Flushing heating batteries at home

Over time, heating devices lose efficiency, this is reflected in the quality of heating. One of the reasons for poor performance is radiator contamination. You can fix the problem by flushing the battery. There are different effective methods, they need to be used depending on the type of radiator and the degree of pollution.

The main signs of the need for flushing

Flushing of radiators is necessary when the efficiency of the heating system decreases

There are several signs that a large number of foreign elements have accumulated inside the radiator and that scale has formed on the walls. This can be diagnosed by carefully monitoring the operation of the entire heating system.

If the system is malfunctioning, the following symptoms will appear:

  • the system warms up for a longer amount of time than before;
  • the operation of the boiler is accompanied by strange sounds;
  • gas or electricity consumption increases;
  • the temperature is different in different parts of the radiator;
  • radiators are colder than supply pipes.

Most often, cleaning the radiator is necessary when the battery is connected to a centralized heating system. This is due to the large length of the highway, a large number of connected equipment.

Reasons for contamination of heating devices

Salts of iron, calcium and magnesium accumulate on the inner walls

The efficiency of space heating is reduced as a result of two processes that are especially common in apartment buildings. Cleaning the radiators is necessary when deposits form in the batteries and the horizontal pipelines connected to them. This problem often arises in places where the coolant moves slowly, for example, at spill areas, in the piping to equipment, in the devices themselves.

It is necessary to find a way to clean the parts of the heating radiator, as some of them are heavily flooded due to the large internal volume. The greater the volume with a fixed diameter of the risers and supply pipes, the slower the liquid circulates in them, and the amount of sediment increases.

The coolant moving along the heating main carries with it elements of sand, rust, scale and other pollutants. In addition, the CHP plant heats up a lot of water during the heating period, while it is impossible to filter it perfectly. Particulate matter is also transported along with it.

Some types of pipes are damaged by mineral deposits. Deposits of magnesium and calcium salts appear on the inner walls. Since they are solid deposits, the pipe clearance gradually decreases, which reduces the heating efficiency.

Particles of sand, silt and other suspended solids slow down the circulation of the coolant in heating devices. When they accumulate in large quantities, water begins to move only along the first sections of the radiator, which reduces the heating efficiency.

When the gap in the pipe completely disappears, the radiator section ceases to function. Therefore, the owners of apartments and private houses need to know how to flush radiators at home and how often to do this in order to restore the heating system.

Radiator cleaning reagents

Radiator flushing chemicals are more effective than folk remedies

Various substances are used to clean the heating system. Someone washes the radiators with citric acid, someone with caustic salt or Coca-Cola. If a person does not have confidence in folk remedies, you can use store-bought drugs, usually they are presented in a large assortment.

The following substances are popular:

  • Cillit-HS, liquid destroys corrosion, lime deposits and sludge deposits, substances may differ from each other, but almost all of them are suitable for flushing and cleaning batteries, the operating temperature of which does not exceed 80 degrees.
  • Medesk and Medesk plus, destroy deposits, are safe for pipes and batteries, do not violate the integrity of seals and gaskets, protective clothing is required when using. After flushing with this substance, the radiator must be flushed with clean water.
  • Docker Thermo, designed for cleaning heat exchange equipment, does not harm metal, does not contain harmful components, does not corrode rubber parts of devices.
  • Metalin T, created on the basis of hydrochloric acid, removes heavy deposits, rust, organic matter, can be used in steel appliances and in non-ferrous metal equipment.
  • Master Boiler Power, the liquid is able to clean the radiator from any kind of metal, completely eliminates organic matter and dense deposits, the drug is not toxic, not flammable, you can not use protective equipment when working with it.
  • Deoxyl-3, a chemical cleaner for pipelines and radiators, is of the acid type, not flammable, 3rd category of toxicity, individual protection is required when using, since the liquid is harmful to people.

Many substances are intended only for cast iron and steel products; they cannot be washed with an aluminum radiator. For this purpose, Cillit-HS is suitable, as well as all folk remedies.

Chemicals quickly and effectively clean heating devices without harming them. The components that make up the substances break down deposits and flush out dirt from the battery sections.

Radiator flushing methods

You can flush the radiator in different ways, depending on the degree of contamination of the battery and supply pipes. Some methods can be carried out independently, for others it is recommended to involve specialists or purchase the appropriate equipment.

To choose a method, you need to find out how long the heating radiator was flushed, and assume how much precipitation is inside the battery.

It is recommended to flush the heaters once a year, after the heating season. In this case, all radiators must be washed, regardless of their technical characteristics. Flushing media should be selected based on the material - cast iron, aluminum, steel or some other.


Special equipment is required for hydrodynamic flushing

To clean the radiator in this way, you need to purchase special equipment. Water for flushing is not supplied using a conventional hose from the tap, but from a pump under high pressure.

Sometimes the pump is connected to the heating circuit break at a great distance from the discharge point, which flushes the water battery. However, a hose with an end piece can also be used for these purposes. Such a nozzle has small holes, through which water flows out under pressure.

The accentuated action due to the water supplied under pressure effectively fights various types of deposits. For better flushing of problem areas, you can specially stop the supply hose.

The water jet is able to remove only substances that are soluble in water from the battery. Other deposits will remain in the pipes.

When selecting a hose, its rigidity must be taken into account. The larger it is, the further from the inlet pressure can be applied. It will be difficult to move such a hose in bending sections. It will be necessary to open the heating circuit in certain places so that water can penetrate to all points.

The method of hydrodynamic flushing is environmentally friendly, effective in relation to cast iron and aluminum radiators.


For chemical cleaning, a solution is made and injected into the radiator

This cleaning option can be used both in a private and in an apartment building. Chemical reagents are used. The method is available to everyone, the funds are cheap, quickly and effectively remove deposits. You can rinse in winter and summer. All reagents remove salts and rust.

To clean the battery with a chemical option, you need:

  1. choose the right drug;
  2. dilute the reagent, if required by the instructions;
  3. prepare a cleaning structure;
  4. introduce a chemical into the heating system and let it stay inside for a while;
  5. drain the liquid;
  6. flush the system several times, fill with water.

The chemical method has one drawback - the reagents are toxic, in most cases protection is needed so that the funds do not harm a person.


Equipment is used that creates fluctuations in the reagent in the system to flush out deposits

The reagents are completely poured into the system. After that, periodic oscillations occur, under the influence of electrical impulses. They contribute to the fact that the deposits are removed from the walls and washed out along with the chemical to the outside.

This method requires special skills, so it is better to seek help from specialists who will assess the degree of pollution and apply the required dose of electrical exposure.


This option will allow you to clean the metal radiator. Before you wash the cast-iron battery between the sections, you need to purchase a compressor. It is connected to one of the inlets of the equipment through a non-return valve and air is directed into the battery under high pressure.

Due to the high pressure, the elements of the build-up and deposits are torn off. Then they are washed out of the heating system.

To use this method you need:

  1. shut off the water;
  2. connect a compressor with a pneumatic gun;
  3. connect the hose to the opposite end and direct it to the container for draining;
  4. pressurized air into the radiator;
  5. so that no dirt remains, the device is washed, then connected to the coolant and the system is started.

The hydro-pneumatic method is based on shock waves, in total, you may need from 2 to 5. It takes several minutes, does not require electricity, and is installed autonomously.

Cleaning radiators in the house and apartment

In the apartment

Radiators in the apartment are washed at the end of the heating season to drain the coolant

If you need to flush in an apartment building, you must wait until the end of the heating season. Before starting the process, all the liquid is drained from the radiator and dismantled. You can purchase chemicals or use folk remedies.

Next, you need to follow the instructions:

  • the battery is placed in a bath;
  • if the equipment is cast iron, the plugs are removed from it;
  • hot water is poured inside, excipients are not used for the first time;
  • shake the heater well and drain the water;
  • a prepared chemical solution is poured, the holes are plugged;
  • the equipment is left in this state for several hours;
  • the solution is poured out, the battery is rinsed with water and installed in place.

If the cleaning agent is not completely disposed of, it can destroy the heating equipment.

In a private house

It is better to wash radiators in a private house on the street.

In suburban areas, it is more difficult to clean heating appliances. The problem is that water does not come from a centralized water supply system, but from reservoirs and wells. Because of this, a large amount of various foreign elements and dirt can accumulate in the radiators.

If you do not use a filtered station, heating equipment will clog up much faster than it happens in apartments.Therefore, the need to purge and flush the batteries among residents of the private sector arises more often.

If the battery of a private house is being cleaned, it is necessary to clean the heater and the line itself, along which the coolant moves. Otherwise, the debris in the radiator will re-enter the heater, and flushing operations will be a waste of time.

There is no need to wait for the end of the heating season, however, it will be inappropriate to hold this event in winter, since the heating system will turn off. You can use the same method as for cleaning apartment heaters.

During the heating season

When the cleaning procedure is carried out during the heating season, chemicals or folk remedies, for example, alkali or acetic acid, can be used.

There is no need to drain water from the heating device. Also, you do not need to remove the battery from its place. The steam line must be closed during the cleaning operation. After closing the necessary valves, the heaters are purged, and then the radiator is cleaned.

To clean the battery, water is passed along its circuit. It should be supplied until a clean liquid, free of impurities and debris, flows from the pipeline. Thanks to this, the entire line can be cleaned.

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