Varieties and selection criteria for film heaters

Infrared film heaters appeared on the industrial market relatively recently, as well as infrared radiation in general as a method of transferring heat. Such a heating system combines a large number of advantages, due to which in recent years it has become widespread throughout the world. Heating film installations are installed in private apartments, country houses, offices, etc.

Types of film heaters

Floor standing infrared heater

Film IR heaters, depending on the design features, are divided into several varieties.

Floor standing

Floor heating film is a type of underfloor heating. Stable and constant power supply is required for uninterrupted operation. However, floor structures consume the least amount of electricity, therefore, the financial costs are minimal.

The principle of operation is similar to other types of film heaters. An additional advantage of the equipment - an infrared warm floor heats up the space much faster than analogues.


Infrared ceiling film heater, which is also a suspended one, is unique in that it must be installed directly at the ceiling.

Such designs have a fairly extensive list of advantages:

  • They fit into rooms with any interior, since they are invisible.
  • Fixed directly to the ceiling, the electrical appliance is out of reach of children and animals.
  • Doesn't take up a lot of indoor space.

As soon as pendant heaters appeared on the market, their surface had dark colors, which “scared off” many potential customers, because many have light-colored ceilings. Over time, manufacturers have taken this into account, now everyone has the opportunity to choose the color of the device.

Most models are equipped with a built-in remote control system and thermostat. This simplifies the operation process, since the temperature regime can be set remotely.

Wall mounted

Decorative wall film heaters

The wall-mounted type of equipment is used most often. They are installed on walls, mainly near windows. IR heaters are used only for local heating of the room, there is no possibility of transportation.

Wall structures are equipped with a temperature controller. Among the advantages of infrared heaters, it is necessary to highlight:

  • absolute moisture resistance;
  • high rate of flexibility;
  • attractive appearance that is able to satisfy the needs of even the most demanding potential buyers.

Quite often, appliances are used for drying clothes. Due to their light weight and dimensions, wall-mounted infrared heaters can be easily transported.


Industrial infrared heaters for large rooms

The main feature of industrial equipment is its relatively large size and power. Designed for heating rooms with a large area.

Industrial infrared equipment is divided into several types:

  • gas floor - an analogue of wall gas structures;
  • gas wall heaters - they work on the same principle as conventional wall heaters, the only difference is in the type of energy consumed;
  • ceiling structures are installed in large rooms, they are attached to the ceiling on special pillars.Ceiling heaters have the highest power ratings.

For heating large rooms, gas equipment is mainly used, since the electrical counterpart is less ergonomic.

Advantages and disadvantages

Film heaters do not take up useful space

Film infrared heaters have the following advantages:

  • Reliability and durability. The structure has no rotating or moving parts. Heat conductors are soldered directly into the film, therefore, their service life is unlimited.
  • High rates of efficiency. Infrared constructions consume approximately 20-30% less energy in comparison with other volatile heated constructions.
  • The film heating method does not require maintenance. Installing the hardware is pretty straightforward. In addition, the running costs are zero.
  • Compact dimensions. IR constructions practically do not take up the useful space of the room
  • The environment is not polluted, but invariably remains favorable. During the operation of the equipment, oxygen is not burned, the humidity level does not change, the heated air flows are evenly distributed throughout the room.
  • The equipment is equipped with automatic controllers, due to which the temperature in the room is automatically regulated.
  • Each room has the ability to change the degree of heating separately.

Among the disadvantages, one can single out the high cost.

Principle of operation

IR film heater device

Regardless of the type, the film equipment functions due to the continuous passage of electric current through the wires by means of a resistive heating foil.

General operating rules for the operation of equipment:

  • The optimal temperature regime of the film is maintained throughout the entire period of use of the electrical device.
  • Heating area temperature - foil is not capable of reaching temperatures above +45 degrees Celsius.

After heating the foil, the generated heat begins to actively flow to the main component - an aluminum reflective screen. The same part is designed to produce infrared radiation by reflection. The wavelength is capable of reaching 9.4 microns.

Thanks to this principle of operation, the equipment heats up the room like the sun. This works especially well with ceiling models of infrared equipment, since the warm air flow from above rushes down.

Popular manufacturers

There are many manufacturers of infrared film heaters, but it is better to give preference to proven companies on the market.

  • UFO is a Turkish manufacturer that specializes in the production of heaters and ventilation systems, they have been on the market for more than 20 years and have proven themselves well.
  • Polaris is a company that originated in the USA. Today, products are manufactured in four countries around the world: Italy, Israel, China and Russia.
  • ENSA is a Ukrainian company that specializes in the production of exclusively infrared heaters. Most of them produce small heating panels for heating rooms with a small area.

The most demanded, affordable and reliable products of the Ballu company.
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