Varieties of oil-fired electric heaters

Electrical appliances for heating houses, summer cottages, utility rooms differ in their operating principles and characteristics. A powerful and easy-to-use electric oil heater has positive qualities that make it popular with buyers. When choosing a heater of this type, pay attention to the technical characteristics, advantages and disadvantages.

Purpose of the device

Oil radiators are used as additional heating, as they consume a lot of electricity

Oil-fired electric radiators are designed for main and additional heating.

As the main source of heat, devices are used in small buildings: cabins, security carriages, outbuildings. Heating private houses around the clock in this way is economically unprofitable.

Oil convectors turn on during cold summer nights, in autumn and late spring.

The devices help the main heating on particularly frosty winter days. Radiators are installed in children's rooms, offices of administrative buildings, and other premises.

Operating principle

The electric oil heating radiator, according to the principle of heat transfer, belongs to the convectors.

The air, heated from the walls of the device, rises up. According to the laws of physics, cold streams are forced downward. Convection occurs. Then the process is repeated until the temperature in the room rises to the set value. The device then switches off automatically. Re-inclusion occurs after the body has cooled with cooled air.

Design features

Heating element in oil cooler

All types of heaters are built according to a single functional diagram.

The composition includes:

  • sealed metal container;
  • tubular electric heater (hereinafter - TEN);
  • control panel with toggle switches and knobs for adjusting operating modes;
  • overheating emergency shutdown sensor;
  • butter;
  • wires for connecting to the mains;
  • fittings for installation on the floor or hanging on the wall.

When the supply voltage is applied, the heating element begins to warm up, which gives off heat to the intermediate heat carrier. Most often, transformer oil is used, which:

  • protects internal parts from corrosion;
  • does not boil, giving off oxygen like water;
  • does not conduct electric current to the case when the heating element is destroyed.

For ease of operation, oil heaters are equipped with wheels for moving on the floor and devices for winding excess wire.

Varieties of devices

Depending on the type of housing, convectors can be panel or sectional.

Due to the larger surface area, sectional heaters give off heat to the air better, but at the same time, they are more difficult to manufacture and more expensive. The flat case is better suited for wall mounting.

Depending on the method and place of installation, there are floor, wall and baseboard types.

For quick heating, some of the oil heaters are equipped with fans that blow heated air from the body into the room.

Mechanical or electronic thermostats are responsible for maintaining the selected temperature.In the first case, electrical contacts are installed on the bimetallic plates, through which the heating element is connected. When heated, the plates change their configuration and the contacts "diverge", turning off the power. After cooling, the petals take the initial (working) shape - the contacts are closed, heating resumes. The operating mode of the mechanical thermostat can only be changed manually.

Electronic regulators can work as timers, they are programmed for a day or a week. An external sensor located anywhere in the room can be connected to the device. The device will turn on (turn off) when the air temperature changes at the specified location.

Regardless of the type of heaters, all models are equipped with an emergency shutdown sensor in case of overheating, which happens when the thermostat contacts "stick".

When buying, preference is given to oil radiators with a rollover sensor - the high temperature of the metal case will not spoil the floor covering.


Recommended power of the oil cooler depending on the area of ​​the room

To perform the tasks assigned to the heater, the following are considered important:

  • Power. The characteristic for household appliances is in the range of 900-2500 watts. On average, a 1 kW device is needed to heat 10 m2 of area (20 m3 of volume). The value depends on the quality of the building insulation, the number of doors and windows. Supply voltage - 220 V.
  • The number of sections or the area of ​​the body of the panel version. The more sections, the more intense the convection. Among home models, there are heaters with the number of elements from 4 to 11.
  • The number of operating modes - the more there are, the easier it is to set the desired temperature range. For mechanical thermostats, 1-3 switch positions are considered the norm, electronic ones allow you to adjust the temperature with an accuracy of 1 ° C.
  • Built-in fan. It does not increase the power of the appliance, but it accelerates air circulation and heat exchange in the room.
  • Mass. The parameter is important for ease of movement.
  • Additional functions - air humidifier, ionizer, built-in timer.

Taking into account all the parameters is important when choosing a specific model.

Benefits and Limitations

Among the advantages of an oil cooler with a fan are:

  • electrical safety - the heating element is located inside a reliable case, access to open electrical parts is limited, if the heating element is destroyed, the dielectric properties of the oil will not allow the voltage to get to the parts accessible to touch;
  • fire safety - a thermostat and an emergency shutdown sensor minimize the possibility of heating external elements above 60–80C;
  • service life of 10 years and more - oil inside the housing prevents corrosion;
  • maintainability - spare parts are unified and are always on sale, self-replacement of failed parts is available to most people;
  • low temperature of the device, which does not lead to the appearance of a burning smell, since the dust does not burn;
  • preservation of oxygen, which does not burn out, because the heating element is built into the body and does not come into contact with air, like most infrared heaters;
  • the power of the device, which is higher than that of classic monolithic convectors;
  • energy savings thanks to the presence of a thermostat.
The oil in the radiator heats up for a long time, so the device is effective as an additional source of heat

The disadvantages include thermal inertia - the device goes into operation for a long time (1-1.5 hours), compared to infrared types of "stoves", which begin to heat the surrounding objects immediately after switching on.

The oil heater cools down longer during emergency power outages, which can be especially important for small rooms - gatehouses, trailers, etc.

Large mass is both an advantage and a disadvantage.It can be difficult to deliver the device to the place of installation, and later the movement takes place on wheels. On the other hand, a massive appliance keeps heat longer.

The device is dangerous for small children - sharp edges can cause injury if dropped.

Security measures

When using the appliance in a bathroom, the humidity of the room and the IP rating must be taken into account.

When buying, it is important to make sure of the quality of the device by demanding certificates of conformity from the seller. Their absence directly indicates the poor quality of the product.

During operation it is prohibited:

  • allow contact between the heated case and the power cord;
  • use when repairing wires and plugs that are not designed for the consumed load;
  • use extension cords with cables of insufficient cross-section - extra plug-socket contacts increase resistance, there are often cases of short circuits;
  • connect the device to the network with the protective cover removed;
  • leave the device unattended, especially in rooms where children and animals can be - the device may overturn, cut off (bite) the power cord;
  • place oil heaters in rooms with high humidity, install devices on an earthen floor without a dielectric mat;
  • turn on a heater in a horizontal or inclined position;
  • place the device closer than 50 cm from walls and furniture;
  • store products outdoors, as well as in the open air.

The plug from the socket is disconnected only after the thermostat has been moved to the "off" position. Manipulations are prohibited under load.

Frequently asked questions from users

Can the device explode

In the overwhelming majority of cases, heaters use transformer oil, the flash point of which is about 130 degrees. The flash occurs only in the presence of air, it is in the body in the amount of 10-15% of the volume.

Oil reaches critical temperatures when two protection devices fail simultaneously:

  • Thermostat contacts "stuck";
  • the emergency shutdown sensor has failed.

Do not leave any heaters turned on unattended.

Is it possible to dry things on the heater

Device for drying clothes on an oil cooler

The temperature of the case when fully heated can reach 60-80 degrees.

Garments, towels can be damaged or lose their attractive appearance. Often left fabric items burn to the surface, the heater coating deteriorates, and the remaining traces are difficult to remove.

The shelter of things hinders the movement of convection currents, which leads to increased heating of the case. The device will start to turn off faster and turn on less often. This mode will lead to a decrease in the room temperature.

Why does it pop when working

If there are clicks and a crackling sound during operation, this indicates various malfunctions or may be normal operation. When a malfunction is detected, pay attention to the duration of extraneous sounds.

If, during assembly at the factory, water gets into the case along with oil, a crackling sound will be heard until the heater comes into operation, having heated up to 60–70 degrees. The water in the container will evaporate, turning into a gaseous state, the crackling will stop. A similar phenomenon can be observed when water enters the oil in a preheated pan. The fault does not require intervention if the sound stops 5-15 minutes after switching on.

A defective thermostat can make sounds during operation

If the radiator is moved or dropped, the oil can mix with air. After plugging into the network, the air is released and the noise will stop by itself.

A crackling sound from the controls is a sign of a malfunctioning thermostat. Bimetal plates often change configuration, there is a constant opening-closing of contacts, which emit clicks.Repair of the oil heater in this case consists in replacing the faulty thermostat with a new one.

If the crackling does not stop after entering the operating mode, it is necessary to repair the oil heater in a specialized workshop.

How much electricity consumes

The maximum power of any model of an oil heater is indicated in the instructions or the product passport.

Most of the heaters consume from 900 to 2500 W / h. Multiplying the resulting figure by the number of hours of work, they will approximately find out the maximum amount of electricity spent.

It should be borne in mind that due to the operation of the thermostat, the heating element is turned on from 8 to 12 hours a day. For example, a two-kilowatt heater works about 12 hours a day and consumes about 24 kW of electricity during this time.

The exact indicators depend on the mode in which the thermostat is set, what is the air temperature in the room, the quality of the insulation of the walls.


All malfunctions, except for the destruction and depressurization of the case, can be easily eliminated on your own - no special skills and equipment are required for repairs.

Common malfunctions and methods of their elimination are collected in the table.

MalfunctionExternal signPossible reasonWhat to do
The appliance does not heat up
There is no light indicationLack of voltage in the network and the integrity of the power cord is damaged
Eliminate or wait for power supply
Light indication is
Check the integrity of the toggle switch
Replace with a serviceable one
Thermostat does not workReplace
Broken wires in the electrical circuitEliminate
Defective heating elementReplace
You can fill the radiator with car oil.

In order to be able to carry out troubleshooting manipulations, remove the cover that protects the controls. On different models, the protective screens are fastened with screws or plastic clips. To remove, inspect the fastening mechanism, unscrew the fasteners or push the latch petals with a screwdriver.

Before disconnecting the wires from the thermostat or heating element, it is recommended to photograph or draw a diagram in color - this will help with assembly after the malfunction has been eliminated.

You can unscrew the heating element with a plumbing wrench. When reassembling, the threaded joint is sealed with linen winding and sealant, if the design does not provide for rubber or silicone gaskets. If such are installed, newly purchased ones are used when installing the heater.

Oil is poured into the container by 75-80% of the volume, since it will expand by 5-7% when heated to 90 ° C. In the absence of an empty space, the heater body will break at the places where the welded seams pass.

Reliable manufacturers

Oil heaters are in the assortment of most brands that produce heat engineering products.

Timberk, Pollaris, Dellongi, Electrolux stand out from the quality products presented on the Russian market.

When choosing a specific model, they pay attention to the power, design, additional capabilities of the heater. Be sure to take into account the opinions of buyers, which can always be found on special consumer forums, reviews and on the websites of large retail chains.

With the right choice, competent operation and strict observance of safety measures, universal oil heaters serve for a long time and without failure.
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