Unlike apartment buildings that are connected to main heating, suburban dwellings need to create an autonomous heating system for their heating. It can be equipped using different types of coolants and units.
Types of heating systems
Heating design begins with the choice of design. One of the main reasons for the classification of heating systems is the type of heat carrier used.
Here, the main unit is the boiler that heats the water. The latter acts as a coolant, circulating through the pipe system. The heat is transferred to the radiator batteries. Heating boilers are capable of operating on different types of fuel - gas, wood, coal, electricity. The circulation can be natural or artificially created by means of a pump.
Models with different power ratings are available for sale, so the homeowner can choose the unit according to his needs. A high-power boiler can heat a two-story house. The double-circuit unit, along with heating, will also provide hot water supply.
In such systems, the air heated by air heaters is distributed throughout the room by means of artificial ventilation. Hot water or steam can be used as the primary heat transfer medium. The heated air masses are mixed with the internal ones. Heat guns can also be involved. Such systems are more often used in industrial premises than in residential ones.
In electric convectors, air masses are heated, followed by their exit through the grilles and distribution throughout the room. In addition, heat radiation on the front of the device is transferred to the surrounding air. Sometimes air conditioning devices are installed in private houses.
Solar energy can be used for heating in a private house. Special absorbing batteries or collectors are installed on the roof or in the yard. Some of these installations are autonomous, others need to be supplied with electricity.
Advantages and disadvantages of heating systems
When planning the design of heating systems and considering various options, you need to understand their advantages and limitations. Heating a house with a boiler allows for an even distribution of heat throughout the dwelling, as well as organizing hot water supply. The water in the boiler will be available to homeowners during the period of power or gas outages. Cons - the likelihood of unpleasant phenomena associated with the movement of water: excessive hydrostatic pressure and freezing. Since most types of boilers require a specially equipped chimney, and also because of the danger of connecting them to district heating batteries, it is forbidden to install such systems in city apartments, but they are suitable for servicing private dwellings.
Air heating is hygienic and can be combined with ventilation. The installations supporting it do not take up much space in the dwelling. The disadvantages are associated with the lack of accumulating properties of air as a heat carrier.In addition, significant heat loss will occur when the air ducts pass through unattended rooms.
Electrical appliances are the easiest of all to install. They work silently, are easy to operate - the user can adjust the operating parameters according to his needs. Cons - the high cost of electricity, as well as interruptions in its supply in some regions (to solve this problem, you need to purchase a generator).
Solar energy is a free and most environmentally friendly source of heat. Installing collectors on the roof will help save space in the room. But it will not be possible to use it year-round as the only heating method in most regions of the former CIS. It is best to use the solar system during the warm season, and use other equipment in winter.
Choosing a heat source for a private house
When developing a heating plan for a dwelling, a number of factors must be taken into account. These include climatic conditions, the quality of thermal insulation, the material of the walls, floor and ceiling, the internal structure of the room, the device of the chimney. It is also necessary to consider the availability of the main sources of fuel: firewood, coal, main gas supply, electricity.
List of equipment and materials
The list of these types of resources is being worked out for each item of the heating project. This applies if several heat sources are to be combined (for example, a boiler and a solar system).
Common elements of heating systems include:
- boilers, boilers for water heating;
- control units;
- circulation pumps;
- security equipment;
- radiator and convector elements;
- piping systems;
- parts for air discharge, valves, valves for locking and draining.
When intending to mount a warm floor, it is necessary to think over its design and determine whether it is planned to provide communications with the main heating system.
Heat loss calculations
An important part of a heating system design is calculating heat losses. They depend on the materials from which the house is built, the thickness of the walls, their area, as well as the dimensions of the windows and roof. For the most accurate calculation, you need to take into account the thermal conductivity of the walls. It is higher for concrete and brick, lower for wood.
For calculations, you will need a table of thermal conductivity coefficients of the main building materials. The resistance to heat transfer can be found by dividing the wall thickness in meters by this factor. For example, for a building made of ceramic bricks with walls of 0.5 m: 0.5: 0.56 = 0.89 W / m2 × оС.
Then you need to find out the area of the facade. For a square building, this is done by multiplying the number, height and width of the walls. For example: 4 * 12 * 7 = 336 m2.
To calculate the total heat loss, the resistance for 1 m2 of the wall is multiplied by the area of the facade and by the temperature difference. If the latter is 20 degrees, we have: 20 * 336 * 0.89 = 5980.8 W.
Design features, important nuances
The efficiency of the installation is influenced by the relative position of heating devices and communications. The choice of the type of wiring is determined by the building structure and the set of system components. Schemes are vertical and horizontal, with one pipe and with two, with a counter flow of the coolant or with a passing one.
Preparation of drawings plays an important role in the design and installation of heating. They indicate all the heating devices involved with an indication of the values of the heat they give up, as well as main pipes. For the latter, it is necessary to mark from what material the structures themselves and their insulation are made, as well as describe the diameters. Drawings include manifold cabinets and electronic heating control units.
Installation instructions
Before proceeding with the installation work, you need to make sure that the contour of the dwelling is closed: the roof, all doors and windows must be installed. If possible, the same should be done with respect to internal partitions. Redevelopment of the device of the room may lead to the need to spend additional money on laying pipes.
In places where batteries and convectors are installed, the walls must be plastered and dried. At the sites of the future location of massive floor devices (for example, boilers), it is necessary to prepare the surface. Before placing the unit, make sure that the chimney meets the manufacturer's requirements. If it is planned to place radiators under the windows, the window sills should already be installed, or the boundaries of their future location should be marked.
One of the important stages is to determine the level of the finished floor: they are repelled from it when installing heating devices. If homeowners do not have a lot of experience in construction, it is advisable to bring in professionals for this task. Before installing the boiler in the room, the floor and wall finishing must be completed. This is due to the fact that the unit and its pumping groups are firmly strengthened, and after their installation, access to the nearby sections of the walls will be difficult.
When developing a heating project for a private house, one should take into account the design features of the dwelling and access to the resources necessary to maintain the functioning of the system. Before carrying out work, the room must be properly prepared.