The result of the styrene monomer polymerization process is polystyrene sheet, which is produced as one of the types of thermoplastic polymers. The material is very practical, as a result of which it has become widespread in several fields of application. Affordable price makes it even more irreplaceable in comparison with analogues.
Thanks to its properties, polystyrene has taken the position of a high-quality glass substitute. Possessing high light scattering properties, its field of application is very diverse. It can act as a glazing in the construction of greenhouses and greenhouses and be used in the manufacture of decorative lighting elements.
In the construction industry, when performing finishing work, the most demanded are:
- sheet mirror polystyrene;
- polystyrene with a matte surface;
- polystyrene with a glossy surface.
The explanation for this popularity is the technical characteristics of the material:
- thermoplasticity;
- resistance to chemicals;
- high rates of moisture resistance;
- impact resistance;
- light transmittance;
- pliability to mechanical treatments;
- increased electrical insulating properties.
The only drawback that spoils the positive picture of perception is the flammability of the material. But this is not a problem if you take care of fire safety in advance.
Dimensions (edit)
The size range of the material is very diverse. You can choose a certain size of panels and sheets, which are then easy to cut into the required blanks.
Most often, a polystyrene sheet can be found in the following sizes:
- 1500 x 2400 mm,
- 1000 x 1400 mm,
- 1000 x 2000 mm,
- 2000 x 3000 mm.
Many manufacturers accept orders for the manufacture of material according to the dimensions specified by the client.
Forms of issue
The area of application of the material depends on several factors, including the form of release, which differs in the method of production.
- Finished sheets of various lengths, thicknesses and widths, colors. Colored polystyrene sheets are obtained through the use of dyes.
- Expanded polystyrene - polystyrene foam. Due to its structure, it is very lightweight, which allows it to be used as a heater, without the risk of weighting the structure.
The first type is more often used for decorative purposes, the second one perfectly copes with the task of insulation or packaging.
Physical and chemical properties
Material properties depend on several parameters: molecular weight, production methods, etc. The strength of polystyrene and its softening point depends on the molecularity of the granule fractions. The higher this indicator, the lower the strength.
Average properties of polystyrene:
- bending resistance - 103 MPa;
- thermal conductivity coefficient - 0.16 W / m K;
- material density - 1.05 g / cm3;
- tensile strength - 55 MPa;
- refractive index - 12.59;
- elongation resistance - 3%.
These are general indicators common to all types of material. They may vary slightly depending on the manufacturing process.More accurate information can be found by looking at the certificates for the released products from the seller.
Flammable properties
The fire resistance index of polystyrene is only 17-19%, which is very small compared to other materials. When ignited, the material does not lose its properties, even if it is in the composition of reinforced concrete. Therefore, the fire services always have an increased interest in the construction of houses using such insulation.
Polystyrene cannot ignite spontaneously. This only happens when the material comes into direct contact with fire. If this happens, in addition to the very fact of ignition, it is necessary to take into account that the foam produces toxic gases. Therefore, before using it, you need to weigh the pros and cons.
The flammability of polystyrene prompted manufacturers to develop new types of material with higher fire safety properties by adding smoke-absorbing components and other additives to the usual composition.
Types of material
The manufacturing process and other structural characteristics of the material affect the final result. There are several types of polystyrene:
- sheet impact-resistant polystyrene;
- general purpose material;
- extruded polystyrene.
Impact resistant material
The production is based on the process of polymerization of vinyl benzene with the addition of butadiene rubber. The main positive properties of the material are:
- pliability to mechanical treatments;
- thermoplasticity;
- environmental friendliness.
The rubber content in the impact-resistant polymer is 10-15%, in the usual one, only 4.5%.
Among the disadvantages, they note a low ability to light transmission. Basically, this material is presented in the form of black polystyrene with glossy or matte surfaces.
General purpose polystyrene
Externally, ordinary polystyrene is transparent and meets the requirements of GOST 20282-86. It is fragile, but resistant to chemicals, the dielectric capacity is high.
In the production process, 2 methods are used: suspension and block. Further, the material is extruded into sheet blanks of two types:
- Smooth Plasgal, characterized by high light-scattering properties, low strength characteristics, increased resistance to low temperatures. The thickness of the sheets varies from 2 to 6 mm.
- Corrugated plasgal, characterized by an average polystyrene thickness of 2 mm, the presence of embossing, for refraction and reflection of sunlight, low impact resistance characteristics.
The latter type of polymer is most often used in interior decoration.
Extruded polymer
Due to the closed porous structure, the density of the extruded material increases. The process consists in the manufacture of polymer by heating granules with their foaming and further transformation of the material into sheet or roll form.
Analogs of this type are polystyrene and expanded polystyrene, but they are inferior to extruded polystyrene in terms of light transmission, resistance to aggressive environments, moisture and susceptibility to fungal damage.
Scope of application
The many positive properties of the polymer could not but affect its popularity. He has taken up a stable position in several industries:
- construction - for interior decoration and exterior decoration;
- advertising - in the manufacture of plates and signs;
- medicine - in the production of disposable syringes, droppers;
- agriculture - when arranging greenhouses and greenhouses, white polystyrene acts as a substitute for glass;
- food industry - in the manufacture of packaging products;
- manufacturing of sanitary ware - in the process of creating shower cabins and baths;
- typographic sphere - used as a basis for stencils;
- electrical industry - in the manufacture of insulation materials.
In addition to the listed spheres, other sectors of use can be named: the military industry, mechanical engineering, instrument making - where he received no less recognition.
Material advantages
Among the main advantages of sheet material are:
- competitiveness with other types of thermoplastics;
- resistance to chemicals on the surface;
- non-susceptibility to destruction when exposed to alcohol-containing substances and acids;
- susceptibility to mechanical manipulation (drilling, sawing, milling);
- pliability to gluing and heat sealing;
- thermoplasticity;
- resistance to moisture and damage by fungal spores;
- wear resistance;
- high operational ability;
- variability of performance;
- environmental Safety;
- the possibility of processing;
- affordable cost.
With all the advantages, one should not forget about the disadvantages: low fire resistance, tendency to cracking and brittleness.
Polystyrene sheet processing
High rates of thermoplasticity make it possible to use this material for the manufacture of various products used in the household and industrial spheres. As a result, there are several types of processing that polystyrene lends itself to:
- sawing with hand and stationary tools;
- drilling with drills for various purposes (for metal or plastic);
- processing the edge of the sheets with files or a plane;
- thermoforming, through the use of high temperatures and vacuum;
- welding by ultrasonic method or gas welding;
- gluing several sheets using synthetic compounds based on neoprene and cyanoacrylate;
- drawing pictures and texts without preliminary surface preparation;
- varnishing with synthetic and natural compounds;
- polishing the surface with a special wheel and polishing paste;
- milling on special machines;
- application of metal dust under vacuum conditions.
Sheets of impact-resistant material are more suitable for processing.
Softening of polystyrene occurs at a temperature of 95 degrees, therefore, after all types of processing, it is necessary to use a liquid to cool the surface.
Polystyrene is a kind of plastic that has gained immense popularity due to its ease of processing, thermoplasticity, resistance to chemical attack and temperature extremes. Affordable price allows you to select material according to external data and technical characteristics.