The use of steel radiators - types and sizes of batteries

Heat exchangers for heating systems - radiators and batteries - are presented in a wide variety. The right choice will help to avoid unpleasant consequences in case of accidents and breakdowns.

Design features of steel radiators

Steel heating radiators are much cheaper in cost than aluminum and bimetallic

The construction of a residential building is a costly undertaking that requires careful study and selection of components.

The components of the heating system are selected based on the parameters:

  • cost;
  • reliability;
  • technical characteristics;
  • appearance.

Steel radiators are an option for arranging residential buildings.

Steel is a relatively cheap and technologically advanced material. The difference in the cost of iron radiators in comparison with aluminum or bimetallic ones becomes noticeable when installing heating in a country house, when you need to purchase 10-15 devices.

Stamping and resistance welding used in manufacturing reduce the cost of construction and the cost of the final product.

The technical characteristics of most models allow the use of metal radiators in systems with a steam-water mixture pressure of up to 10 atm. Such an indicator with a large margin covers the permissible loads in a private heating network (up to 4 atm).

It is undesirable to use inexpensive iron structures in houses with a centralized heat supply - during seasonal checks or in case of water hammer, the pressure rises to 16 atm. Damage to the radiator will cause flooding of neighbors or, much more dangerous, severe burns.

The appearance of modern steel batteries is suitable for any interior. Products painted in different colors stand out, but their price is also higher.

Types of steel batteries

Steel sectional radiator

Wear resistance, flexibility, ductility are inherent qualities of steel. They make it possible to manufacture various types of products.

The main types of steel radiators:

  • stamped;
  • tubular;
  • sectional.

Each has features that are taken into account when buying and operating.

Stamped panel models

Steel panel radiators

In general, the technology for the production of products is simple.

  • The metal sheet is stamped by extruding the ribs and giving them a three-dimensional shape.
  • The sheets are connected by contact welding to form a kind of closed container.
  • To supply the steam-water mixture and remove the cooled heat carrier, two fittings are welded.

The finished product looks like one, two or three panels connected in a single body. Convection plates are installed between the panels, which accelerate heat transfer.

The method of coloring has a great influence on the preservation of an attractive appearance.

Choose products in the characteristics of which the manufacturer has indicated cathodic electrophoresis. It is the most reliable coating used commercially.

Internal structure of a stamped radiator

The stamped steel radiator works on two principles:

  • radiation into the space of infrared waves (heat);
  • convection - the rise of air heated from the panel from the floor to the ceiling.

Advantages of panel metal heating radiators:

  • relatively low price due to manufacturability and minimum materials used;
  • attractive appearance, wide range of products;
  • the ability to select power depending on the volume of the room;
  • quick warm-up after supplying the coolant;
  • no need to install a protective or decorative screen;
  • low weight makes it easy to transport and install.

At the same time, this type of heat exchanger also has disadvantages. Steel is susceptible to corrosion, especially in the warm season. When there is no circulation of the coolant, cavities filled with air appear in the batteries. In these places, corrosion is more intense.

The same effect is caused by the salt contained in the heating medium of centralized networks. In private houses, this is not so important - you can use special additives or fill the system with antifreeze.

The second drawback is poor resistance to water hammer, so it is not recommended to install flat iron batteries in houses with city heating. If such a decision is nevertheless made, it is imperative to install gearboxes that mitigate water hammer.

Inexpensive (600 - 1000 rubles) reducers designed for pressures up to 4.5 atm are intended for private houses. Devices for a pressure of 10 atm, suitable for centralized systems, cost 1.5 - 2 times more than the steel radiators themselves. Thus, it makes no sense to purchase inexpensive radiators. The absence of a gearbox will inevitably lead to rupture of the battery, flooding of neighbors or serious injury from exposure to steam.

The sizes of panel products can be very different. The length is from 40 cm to 3 meters, the height is 0.3-0.9 m. The power of the device also depends on the geometric dimensions. The characteristic can always be found in the passport. Also, heat dissipation depends on the number of rows of panels in the assembly.


Steel tubular battery

For products, steel tubes are used, connected in a kind of lattice.

Thick-walled pipes are used, which increases the price. From the inside, the channels are covered with polymeric materials to prevent corrosion.

Thick walls guarantee improved performance in terms of resistance to water hammer. The working pressure for this type of product is set within 15 atm, which allows use in centralized networks.

This is also facilitated by the maximum permissible operating temperature of the coolant - up to 130 degrees.

The dimensions depend on the thickness of the tubes and the calculated value of the output power. Length up to 3, height up to 1 m.

When buying, take into account the presence of taps for side or bottom connection.

In addition, tubular batteries are easy to wipe or wash, since there are no protrusions and bends.

Batteries warm up evenly and have thermal inertia. The effect is achieved due to the thickness of the steel. Products retain heat for some time due to their large mass.

Metal radiators made of pipes often play the role of additional design accessories, therefore, they are relatively expensive.


Metal batteries assembled from separate sections look very much like cast iron radiators. At the same time, they have significant differences in manufacturing and technical characteristics.

  • First, separate sections are made by stamping and resistance welding.
  • The next stage is welding the sections into a single piece.

The design is a symbiosis of panel and tubular radiators.

Low corrosion resistance and high price are the main indicators limiting the spread of this type of device.

At the same time, sectional iron batteries can withstand high pressure and can be used for heating in apartment buildings.

The sections are connected by welding, which reduces corrosion at the joints, eliminates leaks between components.

Relative disadvantage compared to aluminum and bimetallic products: it is impossible to reduce or increase the number of sections. The product is a whole.

Network Connection Methods

Depending on which side the fittings come out in, batteries come with a side or bottom connection.

There is no fundamental difference in manufacturing, but the lower version is more suitable for rooms with a design approach to decoration, therefore, such products are more expensive.This is purely a marketing ploy by sellers.

Lateral connection can be used for any pipe routing options:

  • vertical with top wiring, when the coolant "flows" through the risers;
  • with bottom wiring in one- and two-pipe, dead-end and with reverse water movement.

With the bottom connection, it will not be possible to apply vertical wiring, all other schemes are available.

The advantage of the bottom liner is the ability to hide the pipes in the screed or under the floor finish. Only 5-10 cm of tubes under the radiator will be visible. In this case, large heat losses are considered a relative disadvantage - the total heat transfer of the system is reduced by 10-15%.

For "converting" the connection of radiators from the side to the bottom, there are special corner adapters on sale.

Popular manufacturers

Steel panel radiator Buderus Logatrend K-Profil 33/500/700

Steel radiators are present in the catalog of all well-known manufacturers of heating technology.

  • Kermi is a German industrial giant. A distinctive feature of the panel heat exchanger line is its low resistance to pressure drops. The maximum indicator is 9 atm at an antifreeze temperature of 110 ° C. Thus kermi is installed exclusively in private homes.
  • Rommer is a Chinese brand, there are only 4 models of panel steel radiators in the line, which differ in height. Rommer Ventil 300 (500), Rommer Compact 300 (500). Ventil is equipped with bottom fittings, Compact with side fittings. The numbers in the designation indicate the height of the device. The length varies from 40 to 200 cm. The manufacturer claims a maximum pressure of 13.5 atm for all models, which is sufficient for installation in apartments. Multilayer coating using phosphating technology. The products have been certified according to European standards, so there is no reason not to trust the quality.
  • Buderus, Germany. A well-known brand, whose steel radiators can withstand up to 10 atm and temperatures up to 120 degrees.
  • Lemax is a Russian manufacturer of heating equipment. The range includes any product from boilers to batteries. The core of the range of heat exchangers is made up of steel panel radiators Valve Compact and Compact. The first option is intended for the bottom connection, the second for the side connection. The line of hygienic radiators is presented separately. There are no parts to improve convection and decorative grilles in the design, which makes cleaning easier, and less contributes to the accumulation of dust.

In addition to the indicated brands, trustworthy brands are: Lidea (Belarus), Konrad and Prado (both Russia).

A quick selection guide

The battery should occupy at least 65 - 70% of the length of the recess under the window

When starting to look for radiators to replace old ones or for installation in a new home, the following characteristics must be considered:

  1. Power. It is believed that for every square meter of the room, 100 watts of radiator power is needed. The calculation is approximate, more accurately you can find out from the online calculators presented on the manufacturers' websites.
  2. The maximum pressure that the structure can withstand.
  3. Maximum temperature. The parameter affects the quality of the connection of the outlet nozzles with the pipes and the resistance of the paint.
  4. Dimensions. When installed in recesses under windows, the radiator should occupy at least 65 - 70% of the recess length.
  5. Connection type (side or bottom) depending on the intended piping.
  6. The presence of a thermostat.
  7. Connecting dimensions of branch pipes.

Any consumer will be able to pick up a good steel radiator that will last a long time without breakdowns and accidents.
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