Varieties and features of the Varvara sauna stoves

For efficient heating, it is extremely important to choose the right stove, thanks to the operation of which the optimal temperature regime for receiving water procedures will be maintained in the room. One of the most demanded companies engaged in the production of sauna stoves is the Varvara trademark. For more than 10 years, the Varvara sauna stoves have been a leader in this industry.

Popular models of the Varvara stove

The manufacturer has designed several different models of ovens, each with its own characteristics and adapted to specific working conditions.

Model "Terma-Fairy Tale"

Furnace Varvara Terem Fairy Tale

The Varvara stove for the bath "Terma-Skazka" is the most popular model, equipped with a closed stove, which is faced with soapstone stone. Thanks to this design feature, it is possible to obtain soft steam by heating the stone to high temperatures.


  • dimensions - 1120 * 500 * 800;
  • firewood heating;
  • weight - 245 kg;
  • furnace length - 0.76 m;
  • stones can be put 60-70 kg;
  • the volume of the steam room is 12-24 cubic meters.

The manufacturer's recommended cost for this model is 49,500 rubles.

Volzhanka model

Volzhanka series furnace

The stove for a bath of the Volzhanka series is used for large steam rooms. The tank is made of stainless steel. Main technical characteristics of the model:

  • dimensions - 1000 * 510 * 820;
  • firewood heating;
  • weight - 150 kg;
  • furnace length - 0.72 m;
  • steam room volume - 24-35 cubic meters;
  • stones can be put 60-80 kg.

The manufacturer's recommended cost is 24,700 rubles.

Model "Palenitsa"

Oven Palenitsa with a contour

This model for a bath is made of steel 6 mm wide, convection holes are located on the side. The power of "Palenitsa" is standard and is no more than 12 kW, the weight is 113 kg, the total weight of the stones being laid should not exceed 50 kg. The average cost of a model without any options is 13,500 rubles.

Optionally, you can purchase a model with an extended configuration. Its technical characteristics:

  • Removal of the firebox up to 30 cm.
  • Equipped with a water heating circuit, the thickness of the stainless steel is 1 mm. It is built into the side walls, all connecting elements must be made of metal, plastic is prohibited.
  • Equipped with a hinged tank, the capacity of the tank is not more than 55 liters. Attaches to a special pocket located on the side.
  • Tank for a pipe for a pipeline with a capacity of 60 and 120 liters.
  • Steel door 4 mm wide with panoramic glass.

Depending on the selected components, the cost of the unit changes.

General characteristics and design features

Stoves "Varvara" for a bath are characterized by simplicity of design. This is one of the main qualities for which users love her.

All sauna stoves include the following components:

  • heating jacket, which gives off its own heat to the room;
  • a firebox for burning firewood - from here the heat of the main structure is transferred;
  • chimney;
  • the furnace chamber is located next to the firebox - here the final decay of the formed flue gases takes place;
  • grate and ash pan.

The designers provided for the presence of an opening in the rear of the unit, which simplifies the process of cleaning the furnace from combustion products and soot. There are also models that are additionally equipped with a stainless steel water tank. The thickness of such a sheet is at least 1.5 mm.

Furnace device on the example of the "Varvara Classic" model

The Varvara company presented 8 models of sauna stoves. Despite such a limited choice, the clever design meets all the buyer's requirements:

  • oven equipped with a side-mounted water tank;
  • standard equipment, not equipped with a heat exchanger and a tank;
  • modification of the previous furnace with a water heating circuit.

The built-in water heating circuit allows you to equip the stove with a reservoir of up to 120 liters. As a rule, it is mounted at the top, acting as a connecting element between the ceiling and the hot pipe. Thanks to this, the user receives a double benefit - the pipe allows heating the liquid in the tank, which does not require the use of protective materials to isolate the pipe from the materials of the ceiling and the ceiling itself.

Another feature of the product is the ability to use the stove as a boiler in a hot water heating system. In most cases, the side tank has a capacity of up to 60 liters.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of the furnaces is the light weight of the structure.

The demand and prevalence of the furnaces of this company is due to a large number of advantages:

  • the possibility of additional equipment;
  • in comparison with analogues, acceptable cost;
  • ease of use;
  • low weight of structures;
  • ease of installation work;
  • maintainability.

There are also disadvantages that you need to carefully read before buying.

  • The installation of the stove involves lining it with finishing materials. Neglecting this requirement will negatively affect the thermophysical properties of the equipment.
  • Slow heating of water in the tank.
  • The design is equipped with an afterburner, which indicates a long combustion process. In turn, this leads to the formation and accumulation of condensate inside the chimney.

Each potential buyer will be able to choose the right model for their needs.

Varvara stove with brickwork

The main disadvantage is the large weight of the brick, combined with the weight of the oven itself.

Brick oven models have an attractive appearance. Advantages of the units:

  • Increased heat capacity of the equipment. Bricks accumulate the received heat, and gradually give it away as it cools.
  • The space in which such equipment is installed is filled with dry heat, such characteristics are characteristic of steam rooms only in Russian baths.
  • A design that differs from analogues, especially if you use decorative stone instead of ordinary brick.

The main disadvantage of the modifications is the large weight of the brick, which, in combination with the weight of the unit itself, forces the owner of the living space to build a new stove foundation.

A common problem is finding a conscientious kiln master who can perform all the work with high quality, using materials and compositions suitable for working with high temperatures. In most cases, a mixture of sand and clay is used.
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