Varieties and advantages of Navien Deluxe boilers

The South Korean company NAVIEN is known to most Russian users for its high-quality boilers designed for heating and hot water supply of residential and industrial premises. Gas units make up a significant share in the total range of products manufactured by the company. Therefore, it is so important to familiarize yourself with its samples in more detail. The Navien Deluxe gas boiler is a typical representative of this class of equipment.

Selection criteria for Navien Deluxe boilers

Korean-made Navien Deluxe boilers differ in power, number of circuits, size

Before purchasing a suitable sample of boiler equipment, the following selection criteria are taken into account:

  • power consumption, which determines the amount of energy supply costs;
  • the number of heating circuits affecting the heating efficiency;
  • functionality (heating and hot water supply);
  • heat output for hot water, selected for the same efficiency.

An important factor is the heating area declared by the manufacturer in square meters, which overlaps when using a specific model. When evaluating, it is also important to consider the ease of maintenance of the unit and its maintainability.

Features of boilers

Most of the samples of gas boilers Navien Deluxe are adapted to Russian realities, due to which they work well under conditions of low pressures and fluctuations in mains voltages. They provide mechanisms for automatic correction of fluctuations in the mains voltage in the range of up to 30%. The presence of these features attracts the attention of users, and the low price only increases the demand for Korean units.

On the Russian market there are two-circuit wall models produced by the company, which have two versions: turbocharged and atmospheric. Depending on the capacity declared by the manufacturer, they are capable of heating spaces ranging from 30 to 400 m2. The presence of two circuits allows them to be used for heating and for heating water for household needs. These units are capable of operating on both natural and liquefied gas.

Advantages and disadvantages

It is necessary to install a filter, since boilers do not tolerate hard water well

The main advantages of units from Korea are:

  • attractive ratio of cost and functionality;
  • ecological cleanliness;
  • multifunctionality;
  • a wide range of options for controlling the operation of the unit;
  • self-diagnosis capability to simplify troubleshooting;
  • practically unlimited service life.

The disadvantages of this equipment are considered to be poor tolerance of contaminated (hard) water, increased noise and dependence on the source of energy supply.


For a private house, boilers with an open combustion chamber are chosen.

The main technical indicators of Navien gas boilers include:

  • type of fuel used - liquefied or natural gas;
  • Efficiency reaching 92 percent for some models;
  • thermal power in kW;
  • maximum heating area in square meters;
  • coolant temperature in degrees;
  • the number of circuits involved (two pieces);
  • internal pressure in bars;
  • hot water temperature and pressure;
  • DHW performance.

Also, the technical characteristics include the parameters of the power supply network (220 Volts, 50 Hz) and the connecting dimensions.

Design features

By design, Navien boilers are wall-mounted and floor-standing

A classic gas boiler from Korea structurally consists of the following mandatory components:

  • an independent heat exchanger, considered primary and made of copper or stainless steel;
  • the second heat exchange unit, which is additional to the first, is made on the basis of stainless steel;
  • combustion chamber equipped with a gas burner, and also combined with the main heat exchanger;
  • classic expansion tank;
  • transfer pump;
  • special 3-way valve;
  • blower fan (installed only on 2-circuit models).

Navien's product samples include a set of sensors, an electronic control board, proprietary piping and a steel guard. In some structures, additional elements may be present for auxiliary purposes.

Popular models of deluxe boilers

Turbocharged boiler from a new series, designed for installation in an apartment

Initially, two well-recognized series were launched into production: Navien ATMO and Navien ACE. To date, they have been withdrawn or are being prepared for removal from the production process. They were replaced by boilers of the Deluxe and Prime series, which have very similar characteristics. Aggregates of the first row are of the greatest interest.

Basic parameters of the Deluxe 24k model:

  • Equipment type: gas boiler.
  • Number of contours: two pieces.
  • Thermal power indicator: 24 kW.
  • The area heated by one boiler is at least 240 m².
  • Placement in the room: wall-mounted.

For the Deluxe 16k model, the parameters will differ only in power (16 kW) and a smaller heated area.

The range of Navien boilers is constantly updated with new samples, so it is almost impossible to consider a complete list of all the items.

Possible error codes

Self-help error codes

For self-diagnosis of possible malfunctions of boiler equipment, the user will need to familiarize himself with the codes of typical errors. Despite the many potential breakdowns of the unit, they all boil down to a limited number of codes. When decrypting them, even an inexperienced user will be able to independently diagnose and then eliminate the malfunction.

  • 01E - overheating of equipment components, recorded by a separate temperature sensor.
  • 02E - means an open circuit in the coolant flow sensor circuit and a decrease in its level in each of the circuits.
  • Error 03 indicates the absence of a signal confirming the operation of the burner (the fire may actually be present).
  • 04E is the opposite of the previous error. Indicates a short circuit in the flame monitor circuit.
  • 05E - malfunction of the media temperature control line in the system.
  • 06E - additional temperature sensor malfunction code associated with a short circuit in its chain.
  • 07E - malfunction of the measurement chain of the same indicator in the DHW circuit.
  • 08E - an error in the same circuit, but indicating a short circuit in it.
  • 09E - incorrect operation of the built-in fan.
  • 10E - problems with the boiler fume extraction system.
  • 12E - physical absence of flame in the burner.
  • 13E - short circuit in the flow channel sensor in both circuits.
  • 14E - no gas supply to the burner from the existing main.
  • 15E - problems with the electronic board, without specifying the specific reason for the failure.
  • 16E - appears when the equipment case overheats.
  • 18E - malfunctions in the smoke residue removal sensor itself (overheating of its body).
  • 27E - the electronics registered an error in the air pressure sensor (APS).

There are no specific instructions for the repair of boiler equipment samples, since the repair work is carried out by the specialists of the service company.You can fix only the simplest problems yourself, which amount to resetting and restarting the system.

Gas boiler installation

Piping a gas single-circuit boiler Navien

For the installation of Navien Deluxe floor standing boilers, a separate place in the room is selected, convenient for connecting to the electrical network and water communications. For fastening wall-mounted units, special brackets are used, fixed on anchor bolts. It is forbidden to install boilers on non-capital walls, ordinary plasterboard partitions and similar structures. The structural elements and brackets used for hanging the boiler must withstand a load of at least 30 kg.

When installing communications, you should carefully monitor the quality of the connection of the branch pipes, as well as their compliance with the mating parts. The formed joints should not have leaks, for which, after assembly, they are checked with a soap solution. It is better to entrust the connection and adjustment of the purchased unit to specialists (as an option - to the representatives of the service center).

User's manual

Maximum comfort and long-term operation of boiler equipment are possible only under the following conditions:

  • constant quality control (hardness) of the water entering it;
  • high-quality sound insulation of the room allocated for the unit;
  • the presence of effective ventilation at its location.

To fulfill the first condition, you will need to constantly check the coarse fluid filter and, if necessary, clean it (replace it with a new product). It is also important to periodically monitor the pressure and temperature in the equipment circuits, the values ​​of which must correspond to the passport indicators. If these requirements are met, no problems arise during the operation of the unit, the Navien Deluxe boiler works without failures and breakdowns.
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