Beautiful and practical heating radiators Royal from the famous Italian brand Royal Termo are especially popular among buyers in the Russian Federation. Experts and consumers agreed that the devices of this manufacturer are distinguished by a high level of quality and reliability, as well as innovative design and compact dimensions. Brand radiators have their own characteristic features, their installation also differs from the installation of standard heating devices. It is worth knowing about this in advance at the stage of choosing the appropriate option.
About the manufacturer Royal Thermo
The renowned Italian company Royal Climatic is part of the Royal Climatic Industrial Design group. Its employees managed to develop and patent a special technology for the production of heating radiators from Royal aluminum in 1966, together with another Italian concern Faral. Now devices of this brand are produced not only in Italy, but also in Russia. The Russian plant is located in the city of Kirzhach, where models of the Revolution and Dream Liner series are made. The rest of the radiator models are made in the city of Orgiano.
The efforts of specialists from Russia and Italy were justified, thanks to which the Royal Climatic brand is considered one of the most demanded at the present time. The technology for creating a battery of the Royal brand has been improved for half a century, which made it possible to improve the parameters of the devices every year. Today these radiators are ideal in terms of design and efficiency. At the factories of the company, they continue to conduct research and constantly improve designs and materials; over the past ten years, Royal Climatic technologists have received three patents for their inventions.
Royal radiators are lightweight and have a low capacity heat carrier, they do not cause problems during installation, they heat up quickly and have an attractive design.
Advantages of radiators
Royal Thermo radiators are made of silumin aluminum alloy, which contains magnesium and manganese. Due to these additives, finished products become durable, homogeneous and at the same time plastic. The company's technologists also use titanium, adding it to the main composition, this substance significantly increases the strength and reliability of finished batteries. The composition of the products is completely homogeneous, therefore, the radiators do not change their characteristics depending on temperature changes and are distinguished by increased heat transfer.
Due to the good plasticity of the source material, the brand's designers manage to fully implement their projects, creating stylish and modern batteries that fit well into any interior. The proprietary improved composition is used for the manufacture of aluminum radiators and bimetal battery “jackets”. It should also be borne in mind that all Royal brand aluminum batteries are cast. The list of the main advantages of the brand's products includes:
- small size and weight, which greatly simplifies installation;
- prices available to every customer;
- ease of installation, which makes it possible to supply a radiator without contacting specialists;
- spectacular design and graceful appearance;
- the presence of all the necessary components in the set;
- fast heating and cutting off cold air;
- protection against corrosion.
Of the disadvantages of Royal radiators, the presence of reactive aluminum in the composition is noted, therefore, for installation, you need to choose a suitable place in order to avoid unnecessary thermal reactions.
Types of batteries Royal
The manufacturer offers a fairly large assortment of batteries, including those with a bottom connection. Among them, the most popular models are distinguished, which have proven themselves in the process of operation. This list includes the Revolution 350 radiator equipped with vertical manifolds to prevent clogging from poor quality coolant. It is supplemented with intermittent ribs, due to which its circulation and heat transfer rate are noticeably higher compared to analogs. The heat dissipation of the model is 189 W from the section.
Another popular Biliner 500 model belongs to the bimetallic category, supplemented with a steel manifold, which excludes contact of aluminum with the coolant. Beeliner batteries can withstand the maximum head pressure from the heat carrier, have a high level of convection, due to which they are able to warm up the entire room as much as possible. Another version of the PianoForte is in demand due to the presence of two modifications, in the first version the front side has a recess in the lower side, in the second - in the upper side. Piano Fort can be ordered in any color scheme and several modifications can be combined.
The list of popular varieties also includes the Bimetall model, which has a completely bimetallic base. It is ideal for district heating networks, has a high heat transfer due to additional fins. Another radiator of the DreamLiner model from RoyalThermo is made only of aluminum and differs from other types in its high heating rate combined with good efficiency. In addition to improved performance, the device has an elegant appearance.
Bimetallic radiators from Royal are interconnected steel panels containing 6 or 8 sections. They are made by injection molding at a certain pressure and have a fairly compact size. Such batteries last longer, since they are based on a steel core, which takes over the function of strengthening the structure. Each bimetal model, for example, Noir, Silver, Satin or Sable, is different from others, but in general they all have common requirements for operation. Their list includes a working pressure of up to 30 Bar and a test pressure of up to 45 Bar, a heat carrier temperature of up to 120 degrees, an oxygen content of no more than 20 and suspensions of no more than 5 μg / l.
Aluminum batteries are produced using a new technology, during which the body and the plug are connected without welding. So that the coolant does not corrode the alloy, as well as to avoid the development of corrosion, all sections of the brand's radiators are processed with fluorine and zirconium in two stages. This treatment allows you to form a protective film on the sections inside and outside, after which the radiators are painted with paint in two stages, first all surfaces are painted, then powder dye is sprayed onto the outer parts.
All RoyalThermo batteries, painted in this way, are highly resistant to damage, the coating will not be destroyed even in the event of a scratch, chipping or other impact.
To install a radiator made of aluminum, the operating pressure in the heating system should not exceed 24 bar, and the temperature of the heat carrier should not exceed 110 degrees. The content of oxygen and suspended matter should be no more than 10-20 and 5 μg / l, respectively, the hardness should not be higher than 7 mg * eq / l.
The body of most models is made of pure aluminum or a bimetal base using a casting technique.Externally, the brand's radiator consists of two tubes with a diameter of 3-4 cm, located horizontally, and six tubes with a diameter of 2-3 cm, standing vertically. These elements are the basis on which plates with different designs are welded, which are responsible for the spectacular appearance of the batteries and increase the thermal efficiency.
All radiators are made using the proprietary Indigo design, which is placed on top of the devices. It is necessary to form a flow of hot air directed back and designed to cut off the cold from the window openings. The installation of any radiator does not cause problems, since additional parts are included in the kit with the main device. Their list includes special fasteners, they are needed to install the units themselves, as well as anchor, corner and floor brackets. With the help of these parts, you can easily adjust the location of the device along or across the surface of the coating on which it is placed.
Some models also come with wall brackets for easy installation. The floor-standing bracket is only needed if the radiator cannot be wall-mounted. In such a situation, the height is adjusted using a retractable support.
Features of installation and operation
For a complete installation, each radiator kit includes all the necessary parts that allow you to connect the battery to the system immediately after purchase. The parts list includes brackets for wall mounting, plugs, air vents and dowel screws. The manufacturer's specific installation instructions describe the entire sequence of steps. According to these rules, it is necessary to observe the indicated distances for the full heat dissipation of the radiator. Before installation, dismantle the old battery, if any, and disconnect the riser.
It is important to decide on a connection diagram and choose an option that suits the characteristics of a particular room. If we are talking about a one-pipe heating system, a bypass must be installed in front of the radiator. The manufacturer recommends using only original parts so that the device is mounted evenly and without gaps. It is connected to the pipelines using special adapters, while the deviation of the collector axis should be no more than 2 degrees in order to avoid possible emergencies.
To preserve the ability to dismantle the radiator, shut-off valves are installed on both pipelines. It is imperative to remove air from the battery into the upper manifold; for this purpose, an air vent is installed, which is vented with a wrench several times a year. When all the installation work is completed, specialists will need to conduct hydraulic tests of the device, that is, create a pressure in it that exceeds the working pressure by 1.5 times. In the absence of problems, a special act is drawn up confirming the commissioning of the unit.
For the full operation of the device, you must follow the rules so that it does not fail. It is impossible to completely disconnect the unit from the heating system, except for the need for repair and maintenance.The devices are not installed in the hot water supply network, they do not use heat carriers that do not meet legal requirements and standards. Also, according to safety rules, pipes and radiators are not used as parts of electrical circuits.