Calculation of the number and use of cast iron heating radiators

Heating batteries made of cast iron have been known since Soviet times and still do not lose their relevance. More popular are models made of non-ferrous metals, for example, aluminum or steel, which are noticeably superior to their cast iron counterparts in a number of parameters. Nevertheless, classic cast iron batteries are in demand and are present in many houses and apartments. They have their pros and cons, as well as characteristic features that should be considered when choosing a material.

Advantages and disadvantages of cast iron radiators

Cast iron radiators do not tolerate sudden pressure surges in the heating system

Standard batteries of the old model are distinguished by increased heat transfer, which is absent in analogues made of other materials. For this reason, they still continue to be used for residential heating. Their main feature is the ability to evenly warm the room and keep it warm for a long time. Modern cast iron heating radiators are able to fit into any interior thanks to a large selection of models. In the assortment that manufacturers offer, you can find options with screens and a reduced number of sections. The list of pluses also includes:

  • maximum service life - up to 50 years;
  • resistance to corrosion and technical damage;
  • the optimal distance between the axes is 500 mm;
  • the possibility of installing electric heating elements for thermoregulation and additional heating.

Cast-iron Russian radiators also have their drawbacks: not very attractive design and heavy weight of batteries of old samples, installation problems and the likelihood of a manufacturing defect. Cast iron is not able to withstand sudden pressure surges in the heating system, it is often depressurized in the area of ​​joints. Batteries are difficult to clean from dust and dirt; many of the older type samples have an uncomfortable rough coating that is not found in newer counterparts.

Technical and operational characteristics

To select a suitable cast iron radiator, you need to take into account the technical characteristics of this type of battery. The main parameter is the level of heat transfer, which depends on the area of ​​the room in which it is necessary to install the radiators. Additional important criteria include equipment weight, height, width and depth, and heat output.

Most often, radiators with a working pressure of no more than 6 atmospheres are installed in apartments and private houses. To accurately determine the power, you need to take into account the number of windows and external walls in the room, as well as calculate the number of battery sections and know how many kW is allocated by one section.

Varieties of cast iron batteries

The more sections in the battery, the better it is able to warm up the room.

In terms of structure, such batteries can be compared with a designer, since they are composed using sections of the same type. Cast iron central heating batteries are made of gray cast iron, the water channels in them are usually circular or elliptical, and rubber or paronite gaskets are additionally placed inside them.

Radiators by the number of channels can be single-channel or dual-channel, have different widths and heights, depending on the number of sections. The width parameter is also influenced by the area of ​​the room, the number of windows and the thickness of the walls.

The more sections in the battery, the better it is capable of heating the room, therefore it is important to accurately calculate the parameters of the room before installing such radiators. The height of the equipment usually ranges from 35-150 cm, the depth is 50-140 cm. The depth directly depends on how accurately the battery will fit into the overall interior of the room.

On sale you can find floor-standing and wall-mounted models. The former are fixed with special brackets, the latter are supplemented with mounting supports or "legs".

Modern radiators

Demrad ridem

There are many good new generation radiators available in stores. The batteries are made of European cast iron and feature an innovative design. The most popular are models with a flat surface and special screens. Batteries from different manufacturers have their own characteristics, which are worth paying attention to when buying a radiator for a house or apartment.


Practical Turkish radiators from the Demrad Ridem brand are equipped with two, three or four channels. Their working and test pressures are 10 and 15 bar, respectively. They have a primed surface that you can customize.


Viadrus STYL

Among Czech batteries, the most famous models are from the Viadrus STYL company, which refer to radiators of a new design and are supplied in several modifications. In factory-assembled models, no less than 10 sections, buyers can choose from one of the options: primed or coated with white enamel. Radiators of this brand are known for their non-standard and stylish shape, optimal heat transfer and compact dimensions.


Belarusian two-channel radiators model 2K60PP have a flat surface, a smooth front panel, machined. They complement well the interior of a modern room and significantly increase heat transfer. Factory copies are supplied with a standard primer finish and can be supplemented with mounting feet.

Other manufacturers

German batteries from the brands Guratec and Kon or Konner, the Spanish brand Roca, and the Russian company STI are in demand among buyers. Such batteries are classified as innovative and expensive, but they have much more advantages compared to more budgetary counterparts.

In Russia, cast iron radiators produced at factories in Moscow or Lugansk are more often installed.

Calculation of the required quantity

The easiest way to calculate the amount of heat is based on the area of ​​the room in which you need to install the batteries. Since the area of ​​the room is already known in advance, it remains to calculate the parameters of the heat demand, taking into account the building codes SNiPa. In the middle climatic zone, for heating 1 m2 of a room, at least 60-100 kW is needed, in areas with temperatures below 60 degrees - 150-200 kW.

The calculation is carried out according to the formula. For example, if the area of ​​the room is 16 m2, it needs 16 * 100 = 1600 kW of heat. This is the average for regions with frequently changing weather conditions.

Installation features

You can install a cast iron heating radiator in a private house yourself if you have installation skills, but in an apartment it is better to entrust this work to professionals. Batteries installed in multi-storey buildings are capable of creating emergency situations, for example, due to a coolant leak.

When installing batteries of any type, the norms of SNiP numbered 41-01-2003 from the section on heating, ventilation and air conditioning must be observed. The height from the radiator to the floor cannot be less than 10 cm, to the wall - 3-5 cm, to each window sill - from 5 cm.

Radiators must have a length of at least 50-75% of the total width of the window under which they are installed. It is also recommended to check the coincidence of the central axis of the battery with the same axis of the window, the allowed deviation is not more than 20 mm.

The cast iron battery should be located in a place with good air circulation, such as under a window or near a door.

With a heat-reflecting shield, the distance from the radiator to the wall can be reduced by 2.5 cm.The screens are supplemented with a layer of foil that repels heat from the wall, which allows the air to warm up more strongly.
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