A person has to spend a lot of time in the garage. In winter, even a high-quality insulation does not save, the cold makes it impossible to perform any manipulations. The way out is a stove in the garage, which you can do yourself, saving on the refusal to buy factory-made products. In order not to be mistaken with the choice, you need to familiarize yourself with the existing types of heating devices, their features, the principle of operation, the pros and cons, and the manufacturing technology.
Garage heating features
When choosing a stove for a garage, you need to take into account that this is a specific structure. The feature is as follows:
- storage of gasoline, oil, grease and other flammable materials;
- a large amount of time that a car enthusiast spends in the garage;
- the car requires a constant air temperature, since condensation is corrosive and leads to mold in the cabin;
- confined space where an increased concentration of toxic substances can lead to poisoning and even death.
Based on the above, a garage oven must meet the following requirements:
- Safety. The product must not create excessive heat, emit sparks or emit poisonous gases.
- Compactness. The space inside the building is extremely limited. The heating device must not interfere with the entry of the car and the movement of its owner.
- The ability to quickly heat up and burn for a long time until the next refueling. The owner of the building does not have the ability to frequently add fuel if he has a permanent job.
- Simplicity of design and the possibility of self-production. The purchase of special tools and materials can lead to additional costs and complications.
- Convenience in service and operation. The room is not intended to spend all your free time repairing and cleaning the heating device.
Familiarization with existing oven models will allow you to make the right decision.
Garage heating methods
There are several efficient and economical devices that can be used to create a comfortable working environment in the garage. All of them are easy to manufacture, differ only in the materials used and the technology of the furnace.
Potbelly stove
This is a classic, proven by centuries and millions of users. The product is simple, inexpensive and reliable. For manufacturing, sheet metal, pipes or used gas cylinders are used. The heater runs on all types of solid fuels, which allows you to dispose of unnecessary household property or waste generated during the processing of the garden area.
For burning in a stove, you can use the following materials:
- firewood;
- coal;
- peat;
- hay;
- straw;
- sawdust;
- bush;
- tops;
- old clothes;
- unnecessary furniture;
- waste paper;
- dung.
The design of a potbelly stove is so simple that even a beginner can make it. It consists of a body in which the grate is installed, there are closable openings for the blower, fuel and chimney.Combustion products are discharged outside through the chimney in a natural way.
A boiler of this type is a structure consisting of a body and air ducts wrapped around it. A special feature of the boiler is the presence of two combustion chambers. The first, small in volume, is loaded with fuel. An insufficient amount of air prevents its ignition, which occurs in the second chamber, where the combustible gas enters. As a result, there is a double heating effect from smoldering and flame.
The device has several outlet pipes, to which flexible circuits can be connected and brought out to adjacent rooms for heating.
The burning time of one bookmark is 6-12 hours, depending on the design of the furnace. The product is easy to use, reliable and durable. The disadvantages include the high surface temperature and the need to purchase a chimney with good thermal insulation. Nevertheless, Buleryan is the most optimal stove that can quickly heat up the garage and maintain a comfortable temperature in it without frequent refueling.
Heat gun
The electrical device is a cylindrical body with a fan and a heating element inside. Control and monitoring devices are installed outside. The product is distinguished by a high speed of heating the room and an equally high energy consumption.
The advantages of the heater include compactness, reliability and performance. The device is capable of heating the garage to such a temperature in a matter of minutes that you can stay in it without outerwear. The equipment has only one drawback. It consumes a lot of electricity, which becomes more and more expensive every year. Therefore, the heat gun is used only for a one-time quick warm-up, and not for constant heating of the garage.
Oil radiator
These are affordable and safe devices. They are housings made of steel, inside of which there are heating elements immersed in synthetic oil with high thermal conductivity. Radiators of various types can be equipped with thermostats, timers and other devices that allow you to set the necessary settings.
The advantage of oil heaters is their simplicity, reliability and durability. They can be placed on the floor and hung on the walls. The downside is the limited heating space.
Infrared heater
Infrared devices heat the objects at which they are directed, and those, in turn, heat the air. The devices can be mounted on the wall and ceiling, placed in any convenient place on the floor. A big plus is that the devices can work offline, without human intervention. If you set a timer, the heaters will turn on and off at the set time.
In addition, the devices have the following advantages:
- ecological cleanliness;
- noiselessness;
- Fire safety;
- the speed of heating the garage;
- durability.
The device has only one drawback - high electricity bills during long-term operation.
The use of heaters
Even a few high-performance heaters will not be able to save the situation in winter frosts, if you do not take measures to insulate the building. High-quality thermal insulation prevents cold penetration from the outside, heat leakage from the inside and the formation of condensation on the walls. It is advisable to finish the room from the outside in order to displace the dew point from the supporting structures.
The choice for external insulation of brick and iron garages is quite large:
- Styrofoam;
- mineral wool;
- polyurethane foam;
- warm plaster;
- penoizol;
When arranging the building, the method of pasting the walls (wet facade) or the frame method is chosen, when a slab or foam insulation is applied inside the form, followed by sheathing with panels or other finishing material.
From the inside, the walls and ceiling of the garage should be treated against mold and corrosion, and then insulated with OSB or chipboard, having previously impregnated them with an antiseptic and fire retardant.
How to create a stove with your own hands
Making a homemade stove requires design skills and working with household tools. The procedure should begin by choosing the types of furnace and the source of energy for the furnace. After that, you need to work out the detailed drawing and purchase the necessary materials.
The manufacture of the furnace is carried out in the following sequence:
- Arrangement of the base. It must be durable and fireproof. The best option is a reinforced concrete slab. If the floor in the garage is earthen, it is required to strengthen it with piles.
- Make a body. Depending on the choice of design, brick, sheet metal, and a gas cylinder are used. The parts are joined by welding or bonding solution.
- If diesel, oil or waste will be used, connect the tank and remove the fuel line from it. Install a fuel combustion system.
- Make and fix the doors, install the grates. Install a water boiler on the side or on top of the body in order to be able to use warm water during any work.
- Make a chimney. An excellent option is a double-walled structure with mineral wool located inside. Such a channel is characterized by high reliability and low thermal conductivity.
- Carry out final adjustment and fastening of moving and stationary parts.
The final step is to check the functionality of the device. A test furnace is carried out, the identified shortcomings are eliminated.
Overview of possible options
In order to make the best decision regarding the option for manufacturing a heater, you should study the features of each design that you can assemble yourself.
Brick oven
Such structures are usually built in large garages, since a brick oven takes up quite a lot of space. Its walls are very thick, thanks to which the hearth retains heat for a long time after the fuel burns out. The wood-burning hearth is laid out of refractory bricks, which are combined with clay with chamotte powder. The optimal masonry height is 9 rows, where level 2-4 is made of fireclay bricks.
It is better to make a chimney from a two-layer steel pipe, around which a brick is laid out. The chimney is led out through the roof or wall, if the upper tier has a complex structure.
Potbelly stove
Traditional potbelly stoves have a cylinder-shaped body. This form ensures uniform combustion of fuel and distribution of heat throughout the volume of the room. Since the hearth will be installed near the far wall, a decision can be made in favor of a square and rectangular body. It is advisable to use a steel pipe or a cubic expansion tank as a blank. The thickness of the metal walls must be at least 5 mm. Welding points must be reinforced with steel corners and rivets. To increase the performance of the stove, thick steel sheets are welded to its sides, which serve as a radiator.
The first 150 cm from the boiler, the pipe wall thickness must be 3 mm, and the diameter at least 120 mm. If the chimney is led out into the street through the wall, the links are connected with adapters with an angle of no more than 30 degrees.
Working furnace
The design of this type allows you to dispose of waste oil free of charge and profitably, which is in abundance in any garage cooperative or holiday village.Oil is a good fuel and gives off a lot of energy when burned. Heavy soot is a by-product. To collect it, a filter is installed at the head of the pipe. Used engine air filters can be used.
A stove is assembled from two chambers. A tube with a nozzle at the end is fed into the first. In it, the preliminary combustion of the liquid is carried out, and the released hydrocarbons through the hole enter the second chamber. Afterburning of fuel takes place there, accompanied by the release of high temperature. The combustion intensity is regulated by a tap and air dampers.
Long burning oven
The product is made from a 200 l barrel or sheet steel with a thickness of 5 mm. There is no combustion in the chamber where the wood is loaded. The fuel smolders from top to bottom, completely burning out within 10-20 hours, depending on the size of the hearth and the volume of the loaded energy carrier.
A chimney and a duct for air supply are fixed on the upper part of the furnace body. Thanks to this solution, there is practically no traction.
The intensity of firewood combustion is regulated by side flaps. Otherwise, the design of such a heater repeats the device of a classic potbelly stove.