radiators go in a different circuit through ordinary valves and return to the circulation pump. The pump itself is bypassed through a three-way valve, which is connected by a second channel to the return pipe of the unit and is controlled by a temperature sensor installed on the return pipe of the batteries.

Among the most popular models of Stropuva solid fuel boilers are the Stropuva 10S wood-burning unit and the Stropuva 20U universal device, for 10 and 20 kilowatts of power, respectively, designed for heating country cottages.
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