Piping in heating systems: advantages and disadvantages, installation tips

Any hot water heating scheme includes pipelines. The efficiency of heat supply, its functional and operational properties depend on the correctness of their design and the choice of materials. There are several ways to lay out the heating system: bottom, two-pipe, one-pipe schemes. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.

The main parameters for choosing the distribution of heating pipes

Possible heating pipe routing options depend on several factors. The main ones are the parameters of the house or apartment where the heat supply will be installed. Therefore, at the first design stage, the building plan is taken as a basis.

Water heating at home
Water heating at home

The pipelines are designed to transport hot water from the boiler heat exchanger to the batteries and radiators. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure optimal heat distribution over the entire area of ​​the premises. It is important that the temperature of the coolant is as stable as possible in all parts of the system. That is why you need to know how to correctly make the heating wiring.

The determining factors for choosing a specific pipeline scheme are:

  • System type... For houses with a large area, a heating wiring diagram from a forced circulation boiler is used. An alternative to it can be an open heat supply system with the gravitational movement of the coolant;
  • Heat supply operating mode. This is the value of the temperature of the heating medium in the flow and return pipes of the boiler. The higher the first indicator, the stronger the heat transfer. However, this is reflected in the fuel consumption for the boiler. The wiring diagram of the heating system in a private house must be adapted to the actual characteristics of the heat supply;
  • Total area of ​​the house... The larger it is, the longer the line will be. Accordingly, the cooling rate of hot water will increase during its movement. The water heating wiring diagram should compensate for this phenomenon;
  • Number of storeys of the building. It is not difficult to lay pipes to the second or third floor. It is much more difficult to achieve an even heat distribution throughout the rooms of the house.

In addition to these factors, the choice of a water heating project is influenced by the material for making pipes, the degree of insulation of the building, the likelihood of exposure to negative temperatures on the line. In practice, however, only the optimal heat distribution is taken into account.

To increase reliability, the heating wiring diagram for a two-story house may include control components - thermostats, shut-off valves, temperature and pressure sensors. This will reduce the likelihood of emergencies.

One-pipe heating distribution

The simplest method for arranging heat supply is to install one supply line. Correctly designed single-pipe heating with bottom wiring is recommended for small houses and apartments.

Single-pipe heating scheme
Single-pipe heating scheme

A feature of this system is the installation of only one circuit, which, passing through all rooms of the house (apartment), is connected to the return pipe of the boiler or central riser. At the same time, in one-pipe heating with lower wiring, the radiators are connected in series. Those. the total flow of the coolant passes in stages through each battery.

This method of arranging heat supply has a number of advantages and disadvantages that should be taken into account when drawing up a diagram. In any case, the correct heating wiring in the house must be calculated in advance.

Features of the design, installation and operation of a one-pipe circuit:

  • Minimum material consumption... This is a significant advantage as it is reflected in the heating budget. It is the small number of pipes that is the determining factor in the choice of this scheme;
  • Maximum line length... If heating is done with a lower wiring with forced circulation, this figure is 50 lm. For a gravitational system, the limitation on the length of pipelines is 30 meters;
  • Maintainability of heat supply... In case of emergencies (leakage in the pipe, failure of the radiator) - to carry out repair work, it is necessary to stop the entire system. To prevent this, it is recommended to install bypasses for each battery in the water heating wiring diagram;
  • High value of hydraulic resistance... This is due to the phased passage of the coolant through each radiator.

Most often, one-pipe heating with a bottom wiring is used for apartments and small private houses. If necessary, it can be upgraded. To do this, install a second return line and switch the radiators.

It is recommended to include not only shut-off valves, but also thermostats in the bypass package. With their help, you can control the degree of heating of the radiators.

Two-pipe heating distribution

To improve the quality of the heat supply, a two-pipe distribution of the heating system is recommended. Its difference from the above-described scheme lies in the presence of a return line. Thanks to it, you can more efficiently connect radiators.

Two-pipe heating schemes
Two-pipe heating schemes

The most popular is a two-pipe heating system with a bottom wiring. It is intended not only for single-storey buildings, but also for multi-storey buildings. In this case, the radiators are connected in parallel.

From the main supply pipe there is a branch pipe to the battery, which provides hot water. At the same time, the heat carrier flow is divided, which makes two-pipe heating with lower wiring more efficient in terms of heat energy distribution.

At the design stage, the rationality of using this scheme should be calculated. To do this, you need to take into account the following features of the two-pipe wiring of the heating system:

  • Increased material consumption compared to a single-pipe system... This applies not only to pipes, but also to other components - valves, pressure sensors, etc .;
  • Uniform heat distribution... The separation of the heating medium is a decisive factor in the selection for this heating pipe layout. This makes it possible to provide a uniform heat load for all rooms in the house;
  • Maintainability... In the event of a radiator failure, there is no need to shut down the entire system. It is enough to turn off the inflow of hot water into the battery for a two-pipe heating system with bottom wiring. Further work can be carried out with active heat supply;
  • Possibility of connecting a water floor heating system... For this wiring diagram for heating a two-story house, there are options for arranging a warm floor. However, this will increase the volume of the coolant in the system, which will affect the required boiler output.

The presence of a second line will directly affect the complexity of installation. If for a one-pipe heating distribution scheme from the boiler it is possible to hide the supply line in the wall or a false panel, then for a two-pipe scheme this option will be problematic. The way out of this situation is to install the system in the floor. At the same time, inspection hatches are necessarily installed in two-pipe heating with lower wiring to monitor the state of the system in key areas.

For a two-pipe distribution of a gravity-type system, large diameter pipes are installed - 40 mm. This will reduce the hydraulic resistance and increase the speed of hot water movement.

Vertical piping

How to make heating wiring for a two or three-story house yourself? The best option in this case is a vertical layout. It consists in installing one or more heat supply risers to which the remaining circuits are connected.

Vertical heating distribution
Vertical heating distribution

In practice, there are horizontal channels in the system, which are located at the highest point in the circuit. They are designed to supply the coolant to the rooms below. For the correct wiring of heating in the house, all heat supply indicators should be accurately calculated.

These include pressure, hydraulic and thermal distribution. A feature of this system is the high water resistance that must be overcome for the fluid to circulate. Therefore, in order to correctly make the heating wiring, the pump parameters should be calculated. In the case of a gravitational system, the vertical riser will function as a booster. Large diameter pipes should be used for it.

In addition, the following features are characteristic of the vertical layout of the heating system in a private house:

  • Laying pipes in the attic... If it has poor thermal insulation, it is necessary to protect the structures from the effects of negative temperatures. Therefore, before you make the heating wiring yourself, you should think over the insulation system of the highways, or install a heating cable;
  • Natural circulation operation... Even with the correct wiring of heat supply in the house, situations may arise when the operation of the circulation pump is impossible. In this case, the temperature expansion of the water in the booster riser must at least partially compensate for the pump stop;
  • Minimum chance of airlock formation. To do this, it is necessary to install air vents in the heat supply wiring diagram of a two-story house on a horizontal line - at the beginning and end.

The disadvantage of this system is the placement of pipes along the wall. It is problematic to hide them, since it is forbidden to make strobes on a load-bearing wall. Arrangement of false panels will reduce the useful living space. That is why the lower distribution of the heating system is most often found, which is more aesthetically pleasing than the one described above.

The minimum length of the booster riser should be 3 lm. Only such a correct heating wiring will create the necessary pressure in the system for liquid circulation.

Lower routing of heating pipes

Most often, for systems with forced circulation, a heating circuit with a lower wiring is used. It differs in the location of the highways - they are mounted at the base of the floor or under a decorative surface.

Heating circuits with bottom wiring
Heating circuits with bottom wiring

The advantage of this scheme is the ability to choose the location of the supply and return lines. To do this, you can use the radial or series bottom wiring of the heating system. In the first case, the distribution takes place at the expense of a collector or a system of tees installed in the system. From them there are separate lines for each radiator or battery group.

For such a two-pipe heating system with a bottom wiring, an even heat distribution is characteristic. But at the same time, the consumption of material increases, the likelihood of emergencies increases.

Most often, a classic two-pipe heat supply with a lower wiring is made, when the supply line and return line run along the walls in the house. This technique reduces the labor intensity of the heating installation, increases its reliability and safety.

The advantages and disadvantages of the lower wiring of the heat supply system are as follows:

  • Reduction of heat losses... They are characteristic only for the upper version of the distribution of heating pipes, when the lines pass in the attic;
  • Distribution of heat energy to rooms in the house... To do this, you need to install special devices - thermostats. Installation is carried out both in the piping of the radiators and in separate sections of the pipelines;
  • Start-up before completion of repair... This applies to the wiring diagram of water heat supply with both open and hidden installation;
  • Uneven pressure in areas... This is due to the parallel connection of the radiators. To minimize this phenomenon, it is recommended to install in a heat supply with a lower distribution of the hydraulic distributor;
  • Increased likelihood of air congestion... To avoid this, during system startup, open the Mayevsky taps on all radiators and wait for air to be removed.

Also, in a similar wiring diagram for heating from a boiler, a safety group is necessarily installed. It includes an air vent, drain valve and pressure gauge. In the event of a critical increase in pressure, these devices stabilize the parameters of the system.

Observe the minimum distances between the flow and return pipes. It depends on their material of manufacture and diameter. The recommended distance should be at least 7 cm.

Heating pipe installation rules

After choosing the optimal wiring diagram for the heat supply system in a private house, you can proceed to the installation process. To reduce labor intensity and better organize this process, it is recommended to read the advice of professionals.

Installation of heating pipes
Installation of heating pipes

First, you should draw up a layout of the highways and indicate the location of the main components - radiators, control and shut-off valves, as well as the boiler. For this, it is recommended to take as a basis the plan of a house or apartment. All the details of the project should be marked on it. After that, you can proceed with the installation.

Installation rules directly depend on the selected heating scheme. It can be a forced or natural circulation system, one-pipe or two-pipe. Below are general recommendations for self-wiring heating pipes:

  • Piping slope in a natural circulation scheme... It should be about 5-8 mm per 1 lm. highways. It is recommended to do this for a forced circulation system as well. Thus, it is possible to ensure the operability of heating even in the absence of electricity;
  • Compliance with the distance between pipe fittings... It depends on the diameter. For pipes from 16 to 25 mm, it is 2.5 m. If products with a diameter of 25 to 40 mm are used, the distance between the attachment points must be at least 3 m;
  • Minimum number of turning units... This will reduce the hydraulic resistance in the system;
  • High temperature system... An asbestos cord must be used as a cushioning material. Unlike rubber gaskets, it will not lose its properties even when the temperature reaches + 100 ° C.

After the final installation, the system is pressurized. This is necessary to check the quality of all connections. Only then can a heating test run be carried out.

To check the correctness of the drawing up of the heating pipe layout, it is recommended to load the project into the program for calculating the heat supply parameters. The result will help to identify weaknesses and even at the design stage it will be possible to improve the system.

In the video, you can familiarize yourself with the features of drawing up a diagram of one-pipe and two-pipe heating:

Add a comment

  1. Gene

    I read the article and did not understand, but what is better? Which system should I choose when heating a house of 140-160 square meters?

    1. Valery Shumanov author

      For each specific case, you need to make your own calculations.Each system has its own pros and cons.
      The two-pipe system is better and more reliable, which is what we recommend, but with a limited budget, it may not work.



