Advantages of a brick oven for home heating

Heat loss at home is determined by the dissonance of the temperatures of the external and internal environment (temperature gradient). Heating devices in many cases are universal means that help to create an ideal microclimate in the premises.

Heating stoves

A heating brick stove allows you to heat a multi-room house in a matter of minutes without harming the health of the owners. With its help, heating can be started when required, regardless of centralized processes. Such a device is an ideal solution for residents of latitudes characterized by frequent temperature extremes.

A brick oven is "omnivorous", it consumes everything that burns: waste and alternative fuel (pellets, etc.) - an excellent budget option that allows you to save money.

The stationary furnace has a high heat capacity and long-term heat transfer following the heating process. It is important to choose a constructively suitable option, taking into account the heat engineering calculations and determine the place of the stove in the house. Ready-made refractory mixture for ovens, ideal for those who decide to fold the oven with their own hands.
I recommend not to neglect complex measures: external insulation significantly increases the efficiency of the furnace. The siding of the building simplifies and reduces the cost of the internal heating process. Choosing the optimal model (Russian or Swedish), you should take care of the convenient and safe placement of the stove structure.

The Swedish brick heating and cooking stove is efficient and safe. The design perfection of the convector and the oven allows you to place a heat exchanger with a storage tank. To equip a Swedish stove requires the use of high-quality materials for the foundation, otherwise the structurally narrow part will be fragile and mobile.

The convector format is undergoing changes, it can be turned over relative to the chamber part, which provides a high heat retention capacity, due to which large living areas are heated.

I advise you to place the stove in the middle, so you give the house a more respectable look. A fireplace model with a cast iron firebox is suitable for the living room. This option is suitable for those who prefer to spend evenings with friends and family by the fireplace. If you have planned the device of a stove with a chimney, then you should provide for the technical features of the room and the specifics of the arrangement of the roof.

If convenience is a priority for you, a special hob with a heating shield will allow you to cook your favorite meals in an increased comfort. Such an installation must be distinguished by its super-strength and reliability, and comply with technical requirements.

The need for thermal insulation

Installation of thermal insulation systems will allow you to secure a brick oven and create an optimal operating mode. In such cases, the flooring under the flap is supplemented with logs, the chimney cutting is distanced from the ceiling structures. The most heated parts of the furnace are laid out on a chamotte mortar. In this case, it is necessary to strictly follow the installation rules, since errors can be expensive.

The small Russian stove is popular not only in provincial settlements, but also in large cities, since it is associated with the invariability of traditions, warmth and comfort. Its installation requires bricks without chips, or you need a special heat-resistant tile for stoves and fireplaces, the stove itself is erected on a separate base.

The efficiency of the furnace operation depends on the functionality: the installation of a water heater is not always technically and constructively justified. The internal resource of heat must circulate in natural conditions: installation errors can lead to functional disruption and soot deposition. To equip a bell-type stove designed exclusively for heating needs, the services of specialists will be required.
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