Wisman solid fuel boilers are characterized by high efficiency and are a serious competitor to traditional models of gas equipment. Their characteristic feature is the ability to adjust the heating of the water carrier. In addition, all modern units provide for the possibility of auto-ignition and remote control of combustion using a remote mobile device.
Design features
A feature of this class of equipment is the presence in the line of Viessmann boilers of samples with a non-standard (increased) volume of the combustion chamber. For many of them, this figure is at least 100 liters, which allows laying logs up to 1 meter long. In boilers of this type, the principle of afterburning of combustible gas formed during the combustion of solid fuel (pyrolysis) is used, which determined their name and internal structure. Most models have two separate combustion chambers to implement this principle.
The main firebox is made of fireclay bricks. Its clay surface is reliably protected from high-temperature exposure and accumulates heat well. The additional chamber is made on the basis of silicon carbide. Its main purpose is to burn off CO, which is formed during the combustion of solid fuel. German heating boilers Visman are equipped with a Vitotronic controller with a remote control option, as well as the function of connecting individual samples to a single heating network.
The complete set of products includes an automatic ignition unit, combustion products are forcedly discharged into them due to the installation of several exhaust fans. Due to this, when laying firewood in the firebox and during their subsequent combustion, smoke does not enter the room. The efficiency of heating the heated spaces depends on the mass of the gas formed during combustion.
The Viessmann wood-fired gas boiler has the greatest efficiency and economy.
Varieties and characteristics of industrial designs
Models of German gas boilers Wiesman are classified according to several criteria:
- installation method;
- coolant formation method;
- number of contours;
- type and method of fuel combustion.
In accordance with the first feature, all known models are divided into wall and floor models, according to the method of forming the coolant, they are condenser, hot water and steam. According to the number of heating channels, the equipment from the German manufacturer is divided into single-circuit and double-circuit. According to the last criterion, these products are divided into solid fuel (wood) and pyrolysis. In addition, the Wisman floor-standing boiler, like its hinged counterpart, can be electric, diesel, or produced in a purely industrial version.
The pyrolysis principle of fuel combustion is realized through the use of wood chips or special briquettes called pellets. There are two models in the universal equipment series. Viessmann Vitoligno 250F is capable of working on any woodworking waste: wood chips, sawdust, as well as wood dust. It is allowed to heat it with simple firewood or pellets, which are automatically disposed of. The maximum achievable performance is 100 kW.
A distinctive feature of the Vitoligno 300H model is the admissibility of fuel combustion with a moisture content of up to 35%. The performance of this equipment varies from 60 to 150 kW. During its operation, there are no harmful emissions, the efficiency of a double-circuit boiler reaches 92%. The basic package of this product includes:
- modulating burner;
- lambda umbrella;
- exhaust gas temperature control sensor.
This model is widely used in private farms, wood processing plants and other small production structures.
Solid fuel (wood) and pellet aggregates
A wood-fired gas-fired heating unit from a German manufacturer guarantees economical consumption of solid fuel due to the used combustion principle. According to the empirically obtained data, no more than 4.5 m³ of firewood will be required per month for household needs, about 12-14 m³ are consumed for the entire heating season.
In the pellet series of products from Germany, the following types of models are offered: Viessmann Vitoligno 300P and 300C. The design of the first provides for a power consumption control system depending on the intensity of combustion. This is achieved with a modular burner with a wide performance range. During the operation of the boiler, all surfaces in contact with the fire are cleaned without human intervention, the built-in automation controls simultaneously two circuits. For refueling, the 300P models are equipped with pneumatics or a flexible auger. Thanks to this configuration, the boiler output reaches 48 kW.
Unlike the 300P, the Vitoligno 300C is a compact piece of pyrolysis equipment used to heat small buildings. The declared power of the boiler, which uses wood pellets, is enough to maintain an area of 480 m². When the system is running, the built-in thermostat automatically adjusts its settings.
The unit is responsible for supplying fuel, which can be controlled from a remote control or a smartphone via a direct Internet connection. In addition, the design of the model provides for the possibility of auto-ignition. During operation, combustion products are removed forcibly due to the built-in ventilation system.
Positive aspects of Wisman boilers
The advantages of pyrolysis models from a German manufacturer include:
- a high rate of burning duration - from one wood bookmark they work for 4 hours;
- autonomy of functioning, achieved by using built-in automation;
- the presence of an auto-ignition and a smoke removal system;
- the ability to control the intensity of heating the heat carrier.
Remote access is another plus of the models from "Visman", which allows you to control the operating modes from a mobile phone. The advantages of boilers include their efficiency and versatility - the ability to operate on both solid and liquid fuels.
Features of operation
According to the instructions for use of pyrolysis boilers, only two manual control levers are used during their operation. By means of these manipulators, it is possible to set the required heat output of the heating system itself and the water heater integrated into it. To select the required temperature value, simply turn such a lever one position. The correctness of its installation is controlled by a high-precision digital display.
The built-in electronic system is responsible for the automatic control mode of the operation of German boilers. With its help, the temperature difference between the outside and inside the building is recorded, after the assessment of which the operating modes of the heating system are set. The accuracy of control is ensured by the increased frost resistance of the boilers, which is of decisive importance for owners of private farms.For remote connection of boilers to the network and control of their operation, the delivery set includes the following devices:
- room thermostat;
- a clock mechanism controlled by a radio channel, capable of turning on and off the system at a given time;
- analogue of the built-in thermostat, supplemented by a digital module and an electronic display.
Thanks to the presence of these devices, if necessary, it is possible to identify a malfunction of the heating equipment and diagnose its condition.