Varieties of stoves for a bath and a private house

For heating a country cottage or cottage, it is useful to have an ordinary wood-fired firebox available. The most important advantage of such a heating device is absolute autonomy and independence from gas or electricity. In case of unforeseen blackouts, the house will still be heated. The types of stoves are varied, so it is important to understand their classification in order to choose the best design option for yourself.

Furnace classification

Furnaces differ in the way of laying, the movement of hot streams

Previously, the stove was the only source of heat generation in households and businesses. Over the years, it has undergone many changes. In all countries where there is a change of seasons, you can find your own version of such a heating system. The most successful projects became widely known and were borrowed for mass use.

By country of origin

Due to their efficiency, convenience, the most widespread are the following brick fireboxes:

  • Russian - has a complex design and large size. It has a two-zone type firebox, where one part (bakery) is used for cooking, the other (firebox) is used for burning firewood.
  • The Dutch heating system is simple in structure. Initially it served only as a heating medium. Later upgrades made it possible to install a hob.
  • Swedish - a modification of the Dutch design. Efficient multifunctional device with stove, oven, drying area and winding chimney.

By destination

Oven with hob for cooking

All known types of stoves can be divided into options for heating a room, where a hob is not provided, cooking devices with a stove, an oven and combined designs that are universal. In some cases, they are installed for decorative purposes and are not used for their intended purpose due to their low efficiency.

By type of material

The most common material for making a firebox is refractory brick, most models are laid out from it. Potbelly stoves are made of metal - simple welded units with a direct chimney and low efficiency. There are options built of stone.

By wall thickness

The greater the thickness of the heated masonry surface, the greater the heat capacity it has. The heat capacity makes it possible to heat the device less often, but at the same time the dwelling will be heated due to the gradual release of thermal energy into the room.

Russian belongs to thick-walled structures; after good heating, you can not fire it up for several days. The thickness of thin-walled furnaces may not exceed 7 cm. Such a heater can quickly warm up to almost 1000 degrees Celsius, but after fading, the room will cool down within 3 hours.

Any type of brick oven is not designed for continuous combustion.

By type of chimney

External stainless steel chimney

Chimneys are straight vertical, when the combustion products from the chamber immediately enter the chimney. Such designs are usually equipped with dampers for traction control, otherwise most of the heat will evaporate uselessly. Such structures are popularly called cabs.

Multichannel (parallel or serial) systems are more efficient. They contribute to greater heating of the structure itself and the chimney where the chimney passes.

Sometimes combined structures are made, combining bridges with a multi-pass chimney - the so-called summer and winter course.

By the device of the firebox

The furnace of the heating device is closed in almost all known models. Open furnace systems are used in the construction of fireplaces and other similar structures (barbecues, barbecues), built on their principle.

By form

In terms of appearance, there are no restrictions for imagination. Corner, rectangular or square, polygonal, rounded and oval versions can be arranged. There are irregularly shaped masonry, various sunbeds.

Features and basic elements of ovens

Arrangement of the foundation for a brick stove

A brick or stone structure is characterized by the following features:

  • high level of thermal conductivity;
  • the ability to retain heat in its entire mass, and then give it off gradually;
  • mechanical strength and high weight;
  • exactingness to the exact adherence to the construction of the channels and the combustion chamber.

The main elements of the structure are:

  • base or foundation made of reinforced concrete, capable of withstanding the mass of the heating unit;
  • a massive frame, which contains all the functional elements: a firebox, a hob, a grate group with a blower, a system of smoke exhaust ducts, a system of inspection dampers for cleaning the ducts;
  • smoke exhaust pipe.

It is impossible to connect the foundation of the folded array with the foundation of the house building in order to avoid the destruction of the latter.

What heating structures are built from

Furnace elements that are exposed to high temperatures are made of fireclay bricks

In the manufacture of the furnace, especially its critical parts, it is recommended to use exclusively red brick of the highest grade with a size of 6.5x12x25 cm. It must have the correct geometric parameters, be free from defects and inclusions of lime particles.

To tie the masonry, use ordinary red clay or special mixtures based on it. It is desirable for the clay to have as high a melting and sintering temperature as possible.

Ceramics, asbestos cement, hydro- and heat-insulating materials, as well as specialized wire are used as auxiliary materials.

Features of the construction of a wood-burning system

Brick in masonry is held together with refractory clay

A stone or brick brazier has a large mass, therefore, a foundation must be laid under such a structure. The dimensions and thickness of the base directly depend on the size and total mass of the masonry.

All rows, up to the level of direct contact with high temperatures, can be performed on cement mortar, then the masonry is carried out on a special heat-resistant mixture or refractory clay.

The moves of the structure, the proportions of the firebox cannot be built by eye; for this, drawings with the recommended dimensions are used. The material for the manufacture of the chimney should not have jags, cracks, strong irregularities.

Places of contact of the unit with combustible materials must be protected from non-combustible heat insulators.

Criteria for choosing a stove for the home

For the bath, you can choose a compact metal model

When equipping wood heating in a house, it is necessary to analyze several points:

  • The purpose of the brazier - the most versatile is a combined building, which is designed for cooking and heating the room; various models of Swedes will be an excellent option here.
  • Overall dimensions - large structures of the Russian type are not suitable for small rooms, and Dutch women will not heat spacious rooms.
  • The type of fuel - the duration of combustion of the furnace largely depends on this - the longer the period of operation of the unit, the more refractory its components should be.

Analyzing the types of sauna stoves, you should pay attention to metal products.They are compact, do not require the construction of a foundation, quickly heat up the room and will cost the owner much less than brick-built ones.
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  1. Elena Antonova

    And you can put a valve between the hood and the straight chimney, to save heat, at the end of the firebox.



