The advantages of using gas boilers Ariston

The innovative gas boiler Ariston is suitable for a private house and for an apartment. This is a good option for various regions of Russia, since the peculiarities of Russian communications and climate conditions are taken into account in the production process. The device corresponds to a high level of quality and is able to withstand sudden changes in pressure and voltage, exposure to untreated water and even severe frosts during operation. The boilers of the Italian brand have practically no flaws, buyers can choose one of the options presented in the current model range, and not doubt the correctness of the choice.

Manufacturer information Ariston

Control panel in the gas boiler Ariston

The Italian company Ariston has existed since the 30s of the last century and is currently a large corporation that has united several firms. The brand is known all over the world and occupies an honorable third place in terms of total sales. The Ariston boiler appeared the first on the Russian market in the field of heating equipment and quickly attracted the attention of Russian buyers. Devices from this brand are successfully sold and are in great demand.

Every Ariston double-circuit or standard boiler, including Uno, is distinguished by good technical characteristics, a full range of options and an attractive design that allows it to easily fit into a modern interior. A large model range makes it possible to choose a device taking into account the needs, and the absence of problems during installation makes the boiler a good choice for those who plan to install it on their own.

The boilers of the brand operate at temperatures up to -52 degrees and a pressure of 5 mbar, are capable of operating in high-risk conditions and are supplemented with special parts in case of emergencies.

Model range of boilers

Genus X single-circuit boiler model

The brand's boilers are divided into several types depending on the installation method, the number of circuits, the draft option and the combustion chamber. Wall-mounted or mounted models are on sale, they are more compact, equipped with copper or steel heat exchangers, and have a high level of sensitivity to water and gas supply parameters. Floor-standing units are heavier and more powerful with a level of up to 64,000 watts, they can only be installed in spacious rooms and mounted on the floor using a special stand.

Single-circuit devices are only capable of heating the premises, double-circuit devices heat the house and heat hot water for domestic needs. Boilers are divided into versions with natural and forced draft. In the first case, the device operates according to the atmospheric type; in the process, air for the purpose of combustion comes from space. In the second case, the operation of the device is based on forced ventilation, this type is called turbocharged. The list of current modifications includes the following models:

  • BS 15 FF, 24 FF and II;
  • Cares X 15 CF, FF, 18 FF, 24 CF, FF;
  • HS 15 CF, FF, 18 FF, 24 CF, FF;
  • Clas X 24 FF, 28 FF, 24 CF;
  • Egis Plus, Premium;
  • Genus X;
  • Alteas System X.

Currently, there are three series of devices on sale with several modifications in each of them. The Egis range includes dual-circuit boilers and is designed for those on a budget. The devices of this series are supplemented with filters and an anti-scale option, are protected from freezing and work on intelligent control.The Clas series is considered more powerful, the devices of the line have all the necessary options, including auto-tuning and fuel consumption control. The most functional devices of the Genus series are considered, this includes wall-mounted boilers with two circuits, they are equipped with fans, displays, remote controls.

Single-circuit boilers are available with a capacity of 15-32 kW and are supplemented with open and closed combustion chambers. Two-circuit are available with power levels of 15, 18, 24 and 28 kW.


Each Ariston double-circuit or single-circuit gas boiler has almost identical technical characteristics with slight differences depending on the specific modification. Boiler models differ in terms of size, design and purpose. Of the general options, it is worth noting the auto function, which is a sensor that is responsible for the room temperature. The device is able to independently control the temperature regime and select the necessary parameters, taking into account the indicators on the street and in the house.

Many devices are supplemented with built-in automatic air vents that eliminate air accumulated inside the system. They also have additional protection against scale, freezing and the ingress of dirt into the circular pump and make-up for the primary circuit of the semi-automatic type. The devices are quiet during operation due to perfect noise isolation. Each boiler has a set of instructions and menus, including in Russian for ease of use.

Advantages of Ariston boilers

Boiler with self-diagnosis system, the results of which are displayed

Although all gas boilers of the brand are manufactured in Italy, their development took into account the realities of Russian conditions, including low gas pressure, periodic power surges in the networks, water with pollution and cold winters. Italian engineers succeeded in creating equipment of a high level of quality, taking into account all the potential difficulties. Each boiler is equipped with two mechanical filters for water purification, the devices take into account all the dangerous moments in emergency situations.

All models are supplemented with a special self-diagnosis system, which greatly simplifies the process of maintenance and operation. In the event of an accident, the security system quickly stops the device. Self-diagnosis is repeated at the required frequency, if all parameters are normal, the device will start on its own. The main advantages of the brand's boilers are safety and high efficiency, which allows you to completely destroy all combustion products, since heating goes into heating.

Of the minuses, users note the need to place floor-type boilers in separate rooms. To eliminate pressure surges, it is necessary to install additional adjustment units.

How to make a choice

Estimated boiler output depending on the area of ​​the house

For the correct choice of the boiler, it is necessary to carry out heat loss calculations in advance, taking into account the area of ​​the room, its type and the needs of the owners. In the process of calculation, it is determined that 1000 W falls on 10 square meters of area with ceilings up to 3 meters high, but it is worth considering - such a calculation is approximate. The boiler option is not selected without a margin, so that the device does not work at the limit of its capabilities, the degree of insulation of a private house or apartment is additionally taken into account.

The best option would be to contact the specialists of construction and design firms who are able to carry out more accurate calculations. Their services of this type cost in the range of 2000-7000 rubles. In the calculations, minor errors are allowed, which can provoke problems with an even distribution of heat throughout the premises and a shortage of hot water. To eliminate errors and malfunctions of this type, it is necessary to regulate the gas supply if necessary and monitor the condition of the boiler.

When choosing a boiler, you should focus on your capabilities, budget, needs and conditions.Modern devices are supplemented with all the necessary options and are able to satisfy the requirements of any customer. This is the best option for those looking for a boiler with universal characteristics.

Operating rules

The heat exchanger is flushed once a year.

The operation process and rules of use are described in detail in the instructions for each boiler. It is important to find out in advance what the pressure inside the expansion compartment should be, since it can drop during operation and check the special code. The pressure must be monitored and checked once a year. The owner also needs to monitor the filters, check and clean them as needed, clean the heat exchangers, especially if the boiler is installed in a region with hard water, change gaskets and other parts.

During installation and installation, a service specialist must be present, it will be much better if the master installs the boiler in the house. Self-installation can cause errors and create emergency situations. Experts will be able to install, configure, start and test the boiler, as well as explain exactly how it should be used. The owner will need to additionally conclude a service contract and try to follow the manufacturer's recommendations regarding the operation of the device.

Specialists are called in for inspection at least twice a year, each heating season should begin with a standard inspection. After the end of the season, a service employee is also invited.

Italian boilers from a popular brand differ from their counterparts due to their low cost and are worthy competitors to many devices from well-known companies. Consumers most often prefer wall-mounted and double-circuit models, which are able to quickly solve problems with hot water supply and heating. At Ariston, you can find devices for any house or apartment, choose the best option from a wide range of modifications, taking into account your needs.
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