Installation of front panels with insulation allows you to protect the house from cold and humidity, as well as decorate wall surfaces with minimal waste of time and effort. Installation of such elements is carried out in any season. But before choosing facade panels with insulation for the exterior of the house, it is necessary to clearly assess the pros and cons of such a cladding.
Features of thermo-facade panels
Structurally, all types of thermo-facade slabs are identical: they consist of two or three layers of facing building material, which is hidden from the inside by insulation. The front side is usually decoratively trimmed. The greatest interest from home owners is used by panels designed for clinker tiles, brick, natural stone.
Advantages and disadvantages of using
Thermal façade panels keep heat in cold weather and cool in summer heat. The insulating effect of such a cladding implies significant energy savings. High thermal insulation properties allow you to recoup costs during three to four heating seasons.
Another advantage is the low weight of the facade thermal insulation panels. They do not significantly load the foundation. Also, lightweight elements are easier to mount: most of the products are fastened manually without the use of special equipment.
Thermal façade slabs have other advantages:
- long service life;
- mechanical strength;
- resistance to temperature extremes and exposure to sunlight;
- moisture resistance;
- immunity to mold and mildew;
- fire safety;
- environmental friendliness.
The surface of the wall must be thoroughly prepared before fixing the slabs.
Insulated cladding panels and corner pieces are not cheap. However, using them is much more profitable than purchasing and installing simple finishing plates and insulation separately. But if you buy low quality building materials, all the advantages will be reduced to zero.
Properties and characteristics
Cladding panels have the following parameters:
- length - 100-125 cm;
- width - 42–46 cm;
- temperature range - from minus 50 to plus 60 degrees.
The thickness of the products depends on the number of layers and insulation. Wall panels for insulation are durable. According to the manufacturers, they will hold out without loss of useful qualities and original shade for more than fifty years.
Types of facade panels
All types of facade insulated panels for exterior decoration of the house are distinguished by ease of installation and low heat loss. But each has its own technological advantages.
Thermal panels
Used for insulation at the same time as facing work. A wide variety of modifications and shades allows you to choose the right building material for the beautification of office buildings and industries, shops and medical facilities, residential high-rise buildings and suburban buildings.
Products of different thicknesses are produced - up to 8 cm.When choosing, they are guided by the climatic features of the region: for the south, thinner models are needed, for the middle lane - thicker, and the inhabitants of Siberia should prefer 8-centimeter versions.
The outer layer is represented by metal, polyurethane, clinker tiles. The porcelain stoneware-coated thermal insulation boards imitate masonry, giving the building a solid appearance. As an inner layer, foam or more expensive and high-quality polyurethane foam is used. But external thermo-facade panels for a house with such a heater have a significant drawback - low resistance to open flame.
Sandwich panels
These are three-layer "pies", which consist of an insulating layer and cladding on both sides. From such panels, you can build new houses or insulate ready-made ones. For cladding layers, manufacturers use wood chips, less often metal. Usually, sandwich panels need additional finishing, as they do not look presentable. But you can find on sale slabs with a decorative coating that imitates the surface of wood or stone.
Warm sandwich panels for the outside walls of the house are characterized by lightness, durability, and increased energy efficiency. They are made by pressing internal insulation and sheathing.
When choosing, the emphasis should be on the quality of the warm layer:
- Mineral wool does not burn, is environmentally friendly, does not attract mice, rats and insects. Of the shortcomings, the most important is instability to moisture, therefore, it is required to monitor the tightness of the coating.
- Polystyrene is a durable building material with high heat-shielding properties that is not afraid of moisture. It is adversely affected by the sun's rays, but thanks to the outer skin, this flaw is leveled. The insulation does not differ in fire safety, when it burns, it emits harmful substances, rodents settle in it.
- Polyurethane foam is not afraid of moisture, even with direct contact with water. The material is lightweight, the panels are easy to transport and install on walls. Plus - the load on the foundation is reduced. The thermal conductivity of the building material is 1.5–2 times lower than that of other heaters.
- Polyisocyanurate (a type of polyurethane foam) self-extinguishes when ignited. It is increasingly used as the inner layer of sandwich panels. Building material does not grow moldy, is not susceptible to fungal infection. Among the disadvantages is the risk of damage by rodents.
The thickness of the slabs varies depending on the insulation from 12 to 25 cm. Installation is facilitated by special locking elements.
Heat-insulating panels for plastering
Plaster panels for insulating the facade of the house are produced on the basis of foam sheets made of marble or quartz chips of half a centimeter fraction. Their thickness varies in the range of 5-10 cm. The boards successfully resist the negative effects of external factors and are attached to the outer walls using foam adhesive. An additional plus is the ability to create a visually seamless surface.
Warming options
Installation of insulation panels for external walls depends on how flat the surface on which the slabs will be installed. The cladding of other parts of the house, in addition to the facade and sides of the building, has certain features.
Insulation of uneven walls
When installing boards on walls, it is necessary to take into account irregularities leading to deformation of the thermal panels. To avoid this, a frame installation method is used. The lathing is made of wood or metal, the second option is preferable. If wood is used, the bars are treated with an antiseptic.
The length of the steps of the frame lattice horizontally and vertically is selected in accordance with the dimensions of the wall plates, the location of the fastening holes should coincide with the centers of the bars or metal profiles. For the panels to fit well, the frame must create a flat plane. If there is a risk of heat and moisture retention in the space between the battens and the panels, it is filled with construction foam. If it is impossible to install the frame grille, the wall is leveled with cement. This method is less economical.
Fastening panel elements to the battens:
- Thermal panels are laid up from the bottom corner.
- If corner pieces are available, they are secured first. If not, the end parts of the slabs are sawn down for joining at an angle of 45 degrees.
- The installation of the main panels on the crate is carried out using self-tapping screws. Their length should exceed the thickness of the product by 4–5 cm.
- Each subsequent row is mounted with offset vertical seams to improve tightness. To save money, they take an extra piece from panel scraps. The front part of the plate for fitting to size is sawn with a grinder with a disc corresponding to the outer material, the insulation is easily cut with a knife.
If products for brick or clinker tiles are used, at the finish of finishing work, it is necessary to fill the seams with a special solution. Work is carried out with a construction gun or manually.
Insulation of a flat facade
Plates can be installed without lathing. If the installation is carried out directly on a wall made of bricks or concrete blocks, the panels are attached to the supplied dowel nails. Their length should be 4–5 cm more than the thickness of the cladding. The locations for drilling holes in the slabs are usually already marked.
Begin laying from the bottom wall corners upwards. In general, the process is similar to installing slabs on a batten.
Before installation, the space between the wall surface and the slabs can be filled with polyurethane foam to add additional heat-shielding properties. On the wall, you need to find the most protruding place and level the surface along it. But it takes a lot of time, effort and money. It is easier to install the frame and fix the plates to it, and then either foam the space inside, or leave a ventilated layer.
Cladding examples
Panels for the facade with insulation can be used to decorate not only walls, they have proven themselves perfectly when facing the basement, eaves, columns and architectural extensions.
For the base, it is preferable to choose a material that is additionally reinforced with pressed metal or plastic bushings. Such slabs differ in size - they are smaller than wall slabs.
If the eaves overhang, terrace or balcony ceiling, porch canopy with insulated panels are being hemmed, it is necessary to leave holes for ventilation. The easiest option is to create a gap between the panel and the wall or build in grates for aeration. For such work, be sure to choose panels with a moisture-resistant insulation.
Facing of square columns and flat-walled architectural forms is carried out according to the principle of facade decoration. But for rounded parts, you need to choose elements of the appropriate shape.
The use of panels with insulation for cladding the facade and other external surfaces of the building is convenient and profitable. Allows you to solve the problem with thermal insulation and give the building an attractive look in a short time without unnecessary labor and financial costs.
Before installation, the space between the wall surface and the slabs can be filled with polyurethane foam ...
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