Advantages and characteristics of Rocklight insulation

In order for the erected residential building to be warm and cozy, it is necessary to insulate it well, choosing high-quality thermal insulation materials for this. Modern heaters are represented by a wide variety of models that differ in price and technical characteristics. Comparing products from different manufacturers, including Rocklight insulation, will help not to make a mistake when choosing the right material.

Rocklight product properties

Insulation Rocklight TechnoNicol brand is made of basalt rock

Mineral wool from a well-known manufacturer is a non-combustible insulation board with low thermal conductivity. They are made from natural minerals (basalt rocks) and are intended for insulation and sound insulation of buildings under construction. The properties that characterize this material include ease of installation and attractive performance parameters.

The qualities of Rocklight mineral wool insulation are appreciated by most experts and ordinary users. They attract many private developers with their properties. Of particular practical interest for the latter are the technical characteristics of Rocklight insulation.

Specifications and dimensions

Minwata Rocklight is distinguished by excellent performance indicators, upon consideration of which the following characteristics are assessed:

  • thermal conductivity of the insulation, which is 0.036 W / meter;
  • permissible compression percentage (no more than 30);
  • structure density, amounting to 30-37 kg / m3;
  • hygroscopicity, estimated as moisture absorption by the volume of the slab (no more than 2%);
  • flammability (degree NG).

The listed indicators correspond to the requirements and standards for modern thermal insulation used in various climatic conditions. By themselves, they are not a record, but under certain conditions, due to their combinations, it is possible to achieve good results. The density of the material (compression ratio) during the installation of insulation indoors and in the attics of buildings is of decisive importance. Thanks to this characteristic, it is possible to calculate the amount of deformation load that cotton wool can withstand without losing its original shape.

Insulation blanks from Techno Rocklight are produced in packages. The dimensions of the sheets are 1200 × 600 × 50 mm or 1200 × 600 × 100 mm. The indicated dimensions are among the most popular, since mineral wool mats of this standard size are easily located in the frameworks of structures.

If one layer is not enough for effective thermal insulation, it is allowed to combine TechnoNicol Rocklight insulation blanks or arrange them in several levels.

Advantages and disadvantages

Insulation TechnoNIKOL Rocklight in comparison with other materials of this class has the following advantages:

  • low thermal conductivity;
  • unique ability to save heat, with which only environmentally friendly cotton wool can compete;
  • resistance to fire and fire spread;
  • the ability to maintain its shape for a long time;
  • low level of hygroscopicity, taking into account the use of a special insulating layer;
  • good absorption of sound waves, thanks to which Rocklite minelite can be used for sound insulation purposes.

The material is resistant to rodents, insects and harmful microorganisms.

If we compare Rocklite with Rockwool, it can be noted that when creating the first, not only basalt are used, but also additives in the form of extruded polystyrene foam. Compared to other samples, this insulation material is lighter, which reduces transportation costs and simplifies installation. At the same time, it is strong enough, therefore, it is used in places where it is unacceptable to mount less rigid insulation.

The material has one drawback - high cost.

Insulation plates from Rockwool deservedly belong to the category of better quality products, which at the same time have a very reasonable price. But also comparable products from Rocklight have many positive properties, which attracts the attention of users.

Features of installation of Rocklight insulation

For roofing, attic floors, Rocklight is laid in a double layer

Rocklight thermal insulation is used when it is necessary to insulate the following structural elements:

  • flooring on the ground floors of buildings;
  • attic floors in private and city houses;
  • pitched and conventional flat roofs;
  • if it is necessary to insulate the facades of buildings for siding, etc.

After getting acquainted with the properties of samples of basalt thermal insulation, you will need to master the techniques of self-warming of roofs and facades.

Insulation of house facades

Before proceeding with the insulation of the facade of the house with Rockwool mineral wool, you need to mount a frame made of metal profiles or wooden beams. The width of the cells must correspond to the standard size of the insulation boards (50, 100 or 150 mm). Further steps for arranging wall surfaces look like this:

  1. A waterproofing material (polyethylene film) is laid on top of the frame structure, which protects the insulation from moisture ingress into it. It is mounted with an overlap of at least 15 cm, after which the joints between the individual pieces of the film are glued with construction tape.
  2. TechnoNIKOL thermal insulation slabs are placed between the bars. They are securely fixed in the guides due to the fact that the distance between the latter is 1-1.5 cm less than the width of the plates themselves.
  3. The thermal insulation is closed from above with a vapor barrier membrane. At the same time, special attention is paid to ensuring that the smooth side of the film faces the insulation.

At the final stage of installation work, wooden slats with a width of about 20-30 mm are stuffed on top of the insulation "pie". A gap of this size is recommended to be made according to the instructions so that moisture accumulating there can be eroded from the surface of the waterproofing film. A decorative facade cladding is mounted on the bars of a pre-prepared counter-lathing. It can be vinyl siding, PVC panels, OSB boards.

Pitched roof insulation

A waterproofing membrane must be installed under the layer of mineral wool.

The procedure for installation work when insulating pitched roofs:

  1. From the inside of the rafters, a wooden crate is stuffed with a small step. The distances between the guides are not chosen very large so that the insulation boards laid on them do not sag under their own weight.
  2. During installation, it is necessary to ensure that in the joint zones the mats are tightly pressed against one another. If necessary, the insulation is laid in two layers with the overlap of the second level with the first.
  3. A layer of wind and waterproofing film is mounted on top. It attaches to the rafters with a slight sag to ensure that condensation can drain off.

The upper side of the waterproofing film reliably protects the insulation from moisture, and the lower side ensures the free outflow of vapor accumulated in the house from it. Pieces of polyethylene film used as steam insulation are stacked with an overlap of about 15 cm.

It will be necessary to equip a ventilation gap, for which another crate of wooden bars is stuffed on top of the finished structure.This element of the insulating cake is necessary so that the condensate accumulating on the surface of the film is easily eroded.

Application in various fields of construction

Layer-by-layer installation of Rocklight insulation for walls

Insulation mats Rocklight, thanks to the previously discussed advantages, are actively used in private construction. The scope of this material is very wide:

  • stone wool is widely used for insulating inclined, vertical and horizontal surfaces;
  • plates are selected when it is necessary to protect structural corner elements;
  • the material is often used for thermal insulation of floor slabs and pitched roofs.

Rocklight mineral wool slabs are widely used in the arrangement of foundations and basements. This high-quality heat insulator is in great demand when insulating light attics and frame structures.
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