Varieties of floor radiators for heating

Floor-standing batteries are used for heating rooms with panoramic windows and windows. They prevent icing of the window surface, warm rooms evenly. The floor-standing radiator is suitable for a residential or country house, office. For the correct choice of a product, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the varieties, characteristics and features.

Advantages and disadvantages of floor models

Floor radiators are connected to the general heating system, installed on legs

The floor-standing radiator can be installed on special legs or built into the floor surface, fastened like a plinth. They have several advantages over the standard options:

  • compactness - small-sized products do not clutter up the space;
  • high heat transfer coefficient of models made of cast iron, bimetal, aluminum;
  • laconic appearance - suitable for any interior solution;
  • several color options - standard batteries are made in white, but manufacturers paint them according to the RAL catalog, playing with various textures;
  • ease of installation - installation work is reduced to connecting to the heating system or screwing into the floor;
  • effective heating of the room where there is a large window;
  • possibility of installation next to the walls.

The disadvantages of floor heating radiators include the need to organize floor wiring, the difficulty of finding the right model in offline stores. Among the disadvantages are also noted the low price in comparison with the classic options and heating using convection technology.

The free-standing appliance can be combined with a classic battery near a wall or under a windowsill.

Features of choosing a device for heating a house

If you need to save space, choose skirting radiators

There are several factors to consider when buying a heater:

  • Manufacturing material. Aluminum are lightweight, compatible with any heat carrier. Bimetallic ones are less susceptible to corrosion, and cast iron ones have the highest heat capacity.
  • Design. Sectional options can be easily matched to window parameters due to the ability to remove or add elements. Panel panels heat up quickly and are easy to install. Tubular are resistant to pressure fluctuations and can withstand loads up to 20 atm.
  • Dimensions and characteristics. The height of the floor devices is from 14 to 50 cm, and the length is up to 2 m. They are designed for pressures up to 15 atm. and water temperature up to 110 degrees.
  • Heating method and shape. Water batteries are heated from the coolant and are equipped with temperature controllers. Electric ones can work in conjunction with the "warm floor" system, and the combined ones operate from the heating line and the power grid.

For installation in the bathroom, it is better to choose baseboard modifications, which will save up to 40% of fuel.

Specificity of outdoor batteries

Low radiators are installed under panoramic windows

Floor standing batteries replace conventional batteries if you want to open the space without masking the facade. The center distance of 20 cm will emphasize the panoramic type of glazing. The devices are connected to the mains in a floor or lateral way, depending on the outlet of the pipes.To control the intensity of heating and temperature conditions, rooms can be equipped with thermostatic valves and taps.

In combination with panoramic windows, the heaters look nice and neat. The heat output depends on the number of sections and is comparable to those of standard ones with a center distance of 0.35 m.

Operating principle

As a component of a water heating system, floor units function as follows:

  1. Heating the coolant in the boiler room to the desired temperature.
  2. Water supply through pipes and filling of batteries.
  3. Heating of the case.
  4. The supply of thermal energy to a room by means of radiation or convection.

According to the principle of radiation, only panel and sectional batteries function, which consumes up to 80% of the total power. Heat waves are directed perpendicularly or in two directions at an angle.

Finned tube models transmit heat by convection. Heated air moves in the room towards the ceiling and displaces cold air.

Types of materials for floor radiators

Aluminum floor radiators have an increased service life

Water floor devices - batteries for heating a house or apartment, are made of several materials.


They are produced using the technology of casting (casting of a solid device) or extrusion (connection of separate parts). They have increased heat transfer, so they quickly heat up. Aluminum batteries are the best option for a home autonomous system. They differ:

  • working pressure of 5-16 atm .;
  • thermal power of one section from 81 to 212 W;
  • compatibility with a coolant with a maximum temperature of 110 degrees;
  • efficiency at water pH 7–8.

When choosing aluminum modifications, you need to make calculations for the area of ​​the room and additionally purchase pressure, temperature sensors, mud filters.


Bimetallic radiators are made of two types of metal, not sensitive to water hardness

Bimetallic heaters are made with a steel inner core and an aluminum casing. Due to the insensitivity to the composition of water, the devices can be used to heat an office or apartment.

An anti-corrosion coating is applied to the inner and outer parts of the product, which prevents rust and wear of units. Radiator systems can withstand water hammer and a maximum pressure of 50 atm.

Depending on the materials used, there are structures made of 100% (steel core and aluminum body) or 50% (steel vertical pipes) bimetal. Both types are different:

  • working pressure limit of 18-40 atm .;
  • thermal power of a separate section from 125 to 180 W;
  • the limiting temperature of the coolant is from 110 to 130 degrees.

Bimetallic options are lightweight, look beautiful, but expensive.

Cast iron

Cast iron radiators are distinguished by increased heat transfer and aesthetic appearance

They look like cast sections, hermetically fixed to each other. The cast-iron type of batteries is suitable for an apartment and is selected according to the total area, number of windows, number of storeys, arrangement of rooms.

The design is characterized by high heat transfer, long operating period and insensitivity to chemical influences. Cast iron can accumulate and retain heat for a long period. The downside of the metal is its heavy weight and rupture due to pressure drops.

The heaters have the following characteristics:

  • maximum pressure limit of 18 atm .;
  • the highest coolant temperature is 150 degrees;
  • power of one section from 100 to 150 W.

The main advantage of cast iron is its wear resistance, which does not depend on the composition of the water.

Possible alternatives

The floor convector saves space, but is inconvenient to clean

Floor-standing radiators, if necessary to create an aesthetic design, can be replaced with other devices.

Embedded options

The floor unit allows you to lay the heating in a hidden way.It is installed in the floor, and a decorative grille is used to remove heat energy, which is on the same level with the covering. The built-in modifications are different:

  • the ability to withstand pressure from 10 to 16 bar;
  • thermal power from 13 to 100 kW;
  • water heating limit from 110 to 130 degrees;
  • simplicity of design, light weight and compactness;
  • corrosion resistance;
  • hidden location - mounted in a doorway or floor covering;
  • uniform heating of the room;
  • preventing fogging of window structures.

For reasons of large installation length and the need to make a niche, it is better to design the arrangement of the sections at the construction stage. The models work only on the principle of radiation, so their heat transfer is minimal.

Skirting convectors

Uniform heating of the bathroom can be achieved by integrating baseboard radiators

It is not always possible to build in batteries in the bathroom, so you can opt for warm skirting boards. Products differ:

  • 20 to 25 cm high and 10 cm deep;
  • efficiency - fuel costs are reduced by 50%;
  • thermal power from 50 to 150 kW;
  • working pressure limit up to 16 atm .;
  • by heating water up to 130 degrees;
  • overheating protection thanks to a thermostat;
  • ease of installation;
  • uniformity of heat flow distribution.

Underfloor low water heating radiators should be installed only by specialists. Failure to comply with the technology can ruin the wall decoration.

Connection features

For connection, a side or bottom connection is used

Regardless of the design, the underfloor heaters are connected to the system according to the principle of standard modifications with the lower type of connection:

  1. The heat exchanger pipe is located in the legs or supports, so it does not need to be masked.
  2. The brackets are adjusted in height, they are leveled with a building level.
  3. Auxiliary brackets are screwed to the floor surface.
  4. The radiator is fixed to the legs or body.
  5. The temperature regulator knob is placed on the side.

At the last stage, the quality of the connections is checked and the strapping is performed.

Floor-standing models of radiators do not take up much space, therefore they are combined with panoramic glazing. When choosing a device, it is necessary to focus on the material of manufacture, the number of sections and thermal efficiency.
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