Varieties of Kuznetsov furnaces and their order

A house cannot be considered comfortable if it lacks a high-quality and reliable heating system. Kuznetsov's stoves solve the problems of heating and cooking in homes and summer cottages, where it is impossible to supply gas, and the power supply is unstable. Along with the positive qualities "Kuznetsovka" is not without its drawbacks. This must be borne in mind when choosing dome stove options.

Design features and principle of operation

Kuznetsov stoves are more efficient for heating than conventional duct models

In a channel furnace, hot air moves from the firebox towards the chimney. At the same time, the walls of the structure are heated, from which heat is radiated into the premises. In such wood-fired heating systems, combustion products are removed naturally. The better the draft, the faster the hot air is discharged outside. The efficiency of the device reaches no more than 60%. Up to 40% of heat "heats" the surrounding space.

Channel models are cumbersome, heating is uneven - in the initial section (while the air is hot), the walls warm up more, at the end of the chimney less. Temperature differences often lead to cracks in the wall structure.

In Kuznetsov's stoves, a different method of removing hot combustion products is used. On its way, one or several hoods are arranged, in which air exchange takes place.

The chambers communicate through narrow slits called dry seams.

The lower hood is combined with the firebox. Under the "dome", due to the laws of physics, hot air accumulates, which heats up the walls of the furnace, while it cools itself. As the fuel burns, a new portion of heat enters the bell, displacing the cooled masses down. The cooled air flows into the second dome, where the process is repeated.

Depending on the volume of the room to be heated, there can be several hoods, they are placed one above the other vertically. There are models where the domes are next to each other in a horizontal plane.

Pros and cons of Kuznetsov ovens

In one of the hoods, you can install a container for heating water

Any design for heating has advantages and disadvantages. Choosing a bell construction option, take into account the positive properties:

  • Fewer bricks in the building as the domes are hollow.
  • Blacksmiths are smaller in weight, and the foundation is simpler.
  • The efficiency of the dome models reaches 80%, which will save fuel.
  • Kuznetsov's stoves are built with different configurations of domes (in the horizontal and vertical planes), so tall buildings and spacious one-story dwellings can be heated.
  • Masonry voids and thin walls heat up faster than classic Russian stoves. At the same time, hot air is stored in the domes, and does not leave through the chimney, so the blacksmiths take a long time to cool down.
  • In the second compartment, a heat exchanger for water can be installed. There is no direct contact between the flame and the walls of the heat exchanger, which prevents the metal from burning out. A metal or aluminum tank can be used as a container for heating water.
  • An additional shutter switches the device to summer use - the second and third hoods are excluded from the process, and the oven can only be used in cooking mode, without heating the air in the room.
Kuznetsov stoves are more difficult to clean from soot

At the same time, domed ovens are not without drawbacks:

  • Construction is more expensive due to the higher payment for the work of the foremen.
  • The complexity and configuration of the channels makes it difficult to clean soot and carbon deposits.
  • Impressive geometric dimensions for powerful models.
  • Rapid heating requires an increased consumption of firewood, some of which do not completely burn out at the initial stages.
  • According to the owners, the service life is limited to 15 years.

They begin to build a domed furnace only after a thorough analysis of all the pros and cons of the design.

Varieties for different purposes

Igor Kuznetsov and his team have created a large number of universal and specialized models. Some are intended only for heating rooms, others are supplemented with elements for cooking or heating water. Fireplaces are allocated in a separate direction.

Drawings of the options tested in practice are collected on the inventor's website. For convenience, the structures are assigned alphanumeric designations.


Kuznetsov's heating stove for a two-story house saves on fuel

Various options for the layout of the domes allow for constructions for heating one- and two-story houses.

Heating models are abbreviated as OIK (heating I. Kuznetsov). You can find options with a firebox located inside the room or in the utility room.

For variety and imparting the necessary qualities, there are stoves, supplemented with warm stove benches (OIK-6 lying and OIK 19 lying) and seats (OIK-7s).

Some products have built-in ovens. In this case, the letter D has been added to the code designation, for example, OIK-5D.

Furnaces with a built-in fireplace also belong to heating ones.

Models RTIK (Russian teplushka I. Kuznetsov) are needed for heating large rooms. They are massive and need a solid foundation.

Fireplace options

Model with fireplace

Fireplaces, in addition to the heating function, play the role of interior decoration. The firebox in this case is open, the fire can be observed visually. The stoves are equipped with a conventional heating insert, which can be located on the front, on the right, left, or back.

For construction, they choose an option in which it is convenient to service the stove from a utility room or hallway - you do not have to carry firewood into the living room. Working with waste (ash) also does not imply the inevitable dirt in the room when cleaning the ash pan and blower from the hallway.

Variants of OIK-K with stove benches, built-in ovens and a corner fireplace have been developed.


For the organization of a water heating circuit, options have been developed with the designation KIK (I. Kuznetsov's boiler). A steel heat exchanger is built into the second dome. The water is circulated through the system by an electric pump.

Models are designed for power 16, 17, 34 and 64 kW. The first version (16 kW) is equipped with a hob.

Heating and cooking

Heating and cooking model - a structure that fully develops the fuel resource

Universal heating and cooking stoves are designed for homes with year-round use. The model is equipped with hobs and ovens, shelves for heating food and water.

The firebox can be located on the front or side, which allows you to choose an option for any interior option.

Installation of the bench is optional. For large rooms, elongated fireboxes are made, which allows the use of large-caliber firewood. They burn longer, you will have to throw up fuel less often.

The size of the hob depends on the composition of the family. For 2-3 people choose a reduced surface, which saves fuel.

For a bath

I. Kuznetsov singled out bath stoves in a separate direction. There are three types: BIK, BIK BK and BIK PK. The abbreviation BIK corresponds to the purpose, and the additional symbols say that the structure is equipped with a fireplace.

For different layouts, models are chosen that differ in the location of the firebox and fireplace - in a steam room, a rest room or in a dressing room.

DIY construction

Undertaking construction on your own is appropriate only for a person with the skills of a bricklayer. There are many subtleties in furnace construction that only become clear after many years of work. The main points are worth learning in order to monitor the work of the hired craftsmen and independently choose the materials.

Model selection

For construction, you can choose a model with a warm stove bench

Construction begins with the choice of a model. Even at the stage of project preparation, they determine:

  • appointment;
  • the required heat transfer power;
  • configuration;
  • masonry materials and their quantity.

The summary table on the site indicates: the geometric dimensions and heat transfer of each side. After going to the section "drawings for free", in order, up to a brick, calculate the amount of materials. For the drawings of some stoves, you will have to pay a small amount - registration on the site is required to purchase.

Materials and accessories

All consumables are selected and bought in advance, since after the start of construction, you can quickly not find, for example, doors or latches of the required size.

To lay out the combustion chamber of the furnace, you will need a heat-resistant brick

For the Kuznetsovsk stove you will need:

  • three types of bricks - solid red with a brand not lower than M-150, fireclay heat-resistant, better than ШБ-8 and finishing for the outer layer of masonry;
  • sand-cement mixture for ovens;
  • cast products according to the drawing - doors for the combustion chamber and ash chamber, grate, gate valves and views, doors for cleaning channels;
  • wire for bandaging rows based on laying around the perimeter of every two rows;
  • ceiling corners for the firebox;
  • reinforcing mesh for pouring the foundation;
  • asbestos cord for thermal insulation of cast iron fittings.

For work, you will need a trowel or trowel, containers for mixing solutions, a level, jointing, tape measure and a plumb line.

At the first stage of construction, a foundation is equipped, the length and width of which corresponds to the dimensions of the furnace. To do this, a deepening is made in the ground, 10-15 cm of sand is poured and tamped. The prepared formwork is poured with heavy concrete.

The upper edge of the poured foundation is made 13-15 cm below the floor level, then the recess is laid with two layers of refractory bricks. They are needed so that the heat does not go through the floor into the ground.

The time for the foundation to gain full strength is 28 days, but laying can be started in 17–20 days if the construction is not planned to be completed very quickly.

At the next stages, the "body" of the furnace is erected, strictly following the instructions, observing the order and adjusting the horizontal and vertical levels.

The passage of the chimney through the ceilings is provided with thermal insulation, which excludes heating of building materials.

Immediately after the end of construction, a low-intensity test furnace is made. At this time, all substances that give an unpleasant odor burn out, and the walls warm up and dry evenly.

Is it worth building on your own

The amount of methodological material on the inventor's website and order drawings allow you to build a bell-type stove for a bath or at home on your own. In this case, the sequence of work must be observed. Property owners who are unsure of their construction skills turn to specialized firms.

It is better to entrust the device of powerful dome structures to professionals. This will ultimately save you time and money.

In any case, it is worth practicing by erecting a small-sized Kuznetsov heating stove, for example, in a utility room or a shed for pets. Only then can you start building a stove in a residential building. A correctly selected and manufactured structure will serve for many years without breakdowns.
Add a comment


    Why did he make any changes to the bell-type furnaces for Kuznetsov's stoves? He just decided that they had been forgotten and attributed the authorship

  2. Sergey

    But what about hearth furnaces, that the coals do not fly out there And in general why do they think that Kuznetsov's stoves (hood) are better than duct stoves, in my opinion, it all depends on the area of ​​residence and how the house is insulated in our area, bell stoves do not justify themselves, we do channel furnaces



