Varieties of baseboard heating for the home

The autonomous and central heating system is not always capable of high-quality heating of the room throughout the entire volume. Convection causes warm air to accumulate near the ceiling, and in the area of ​​floors it remains cold. This causes discomfort and is fraught with colds. The way out of this situation is skirting heating, which can be an auxiliary or main source of heat.

The main types of baseboard heating

Heating elements of a warm plinth are placed in a box around the perimeter of the room

The skirting heating system is a compact equipment that is installed on the floor along the walls, not covered by cabinet furniture. The rectangular body is made of aluminum. In vertical and horizontal planes, the products have slots designed for intake, heating and air outlet.

Heating skirting boards, depending on the heat carrier used, are produced in the following design:

  • Electrical. Electric skirting boards are made of cables, tubes and tapes. The products are connected to 220 V sockets and consume 150-280 W of energy per linear meter. To improve efficiency and reduce billing costs, electric skirting board heaters are equipped with electronic control units.
  • Water. Heating water skirting board is an analogue of the "warm floor" system with the difference that the communication is not embedded in concrete, but is laid directly on the surface, followed by covering with a box. The installation kit consists of a radiator block, a distribution manifold and metal-plastic pipes.

When choosing warm skirting boards for heating in a house, it is necessary to take into account their architectural features, the cost of energy carriers and equipment, and their own abilities, if the installation is done by hand.

Functioning principle

Warm currents concentrate from below, then rise up and cool

Unlike convector-type heaters, a plinth heating radiator works on the principle of warm air spreading along the walls on which it is installed. Due to this, the high temperature is concentrated from below, gradually decreasing as the heated masses move towards the ceiling.

The walls act as a screen, reflecting them into the center of the room. Part of the heat is generated by the metal baseboard-battery. Thanks to this solution, an even distribution of the generated energy is ensured throughout the entire volume of the room, an optimal level of comfort in the floor area is achieved.

Advantages and disadvantages

Electric and water baseboard heating has the following advantages:

  • noiselessness;
  • compactness;
  • even distribution of heat;
  • warming up the walls, which eliminates the risk of developing fungus and mold;
  • excellent adaptation to any interior;
  • ease of installation;
  • sufficiently high efficiency;
  • availability of permanent access for inspection, maintenance, repair and modernization;
  • the ability to adjust the temperature in each room separately, including remotely.
Warm baseboards-radiators should not be covered with furniture to avoid overheating of the equipment

These devices also have disadvantages:

  • rather high initial investment for the purchase of equipment and its installation;
  • restrictions on the length of the water circuit (no more than 15 m);
  • high costs for electricity;
  • the baseboard-radiator cannot be decorated, covered with furniture and other interior elements.

With regard to the aesthetic characteristics of the system, the consumer's taste decides everything. One person will like their appearance, while another will speak out negatively.

Technical characteristics of baseboard heaters

Specifications differ depending on the type of equipment and the manufacturer's brand. Among domestic models, the Breeze skirting board heater looks favorably, having good efficiency, with sufficient power and reliability.

The main parameters of the heaters:

  • working temperature - + 50-85ºС;
  • pressure in water systems - up to 3 atm;
  • box height - 12-18 cm;
  • plinth width - 4-6 cm;
  • power - 150-280 W / r.m;
  • heating area 1 r.m. - 4-6 m²;
  • the length of the sections is 100 cm and 200 cm;
  • set price - 2000-7000 rubles / r.m;
  • estimated service life - 10 years.

For the installation of a water, cable or tape infrared warm skirting board, craftsmen will take 10-30% of the cost of the material.

The use of baseboard heating

It is best to use skirting board heating as an additional heat source

Despite the fact that this system was invented over a century ago, it has not yet found widespread use in domestic and industrial areas. At the same time, the possibilities of baseboard heaters are quite wide. They can be used as auxiliary heating in large rooms or as main heating for small rooms.

Products can be successfully used for heating areas of this type:

  • city ​​apartments and private houses: halls, bedrooms, kitchens, loggias;
  • summer cottages and cottages;
  • warehouses, bases, closed hangars;
  • kindergartens;
  • school classes;
  • offices;
  • retail outlets: shops, stalls, pavilions;
  • studios, salons, clubs;
  • public places: theaters, museums.

Skirting-type heaters do not clutter up the walls, providing additional space and space for placing interior elements or decorations.

System installation

Do-it-yourself installation of underfloor heating will save a considerable amount on the services of specialists. In addition, the installation process will allow you to study the device of the heater, which will subsequently facilitate its repair and maintenance.

The assembly of an electrical device is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. marking, gluing heat-insulating tape to the wall;
  2. installation of fasteners at intervals of 40 cm;
  3. laying and fixing the line;
  4. connecting the heater to the network, checking its performance;
  5. closing elements with decorative overlays.
A warm water baseboard is recommended in houses with autonomous heating

To be able to regulate the temperature in automatic mode, the system is connected to an electronic control unit.

Water heating is assembled in this order:

  1. fixing the wall strip;
  2. installation of a distribution manifold and an inlet valve;
  3. loop laying, connection of segments with crimp fittings;
  4. connecting the circuit to the manifold, checking the line for leaks;
  5. fixing a decorative plinth.

It is advisable to install water appliances in private houses, where heating is carried out by their own boiler with a built-in pump. Electrical products are best placed in multi-storey buildings where the use of water circuits is prohibited.

Popular manufacturers

In specialized stores and on Internet portals, a wide selection of skirting heating systems from domestic and foreign manufacturers is presented.

Most popular brands:

  • Breeze;
  • Megador;
  • Best Board;
  • Thermodul;
  • Mr. Tektum.

When choosing a system, one should focus not only on the price, but also on user reviews, which provide real information about the properties, advantages and disadvantages of devices.
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