Automatic control systems are installed on almost all boiler equipment. With their help, it is possible to neutralize or completely eliminate such disadvantages of boilers as low efficiency of fuel utilization, high maintenance costs and dependence on energy supply. This can be achieved through additional cash injections. You can mount and configure a set of heating equipment yourself.
Automation for solid fuel boilers
Solid fuel boilers equipped with devices and mechanisms that partially remove the load from the operator are considered separately. Automation for solid fuel boilers is primarily represented by a mechanism for forced fuel supply to the combustion chamber. This possibility is most often realized in units operating on pellets or granules obtained from wood waste.
Boiler equipment with automatic fuel supply is one of the most efficient; its real efficiency sometimes reaches 80-85%, which is explained by the complete combustion of the pledged portions of fuel. This approach guarantees cleanliness and order during the operation of the device, since the fuel is simply poured into the hopper, from where it is fed into the chamber. The controller for solid fuel boilers controls the main processes, including adjusting the air supply to the combustion zone and dosing the pellets loaded into the furnace.
If there are pellets in the receiving hopper, the unit continues to work, if they are absent, it is turned off by means of an automatic machine. In addition to all the functions described, solid fuel units are equipped with a device that allows you to clean the ash pan without human intervention.
Types and advantages of automatic devices for gas boilers
Automation for a gas boiler is traditionally classified according to the degree of its dependence on the power supply. According to this feature, they are distinguished:
- volatile systems that work only when electricity is available;
- non-volatile electronics that does not need to be connected to the electrical network.
The second option usually uses a redundant UPS. Many users give preference to power-dependent systems as they offer more functionality. The second option for powering automation for heating is relevant for situations when there are constant power outages in a particular area, and the device itself reliably operates from the simplest electronics.
The advantages of automatic gas boilers as controlled units include:
- the ability to maintain the temperature in the heating circuits at a fixed level without human intervention;
- the ability to work in automatic mode for a long time (up to 48 hours);
- the presence of a system for automatic ignition of solid and gas fuels;
- restriction of operator intervention in the control of a floor-standing or wall-mounted boiler.
The user just needs to set a certain temperature regime, which is constantly maintained within the dwelling.
An important advantage of automatic gas heating boilers is independence in critical operating conditions.In case of an urgent shutdown, there is no need to wait for it to cool completely.
There is no need to drain the coolant for fear of defrosting the system. Automation will perform all these operations at the command of the owner, who is not within the house. By means of the electronics controlled by telephone, the required operating mode of the gas boiler can be set and, if desired, optimized.
Automation for heating boilers allows you to maintain a comfortable temperature in a private house and, if necessary, change it in any direction.
Main characteristics of the controller
The characteristic indicators of the electronic controllers built into the boiler include:
- the ability to control the intensity of fuel supply to the unit responsible for its combustion;
- implementation of all protective functions provided for such systems (against overheating or freezing of pipes, stopping the pump);
- the number of control objects and the possibility of their priority selection;
- the presence of a GPS unit that allows you to control the boiler automation remotely;
- the ability to update the software at regular intervals.
Modern controllers that control the operation of heating systems can be connected directly to a personal computer. This feature also characterizes them in terms of expanding functionality.
The principle of operation of automation and functionality
Before installing a solid fuel or gas boiler, it is important to understand how it works. To do this, get acquainted with its device in terms of automatic control. The safety automation of gas-fired boilers includes two main units:
- A fan mounted at the bottom of the product on the door of the air intake (the so-called "blower") or on the ash pan. The device is designed to pump air to the place of fuel combustion, the volume of which depends on the intensity of the process.
- A controller or electronic control module that determines the fan speed and other system parameters.
The controller and the fan are purchased as a set or separately, but they work only in an interconnected pair. Most of the electronic modules have the ability to control the operation of the circulation pump and chimney. Some models have an option to turn them on by a command from a room thermostat.
The automation is based on the principle of expansion of metallic substances with a gradual increase in temperature. When heated, a sensitive sensor built into the system changes its original dimensions and mechanically covers the blower, reducing the rate of fuel combustion and vice versa. Such a draft regulator is installed during the manufacture of the equipment, and after adjustment allows you to maintain a user-specified mode.
Understanding the essence of the unit's functioning allows us to formulate the main tasks of the control electronics:
- ensuring the optimal temperature in the heating circuits of the system;
- control of operating modes of the main units of heating equipment;
- maintaining the desired DHW heating temperature;
- the ability to turn on and off the operating equipment by command from the remote control;
- reducing the consumption of solid fuel or mining, loaded and poured into bunkers and capacities of boiler units.
When assessing the efficiency of boiler operation control, the volatile option is more preferable. With its help, it is possible to increase the functionality of the equipment used and the efficiency of heating.
Popular manufacturers
Among the popular models of controllers for boiler equipment is the ATOS + WPA 120 product from the Polish manufacturer KOM-STER.It is deservedly considered one of the best automation kits for boilers of any class. ATOS controllers stand out among other models with advanced functionality, a large number of tunable parameters and a completely affordable price.
In addition to the standard set of functions, the electronic device provides:
- frost protection of heating system elements;
- the ability to alert about an emergency decrease in temperature (overheating), as well as about the lack of fuel;
- LED indication of switching on the circulation pump and built-in fan;
- manual setting of parameters determined by the sequence of equipment operation cycles.
According to customer reviews, this model is highly reliable in operation. Its advantages are clearly manifested when combined with a blower fan of the M + M WPA 120 brand, a time-tested Polish model. The set is designed to work with heating equipment with a capacity of about 25-50 kW.
Another controller model from Poland is COMFORT-ECO + NWS-100. It has the same functionality as the previous one, but the cost is even lower. Its use guarantees complete protection of the operated equipment due to the following capabilities:
- the presence of a room thermostat and external (outdoor) temperature sensors;
- circulation pump control option (without DHW);
- the presence of a fuse for emergency operation.
Noteworthy is the KG Elektronik CS-18S controller, which is considered the best model on the market for electronic control products. It attracts users with the presence of a touch screen, as well as the ability to control the operating modes of all auxiliary equipment.