Choosing the right size for mineral wool insulation in slabs

The largest percentage of heat escapes through roofing, wall and floor structures. The correct selection of an insulator will provide a comfortable living environment and protect the building from premature wear. Before buying, you need to calculate the dimensions of the mineral wool insulation in the slabs, familiarize yourself with the manufacturer brands, markings and advantages.

Properties of mineral wool in slabs as insulation

The thickness of the insulation depends on the base

Mineral wool is a stone-based insulation that allows you to create thermal insulation for a building. Lava rocks for the manufacture of material are heated and melted. Binders are added to shape and tighten the fibers. The final product retains the properties of basalt:

  • Thermal conductivity from 0.03 to 0.04 W / m - the ability of insulation to maintain temperature. With an indicator of a mineral material with a thickness of 10 cm, 25 cm of timber, 200 cm of sand-lime brick and 117 cm of ceramic are comparable.
  • Density - the indicator ensures the use of plate isolate and on average equals 60-80 kg / m3. For arranging a pitched roof, you will need light slabs of 30-50 kg / m3, for a flat one - from 100 kg / m3. For industrial purposes, models from 160 kg / m3 are used that do not deform under the influence of an external load.
  • Resistance to fire class NG. Basalt fibers are non-flammable, do not spread fire, and can heat up to +750 degrees. Non-flammable modifications are heated up to 1000 degrees for 2 hours.
  • Moisture absorption. Min plates have an indicator of 1-2%, i.e. do not absorb condensation and precipitation.

The thermal conductivity index depends on the direction of the fibers. The best option is a chaotic location.

Advantages and disadvantages

Benefits of basalt wool

Products are delivered rolled up and then cut out. Mineral wool is suitable for all types of insulation work due to the advantages:

  • sound insulation - can be installed in houses next to the roadway and production halls;
  • lack of cold bridges - sheets do not shrink at joints;
  • special structure - the fibers are located in a chaotic direction or intertwined, which prevents the removal of warm air from the room;
  • ease of installation - slabs can be easily cut with a knife or hacksaw in place;
  • durability - the insulation retains its properties for 20-70 years;
  • environmental friendliness - made on the basis of natural basalt rocks.

The disadvantages of miniplates include the complexity of installation due to their high vapor permeability.

Why do you need to know the dimensions of mineral wool in slabs

Calculation of the amount of insulation

The positive aspects and properties are provided by the use of insulation in all areas of construction. In order to accurately calculate the amount of material for external or internal laying, you will need to know the basic dimensions of the slabs in m2 (squares).

When dimensions are taken into account

Thermal insulation of the floor covering inside, the creation of external thermal insulation begins with drawing up a diagram and purchasing materials. You will need to know the parameters of mineral wool sheets in order to:

  • creation of thermal protection in accordance with the climate of the region;
  • reducing the time spent on budgeting;
  • selection of parameters when laying between the lags of the floor or attic;
  • arrangement of the frame for sheets in the case of outdoor work.

Knowing the dimensions of the layers of thermal insulation will eliminate the time spent on cutting during the installation process, the formation of unnecessary joints.

The standard slab size is 100x50 cm, but the number of pieces depends on the square of the building. Material thickness is reached from 150 to 600 mm. When selecting dimensions, it is necessary to take into account the density indicator - the larger it is, the higher the likelihood of withstanding mechanical loads and the absence of deformation.

Slab parameters depending on the area of ​​use

Characteristics of boards of different densities

Mineral wool is distinguished by the convenience of laying and high performance - the size and scope of the material depend on its rigidity. Manufacturers release the following modifications:

  • Light - with a density of 10 to 35 kg / m3. With their help, it is possible to insulate and protect the frame type of buildings from noise.
  • Elastic - density from 35 to 120 kg / m3. The insulation is suitable for walls, its dimensions can be adjusted to the configuration of the buildings. Mineral wool can withstand minor external loads.
  • Rigid - the density indicator is 120-180 kg / m3, which is suitable for working with ventilation systems, organizing thermal protection of baths and industrial premises.

The width of the insulation is determined by the climatic features of the region. Buildings in the southern regions are made out with sheets 120-180 mm wide, in the central - from 180 to 240 mm, in the northern - up to 360 mm.

The final parameters are determined by the type of object to be insulated.

Facade slabs

Facade products exclude the cost of materials during construction. They are attached to the supporting frame, have good vapor permeability, do not shrink, do not deform when exposed to temperature.

The dimensions of a standard cut of mineral wool supplied in slabs are 100x50x5 cm. For facades of atypical configuration, a material of 120x60x20 mm is suitable.

Roofing slabs

The parameters of the material depend on the region in which the roof is insulated. You can calculate the parameters using an online calculator or independently, taking into account the standards for the climatic zone, the layer-by-layer thickness of the structure, and the thermal conductivity of each layer. When choosing manufacturers, you will need to take into account the type of roofing structure.

The pitched roof is insulated with PAROS UNS 37 (610x1220x50 mm) and Extra (250x50 mm), Knauf (5500x1200x150 mm), Rocklight (1000 / 2000-500 / 600-50 / 100 mm), Techno (100x60x5 / 10 mm), Izover ( 1170x610x50 mm), Izovat (1000x600x50 / 100 mm).

For flat structures, the best options are PAROS Rob (1200 / 1800x600 / 900/1200 mm), Monrock Max (2000x1200x50 / 200 mm), Technoruf N (1200x600x100 mm).

For work in attics and attics with height differences, a complex configuration, rolled glass wool with a density of 11-15 kg / m3 is suitable.

For walls

A suitable size of slab mineral wool is 120 cm long and 100 cm wide. The thickness of the product is 2.5-5 cm. The material is used for external and internal work, insulation of rooms with high humidity, ventilated facades and sandwich panels.

Rigid modifications with a density of 150 kg / m3 are suitable for laying on metal or reinforced concrete floors. For fire-fighting purposes, a material with a density of 200 kg / m3 is optimal.

Mineral wool is laid on the walls vertically and horizontally.

For floor

It is possible to isolate the floor from cold air using products with dimensions of 600x800 and a density of 100-150 kg / m3. The length and width are adjusted according to the parameters of the coating.

Features of marking

Mineral wool marking

Manufacturers indicate on the packaging the name, dimensions, date of release of the insulation, fire resistance, thickness and type of cladding. By digital-letter designations, you can understand the meanings:

  • dynamic stiffness - sdi;
  • dimensional stability upon reaching a certain temperature value - ds (t +);
  • compressibility - (cpi);
  • creep at the moment of compression - cc (i1 / i2 / y) σχ;
  • load upon deformation of 5 mm - (pl (5) i);
  • moisture absorption with prolonged exposure - (wl (p));
  • average noise ratio - (awi).

The stiffness of the material is also marked with numbers and letters:

  • semi-rigid for work on ceilings, flooring, inside the house - P-125;
  • plates for protection against noise and ignition of roofs and attic - P-150;
  • rigid for structures subject to deformation - PZh-175;
  • lightweight for horizontal structures, attics, pipe lines - P-75.

The maximum fiber length of the minelite is no more than 5 cm.

Products for easy styling

Foil mineral wool in slabs

Sometimes the size of the stone wool in the slabs is not enough to insulate a vertical or inclined structure. In order to simplify the installation of the system, mats with additional layers are used:

  • Bituminous. Allows you to create an additional base for the roofing sheet.
  • With resin or fiberglass lamination. Facilitate dry insulation or sandwich systems. The glass fabric prevents the fibers from blowing out, and the polystyrene blocks the ingress of moisture.
  • With cross-sectional differences. Used for sloping pitched roofs. Water drains from such a stove faster.
  • Lamellar. The sheet is distinguished by the perpendicular arrangement of the fibers, due to which elasticity is achieved, and the tensile strength is increased.
  • Double basalt. Allows to protect the house using "wet" technology from heat leaks. The top cover is rigid, does not allow the product to deform during installation. The lower elastic part ensures that the material adheres tightly to the wall.
  • With foil. Additional fiberglass reinforcement of the Penoplex models excludes the penetration of condensate. With the help of the material, you can insulate a residential attic or loggia.

Manufacturers mark the sides for ease of use.

Popular manufacturers of mineral wool slabs

When choosing an insulating material, you need to take into account that the dimensions of the finished mineral wool supplied in slabs differ depending on the manufacturer. Domestic users prefer several brands.

Isover - certified affordable products

The brand's technological solutions allow you to choose several options:

  • P-32 frame - the dimensions of the slab are 1170x670 mm. The thickness is 40-150 cm.
  • Frame P-34 - have a thickness of 40-200 mm, length and width parameters 1170x565 mm.
  • Rigid - the minimum thickness of the product is 30 mm, dimensions - 1550x1180 mm.

The manufacturer indicates how many sheets are contained in the package.

Knauf - high quality and reliable products

Knauf thermal insulation products are made on the basis of basalt and fiberglass, supplied in rolls and slabs, suitable for roofs, partitions, acoustic protection. The width and length features of the mineral wool depend on the series:

  • Cottage - produced in rolls 6148x1220 mm and slabs 1230x610 mm. The thickness of the materials is 5 cm.
  • Cottage + - an insulator in a tiled form with a thickness of 10 cm with dimensions of 1230x610 mm.
  • TeploDom. The slabs are made using 3D elasticity technology, have a length of 1230 or 6148 mm, a width of 610 or 1220 mm, and a thickness of 5 or 10 cm.
  • Insulation. Includes the lines Thermoplite 037 (1250x600 cm), Thermoroll 040 - roll mats (1200x10000 mm).

The acoustic series has a two-layer construction. Each layer is 5 cm thick, 61 cm wide, and 750 cm long.

TechnoNICOL - Russian products for beginners and professionals

The Technonikol company produces heaters for professional work, home improvement and summer cottages. Mineral wool has the shape of a slab in soft, hard and semi-soft versions.

The size is standard - 120x60x50 cm. The material can have a thickness of 4-25 cm. The Technovent series is intended for facades, Rocklight - for attics, floors and ceilings, Basalit - for roofs and attics.

Rockwool is a versatile material

The non-flammable moisture resistant Rockwool mineral wool increases the energy efficiency of the house. Several series are presented on the Russian market:

  • Light Butts Scandic. Water-repellent slabs in standard sizes 800x600x50 / 100 mm and 1200x600x100 / 150 mm.
  • Light Butts. Two-layer product (smooth and rough surface) for roofs, ceilings, interior work. Size one - 1000x600x50 / 100 mm.
  • Flor Butts. Rigid sheets for floor installation (floors on the ground, above the basement, reinforced concrete base). Dimensions are 1000x600x25 mm.
  • Sauna Butts. Biostable modifications with aluminum foil.Minplate has a thickness of 50-100 mm, length and width - 1000x500 mm.

Rockwool slabs hardly shrink during operation.

Paroc - many options for thermal insulation

The Finnish brand produces materials for construction and industry. Insulation of a private house can be done using the rulers:

  • Extra. The material in sizes 1320x565x50 / 150, 1200x600x50 / 100 and 1170x610x42 / 150 mm is suitable for frame structures.
  • UNS 37 with a thickness of 35-175 mm. Designed for floors and walls. The dimensions of the slabs are 1220x610x50-150 mm.
  • InWall - for all types of buildings. Fire retardant and moisture resistant insulation differs in length and width 1200x600 mm, thickness - from 30 to 250 mm.
  • Linio - produced in several series, intended for plastered facades. The length and width of the slab is 1200x600 mm, the thickness is from 30 to 250 mm.
  • ROB - flat roof models. They are produced in standard sizes 1200-1800x600x20-30 mm, 1200-1800x900x20-30 mm and 1800x1200x20-30 mm.
  • GRS - material for flooring of the first floor, basement, basement. The thickness of the products ranges from 50 to 200 mm, the width and length are 600 and 1200 mm.

Elastic Parok boards can be easily cut with a hacksaw or a utility knife.

Mineral wool slab is a versatile material that solves the problem of thermal insulation of residential, office and industrial premises. Depending on the size and thickness, the products are laid on a flat, curved surface in a short time. Products of domestic and foreign brands are selected according to parameters, operational series and the presence of an additional layer.
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