Heating radiator sections: quantity calculation, assembly instructions and the necessary tools for this

Is it possible to independently change the configuration of the radiator, increase or decrease its heat transfer? This problem can be solved if you first understand the design. Therefore, you need to find out the specifics of each type of heating radiator section: quantity calculation, assembly instructions and operational properties.

Design features of radiators

Radiator section design
Radiator section design

Before assembling the heating radiator sections, you should find out the structural features of this heating element. Its main task is to transfer thermal energy from the coolant to the room. Therefore, it must have a large heating area.

Inside there are 2 channels through which hot water flows. From them, heat is transferred to the surface of the battery. According to this principle, aluminum, cast iron and bimetallic models are made. Steel most often have a non-separable body.

How to calculate the number of heating radiator sections and what needs to be taken into account?

  • Heat loss in the room... They will determine the required heating energy to compensate and maintain a comfortable temperature;
  • Section power density... It depends on the material of manufacture, the dimensions of the structure and must be indicated by the manufacturer;
  • Thermal operating mode of heating... For low-temperature, it is not recommended to install the maximum number of sections in the heating radiator. This can lead to reduced water heating and thermal imbalance in the following areas.

When choosing a material of manufacture, it is necessary to consider not only the performance of radiators, but also the possibility of self-installation (dismantling) of sections. At home, this can only be done with aluminum and bimetallic models.

There are non-separable types of sectional radiators. Their channel is an all-metal pipe. It is impossible to resize them.

Calculation of the number of sections for heating radiators

Heat loss at home
Heat loss at home

Correct calculation of sections of bimetallic heating radiators begins with an analysis of the room where they will be installed. Its basis is the calculation of heat losses in the house. Most of them happen through walls and windows.

They should become the basis for calculating the number of heating radiator sections per room. The comfortable temperature in the room should be 18-22 ° C. Based on this, the thermal mode of heating is selected, and as a result, the parameters of the batteries.

It is recommended to first insulate the outer walls and then select batteries based on the building's thermal insulation characteristics.

Approximate calculation

The material of the walls and the characteristics of the insulation are not always known. In this case, an approximate calculation of the number of sections of cast-iron heating radiators is made. To do this, you can use two techniques:

  • 10 m² of area requires 1 kW of thermal energy;
  • For 1 m³ of room volume, the heating system must generate 34 watts.

As an example, you can calculate the number of heating radiator sections for a 20 m² room with a standard ceiling height of 2.55 m. In this case, the total volume is 51 m³. Let's assume that the heat output of one section is 160 W. We calculate their number:

  • By area - 20m² * 0.1kW / 0.16kW = 12.5 or 13 sections;
  • By volume - 51 * 0.34 = 17.

As you can see, when calculating according to the last method, the number of sections is significantly larger.This is due to regulatory requirements.

Exact calculation

Thermal conductivity of materials
Thermal conductivity of materials

To accurately calculate the maximum number of sections in a heating radiator, it is necessary to operate with the characteristic of the thermal conductivity of materials. This indicator determines how much heat will leave the room through the walls.

First, the total area of ​​external walls and, separately, of window structures is calculated. Suppose the former occupy 2.55 * 5 = 12.75 m². The total area of ​​the window is 3 m². Then, to calculate the sections of bimetallic heating radiators, we will find out what materials were used in the construction of the house. Most often it is a building brick, the thermal conductivity of which is 0.16 W / m * C.

But for the correct calculation of the number of heating radiator sections per room, you should find out the thickness of the walls. This is necessary to calculate the heat transfer resistance - the coefficient inverse of thermal conductivity. On average, the thickness of the supporting structures is 0.6 m.

We calculate the heat transfer resistance for 1 m²:

0.6 / 0.16 = 3.75 m2 * s / W

Based on this, the heat losses for the wall will be:

(1 / 3.75) * 12.75 = 3.4 kV

Using the same principle, we calculate heat losses through window structures, taking the average value of heat transfer resistance 0.9 per 1 m2:

(1 / 1.9) * 3 = 1.57 kW

The final heat losses in this case will be 3.4 + 1.57 = 5 kW. This figure must be taken as a basis for the correct calculation of the number of sections of cast-iron heating radiators, in which the specific heat output is on average 200 W:

5 / 0.20 = 25 sections

This amount is not overestimated, since according to the initial data the wall is not insulated. If you install at least 100 mm of expanded polystyrene on the outer wall, then the estimated number of heating radiator sections will significantly decrease. The heat transfer coefficient of polystyrene foam is 0.015 W / m * s. Then the heat losses will consist of the sum of the heat transfer resistance of the walls and insulation:

(0.6 / 0.16) + (0.1 / 0.015) = 10.41 m2 * s / W


1.22 + 1.57 = 2.77 kW

2.77 / 0.2 = 14 sections

As can be seen from the calculation of the maximum number of sections in a heating radiator, even a relatively small insulation significantly reduces the heat loss of a room.

In addition to walls and window structures, heat losses through the ceiling and floor must be taken into account. This is especially important for the first floors of private houses without a basement.

DIY heating radiator assembly

Mounting key and connection assembly of the radiator section
Assembly key and connection assembly of the radiator section

Having completed the calculation of the sections of bimetallic heating radiators, you can start assembling them. If possible, it is best to entrust this work to professionals. Most often, trading companies provide this service.

For self-assembly of the heating radiator section, you will need a special key. If this is a one-time event, it is best to rent it. Each channel of the battery must have a thread onto which a nipple is screwed - a steel pipe. Valley key bar allows you to assemble radiators with up to 7 sections.

The thread direction in the nipple is different. Those. to connect the heating radiator section, it is enough to install it in the mounting groove and tighten it with a wrench. After the final assembly, the tightness of the structure is checked and pressure testing is mandatory.

The video material describes in detail the specifics of the installation of radiator sections:

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