Decorating a house project with a stove for heating

Choosing a heating system is an important part of designing a home. Sometimes stove heating is planned as the only source of heat. For this reason, it is necessary to pre-think about the correct location of the oven, which depends on its type. Additionally, the location of the rooms should be provided so that they are heated evenly.

Features of projects of houses with stove heating

It is important to achieve an even distribution of heat between rooms.

Heating of premises without using a water circuit is effective only when the furnace is installed in the center of the structure. It is erected in the wall of living rooms, and the firebox is taken out into the kitchen.

In some cases, it is recommended to install 2-3 heating chambers in different rooms instead of one. But the option with a single central firebox will be much more economical, since such a device requires only 1 chimney, fuel costs are much less.

In 2-storey buildings, stove heating is possible, but a permanent floor must be planned. It must withstand a difficult brick superstructure. Oven, stove for cooking. The lounger is usually located at the bottom. The second floor should only contain a heating plate. When the house has only one large room, it is better to build the stove in the center. So she will distinguish between the kitchen and living room.

Examples of successful design

Oven in the center

This layout of a house with a stove is considered the best. The firebox usually goes into the kitchen. If a hob is present, it is placed in the kitchen area. The stove can heat no more than 3 rooms located nearby.

Stove in the corner

This option is convenient if there is a bed in the heating structure. It is more comfortable to place it to the side, and not in the middle of the room. In this case, the planning is done privately.

Multiple heat sources

Sometimes two or more stoves are installed in a one-story house. The main disadvantage of such a scheme is the need to heat them separately, to spend much more fuel material to heat the house. Central placement is more efficient.

Russian stove

Russian stove with lounger and hob

All possible designs are similar to each other, but there are some differences. In the house, you can build the following types of Russian stove:

  1. With a stove. They are mounted in the base of the heating structure, usually they represent a closed space.
  2. With a fireplace. This option can be arranged in the hall to enjoy the view of a burning fire.
  3. With a trestle bed. A separate place for rest and sleep is supposed, as it was in the old days.
  4. With a hob. Such a device creates a cozy indoor climate, a place for cooking homemade food.

When creating a project for a house with stove heating, it must be borne in mind that 1 m2 of stove heats approximately 35 m2 of the house area.

Pros and cons

Stove heating does not depend on engineering networks

The main advantages of stove heating:

  1. Autonomy. There is no dependence on the centralized heating system (planned outages, breakdowns).
  2. Economy. Solid fuel heaters are in significant demand. Heating with gas is not always possible due to the lack of a gas pipeline, and heating with electricity is not available to everyone due to the high cost.The stove can operate on different materials: coal, dry branches, fuel oil, wood.
  3. The ability to independently regulate the heating mode. With modern systems, it is easy to correct the indoor temperature value.
  4. Interior decoration. The classic stove is an excellent design solution that is currently in trend.

When installing the stove in the future, you may encounter the following difficulties:

  1. Soot may collect inside the room. This happens in case of improper use of the chimney, use of poor quality fuel.
  2. There is a possibility of carbon monoxide poisoning if the damper is used incorrectly. The difficulty lies in the fact that the burnout is not felt, does not cause severe symptoms.
  3. Stove heating with an open fire is dangerous for wooden houses from a bar. Even a small spark can start a fire.
  4. Structural elements include parts that are easy to burn when heated. Young children are at greatest risk.
  5. With regular use, the chimney should be frequently cleaned of soot. Otherwise, pollution will cover the room furniture, walls. They are not easy to clean up afterwards.
  6. To maintain combustion, it is periodically required to wipe the grates, which leads to a coating of the surrounding surfaces with a layer of ash. In this case, there is a need for unscheduled cleaning.

In some cases, the stoves are installed in such a way that sometimes only the part suitable for cooking is used. Then the room is not heated, which is important in the warm season.

Things to Consider When Creating Drawings

House plan with stove heating

If the project of a house with a Russian stove implies, first of all, sufficient heating of the rooms, it is better to place the design of the heat source near the coldest wall. Due to this position, the movement of cold air near the flooring is excluded.

Heating stoves, as a rule, are located near doorways or partitions that separate rooms, and the furnace door is located closer to the front door. The layout of the house should be such that the heat source takes up less usable space.

Between the rafters on the roof and the beams of the attic floor, you need to equip a chimney outlet. The blower doors, as well as the firebox, are positioned so that at least a meter of free space remains up to the wall or partition.

The fireplace does not provide sufficient heating in the harsh Russian climate. If it is installed in a house made of wood, fire safety should be considered when designing.

Improved types of stove heating

Oven with a water circuit

High-quality heating of the house is provided with a classic stove with a fireplace. In this case, the structure will be additionally heated with an open fire.

Simplified and combined options for stove heating of country housing can be supplemented with a water circuit: this will ensure uniform heating of the house. Then it doesn't matter where the oven will be located. With a similar scheme, most of the heat is used to heat water in the heat exchanger, the walls of the stove are heated slightly.

Installing a stove heating in a country house may be more profitable than other methods of heating a structure. But such housing can only be erected by a good specialist who is able to plan the functional placement of the stove.
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